Transformers Review Podcast

Posted by on 28. 06. 2007in Uncut Podcast


Hey there guys! As promised, we JUST got back from a screening of Transformers and we now present to you our review. Doug, Darren, Bruxy and I all weigh in with our opinons on teh film for 30 minutes. There are NO spoilers in this review other than what is clearly given away in the various trailers and TV spots. So take a listen if you’d like:

Listen to the Review now:

Or download the show here

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61 Responses to “Transformers Review Podcast”

  1. Moe says:


    Hey John, I was the guy in the yellow hat who shook your hand in the line.

    As someone who considers Transformers an integral part of his childhood, & someone who wants to see a good action flick, this movie nails both aspects right on the head.

    There are slow paces in the film, but they don’t last long. And the voice work was fantastic. I’ll be having nightmares of Barricade tonight.

    Frenzy was odd, but I wouldn’t want to meet him in a dark alley.

    Anyway, was great to meet you and to be at the sneak peek too.

  2. Moe says:

    And one more thing…to those who haven’t seen it…

    Don’t be put off by anything you’ve read or seen in the commercials. When taken out of context, it all appears cheesy. But in context, it does work nicely.

    And Shia LeBeouf was brilliantly hilarious in this.

  3. Clone_tk422 says:

    Awesome cant wait to hear your thoughts..

    Two things I have to say:

    1) I thought we would have to wait 30 mins or more to get our first glimpse of transformers but this movie grabs you from the first 5 minutes and doesnt muck around and gives you a transformer and some action.. and then it starts to get into the story line - Bravo!! I was hooked.

    2) Shaky Cam in the action sequences in the end.. Need I say more..

    But I loved it and need a second viewing

  4. Kristina says:

    RELIEF!!!! So it’s worth a watch? Whew! I was watching this show download with baited breath, seriously.

  5. Clone_tk422 says:

    Moe Says. “When taken out of context, it all appears cheesy. But in context, it does work nicely.”

    I agreee totally.. and the same for Frenzy as well it was cheesy and bit jar jar but for me it worked

  6. Russ says:

    I honestly cant read anything about this movie anymore without getting worked up into an excitment frenzy, i already have my ticket for the third, for the first showing of the day, ticket number 0000001 sold.

    I dont think i can wait though, i know iam going to end up going to the midnight advanced screening

  7. Vincent says:

    Just saw it yesterday: met my expectation, but a lot disappointments.

  8. Joey says:

    Saw the movie thursday night, I HATE THE LIPS ON OPTIMUS. 95% of the movie you see his lips!!! Other than that, I had loads of fun, and Frenzy sucked.

  9. Audioout says:


    Dark Knight trailer is on the nets for real this time. Get on it!

    The Joker sounds PERFECT.

  10. Blaze87 says:

    I’m going to a midnight showing the day before it’s released.

  11. Blaze87 says:

    What are talking about Audioout?

  12. Audioout says:

    Sorry, it’s off topic, but I thought it deserves attention.

  13. Vincent says:

    Just a few comments about the movie:



    - About 50% of human side story - exactly I expected, human story is cheap to make, so they are the fillers of the movie. Overall in the story human are the main characters, but in the anime series we see autobots and decepticons as main characters.

    - Humor was alright but a little too much. I think I wanted a dark and edgy Transformers.

    - The Sound Analyst sub-plot non-consequential.

    - Robot design: Autobots are much more recognizable and to the spirit of old series, where Decepticons are really off, they don’t seem to be some aliens from the same planet. Frenzy is way off as a Transformers-like robots IMO. Some of my friends (who didn’t watch much TV series) at the theater told me they can’t tell who is who with the Decepticons and I am not surprised.

    - Plot: where did it say that pushing the cube into Megatron will destroy him - just like that?

    - Optimus KO Bonecrusher - awesome. But he is a little to much of a pushover when fighting Megatron (yes I know Megatron is supposed to be powerful but I exepcted a evener match).

    - Special Effect: the robots feel light, they doesn’t seem to have the heaviness you would expect from the giant fucking robots.

  14. Ty says:

    AudioOut that trailer is a fake, i saw that trailer two months ago, some dude made it, the real teaser trailer will be shown with Harry potter movie coming out next month

  15. Lou says:

    Great to hear you guys enjoyed it. Please do a followup when you see it again and tell us if your ratings change.

  16. Blaze87 says:

    Nice Audioout, it’s legit, can’t wait to see that trailer in the theater.

  17. john stamos says:

    good stuff guys


  18. Vincent says:

    Oh right Optimus’ lips are way too under and unsexy.

  19. PHIL from LI NY says:

    John, one thing you didn’t comment on… The voices. Can you tell us if they worked out? How is Hugo Weaving as Megatron?

  20. Gfunk says:

    Thanks for getting this up guys. I was glad to here the positive reviews and could tell from the first few words by the tone in most eveyones voice how much it was enjoyed!

    Now how the hell amd I going to make it until Monday night? It can’t come soon enough!

  21. Blaze87 says:

    Ty, I saw that fan made trailer your refering to, this was’nt fake.

  22. Beejag says:

    Hey guys great podcast as usual, i just saw the movie tonight and personnally i fucking loved every second of it, yes it was silly, yes the plot is paper thin, but holy shit, as a kid who actually grew up with this in my toddler years, i was enthralled for the entire film, start to end and cant wait for the inevitable sequel.

    Also and this is a sidething but its been freaking driving me crazy since i saw the film, in our theater in front of the movie there was only one trailer for a film i missed the title of, where basically during a party when some kind of monster or some form of other unseen thing roars and then all hell ensues, anyways i was curious if you or anyone else knew the title of the film or anything else about it. thanks


  23. Ty says:

    looks fake to me but thats probably cuz the quality is bad

  24. Bill says:

    Loved the review guys, and already have my ticket for Monday. Was there a problem with the podcast? It cut off right after you spoke about Bernie Mac, about 18 minutes in or so, so we never heard the rest of Autobot opinions after Bumblebee?


  25. Kristina says:

    Did you download it? My download works fine.

  26. scoville says:

    How would you respond to this review?

  27. The Poster says:

    With the four fresh reviews from RT.

  28. Clone_tk422 says:

    What a load of crap review.

    I feel really sad for that poster sounds like they missed out on having an enjoyable movie experience which was there for the taking

  29. Nazz says:

    I have to agree with most of you guys have just said. It is funny listening to you guys comparing “Frenzy” with “Jar-Jar” because my friends and me were talking about that last night. Didn’t mind the soldiers that much, but have to agree with Doug about the hackers. I really were not impressed by them. I didn’t really mind Megan Fox that much since my girlfriend said that she would have a threesome with me and Fox. I didn’t mind the scene where Sam was talking to her about being “mechanical” since I know when I get the DVD, I’ll slowmo the scene with the view of her great body and I’d have to say I’ll be rubbing my “droodle” the whole time.

    I gave this movie an 8 out of 10

  30. Ty says:

    someone recorded the first 3 min of the movie and put it on youtube, i wont tell you what happens except that Hearing primes voice again after 20 years, sent chills down and up my spine

  31. donTom says:

    Thank you John and guys! It has been a long ride ’til this point… Wow! I jumped your wagon when I first heard about the controvercy with Paramount last year and have been a fan ever since. For a year now I have been on your site every day checking if you had any news or thoughts about Transformers and started to like everything and everyone of The Movie Blog. And tonite (well actually morning for me..) it all kind of came to a climax with the podcast, and now it feels like an era is over.. I feel a little empty.. But I’m happy you guys loved the movie (except Doug maybe..), so did I - Actually it is even better the second time, because you see more since you are not as blown away as you are the first time!
    Ok - I’m expecting Indy to be the next big thing, but I know that I’m going to be joining you on whatever ride you are taking!

    love and thanks from a rainy and cold Finland

  32. Kristina says:


    You have been sent forth to tempt me with delicious clips galore, but I will not fall prey to your evil temptations. I WILL NOT!!!

  33. Clone_tk422 says:

    you know, given the mixed reviews which are out there already is it too early to predict this could be one of those movies that will divide people..

    Either you love it or hate it?

  34. Kristina says:

    Either way, it’s gotta be better than overcomplicated pirate shit, big green turds, or emo superheroes smacking their bitches up.

  35. bullshit_h8er says:

    I must say Doug Nagey…..u are a GOD!!!! you think the exact same way i do….i love the lazerbeak movie refrence, he is the best recon bot EVER….fuckin yea MORE PRIME…..Nagey you are the main reason i listen to the podcast….classic….good podcast fellas….nice……keep up the good work

  36. The Poster says:

    The funny thing is that news coming out of Entertainment Tonight saying that the sequel is already given the green light. So I guess the total period of time from the previous TF era to the next one only lasted couple hours, lol.


  37. Sir Jig-A-Lot says:

    i very much dug it!i’m curios on John’s take in regards to it having a lot of the cliches he hates.

  38. Pineapplehead says:

    None of you guys mentioned anything about Jazz, who in my opinion was WAY more like his cartoon counterpart than Ironhide (although I still loved the latter).

  39. melbye says:

    I have two major problems with this movie.

    1. The soldiers. They werent needed at the end, and took away from the action

    2. It took too long to get to the Decepticons, escpecially Starscream who is completley wasted in thismovie

  40. melbye says:

    Posted a little early.

    The movie itself was a a spinechilling experience. The robots, the intro(both of them), the action was almost perfect.
    Loved Shia and Megan

    But i had to laugh when some of Campeas most hated cliches showed up

  41. Henry from Dallas says:

    i am really pumped bout this flick…i saw a peterbilt truck on my way home work and nearly lost my shit

  42. Pat says:

    I do not want the read the comments. Don’t trust you people not to spoil it for me. Sounds sweet though. Next week can’t come soon enough!

  43. Vix says:

    I enjoyed Transformers A LOT. It exceeded the expectations that I had for it and I want to watch it again!

    Shia was fantastic in this and I’ve definately become a fan. The whole family dynamic and his dynamic with Bumblebee is just great.

  44. Phil Gee says:

    Darren sounds like he’s bouncing around the room with joy. Thanks for this guys; all i wanted was for the movie to be a huge, fun ride and for Megatron & Prime to be kick-ass. Now i know that i’ll get that. I hope some videos are going to be on the site later.

  45. Naught says:

    @PHIL from LI NY
    I didn’t hate Megatron’s voice, altho I felt he could be a lil less Hugo Weaving. Honestly at some points he was talking and I sorta thought ‘oh geez are we watching The Matrix now’. But overall I didn’t really mind him.

    You can watch all the clips you want and TRUST ME MICHAEL BAY DIDN’T SHOW US SHIT. You’d think after all the amazing shots he gave us in the trailers and the clips, you’ve seen it all and the movie couldn’t get better, you’d be wrong. I spent almost the whole time with my mouth gaping. Every little thing hooked me in. Even the scenes you’ve seen in the trailers, looked kick your ass awesome in the theaters. And I’m sorry but I think you might have to endure some Linkin Park, they were playing in the credits and there were still some things going on in it, just bring ear plugs will ya.

    I just wished they’d spend more time with the Decepticons, as it was really hard for me to tell who was who. They’re all about the same color, I only knew Starscream and Megatron and Barricade. The rest, I’m lost.

    Look at it from the eyes of a girl (22 yo is still a girl yo) who can’t remember the cartoons that much, didn’t know TF top to bottom, Frenzy was cool. Yes I hated the critter almost chinese noise he was making (even with chinese intonation, seriously filmmakers), but as for he himself, it was cool. It’s the little little thing he did that made me go wow. I thought the way they did him was ingenious, he could’ve been much more hateable.

    Optimus Prime is the Daddy. Lemme just get that straight. I thought the flames looked too cool, his blue paint is outta this world. I wanna bear his children.

    Audio needed to be louder tho. At times I felt the cinema was a bit too quiet, when you need it to be thumping loud.


    I’d love to see Decepticons killing more humans (did they kill any?) they were awe-inspiring, you feel like you want to drop to your knees at the sight of Barricade but there just isn’t enough humans killed. I wanna see human blood people! Spilled by Decepticons!! GODDAMMIT!

    When Megatron cornered Sam on top of the building, why the FUCK was he talking to Sam, asking him to surrender the Cube?? That was stupid methinks.

    Everybody everywhere knows morse code. Huh? The Australian chick was useless, sorry I’m not being racist but every black guy in the movie was useless, they weren’t needed in the movie at all. Oh except Bernie Mac. He was surprisingly not annoying.

    Jon Voight acting was horrid. ALL the government agents’ acting was horrid actually. The whole Pentagon people looked so stupid in this movie. When asked what they wanted to do, they just looked scared. I hate hate hate it.

    So much I wanna say but I shall wait another week til everybody watches it. That being said I wanna go see this again. Preferably 2 more times. Maybe Monday. All hail Megatron.

  46. Oliver says:

    I didn’t really like the movie. 5/10 and that’s being generous. Here’s my rundown. Warning minor spoilers.

    too many plot holes, cheesy bits, boring characters, more plot holes, lips on the transformers, the jar jar binks robot, “PUT THE CUBE INTO MY CHEST”.. plot holes, one liners, stupid bits.. “my bad!”, “can I please kill the parents”, “no matter what I’m glad I got into that car with you person with whom I have nothing in common and only like cos, like, my other boyfriend is a douche, I’m a slut and.. there are some giant robots around..” needlessly over edited action sequences, poor pacing (not enough anticipation built), not enough transformers, heavy handed attempts to make the transformers more “human”.. and so much more

    I some how managed to go into this with rather huge expectations, wanted to have the dumb fun experience, but just couldn’t. I don’t hate it, I just, I don’t love it, and I don’t think it’s anything special.

  47. Cinéfan says:

    OMG! OMG! OMG!

    I saw this last night, too!!! SOOOOOO F*(&^#^%in’ GOOD!!!

    If you have balls and came-up in the 80′s…even if you don’t/didn’t…GO AND SEE THIS FILM!!!!

  48. Ethan says:

    All this good news! That whole bit where someone said you couldbt tell who was a decepticon was strange; I would think that the decepticons would be dark and the autobots would be bright. No ones complaining here, can’t wait to see it!

  49. doug nagy says:

    I agree with your comments oliver - the cube was whack.

    Personally I think Transformers 2 may be better than this first installment. I understand the difficulty of coming up with an origin, but I was not thrilled at what they decided upon.

  50. Ancey says:

    I can not even wait for this film: I’m having the feeling with my level of taste (which is low, I will admit, I can enjoy watching almost any movie) I will find this movie absolutely brilliant.

    But as for the humans, I’ve been even reading the prequel book (what a nerd I am), and I was even thinking then “get the humans out of the way- I wanna read about robots!”

    Glad to hear it from several people that this film overall rocks.

  51. alfie says:

    i can only guess that people who are complaining about the film being “silly” have either
    A) never seen a michael bay film before
    B) do not know what the transformers are

    Go and watch the original cartoons….the plot of this film was just like something from the cartoons…finding fucking powercubes and whatnot…..was it perfect of course not…..was there some cheesy shit? absofuckinglutely but again what on earth were expecting from a michale bay film? he smothers every can of film in camembert before he shoots…

    i think people expect wayyyyy too much from films like this….i don’t know what more you would want from mindless entertainment?? it was glorious megabudget schlock.

  52. Jay says:

    John, (or Darren, or Doug, or Bruxy)

    Without getting spoilery, how was Hugo Weaving’s voice as Megatron?

  53. Oliver says:

    I’m not Canadian but I can tell you I thought Hugo did a solid if unremarkable job. He was also barely recognizable as Hugo Weaving, which is good I suppose, it would have been distracting if he sounded like V.

  54. alfie says:

    it could have been anyone doing megatrons voice really….it didnt really sound like weaving at all….i love the “you have failed me again starscream” line…..

    i still think megatron is way to busy looking…i would have preferred him to be a little more steamlined as i found most of the decepticons to be a little samey in their look but fuck who gives a shit really….it is a fun film and worth every cent…

  55. krazie835 says:

    Other than the action scenes is there anything worth commenting on? I mean really is there much to this movie other than the action?

    I am sure this movie will be fun but I am kind of wishing that there is more than just plain action action action.

  56. John Campea says:

    Hey Krazie856

    As we said a number of times in the podcast, the musical score was wonderful, the characters were great, their was solid humor and very endearing stuff too. Yes, the movie is more than just action.

  57. Chisox says:

    Alfie I thought you liked the film? LMFAO! I knew all along that post wasn’t you.

  58. Naught says:

    Uhm. I think that’s Alfie’s way of saying he *does* like the movie.
    I am seeing it again tomorrow. I cannot help it. Eet ees too good.

  59. Jay says:


    I’ll be seeing it monday night, so until then…

  60. sarah says:

    The movie was so good, i loved it!!!!!! ive seen it twice already! i really enjoyed the humour throughout the movie and Shia and Megan were awesome!! Transformers is in my top 5 movies!!!

  61. Naught says:

    You know what Jay.. I really hope you’ll like the movie. It has a lot of flaws as a movie yes, but as a Transformers move..if you don’t let it entertain you.. I think you’ll be missing something. But that’s just what I think, and what do I know, eh?

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