This entry was posted on Wednesday, June 27th, 2007 at 10:21 am.
Categories: News Chat.

For those of you that thrive on biopics involving royalty and/or explorers. I present to you the trailer for Elizabeth: The Golden Age.

10 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. john stamos

    the lone fact that clive owen is in this movie is motivation enough for me to see it

  2. ChrisP

    I believe this will be premiering at the Toronto International Film Festival, with a red carpet Gala event.

  3. Marina

    Looks a little over the top but who am I to argue? I’ll be there regardless of the bad reviews (which I’m sure will come).

  4. ryan wimbrough

    cate blanchett, rush and owen? plus its an era i love watching on the big screen … i’m sold :). but i also believe that blanchett did a film called ‘elizabeth’ not to long ago, anyone remember that (i do have the dvd).

    - … out

  5. The Jim Walker

    I never saw “Elizabeth”. But, could this be some sort of sequel? Prequel? sametimequel?

  6. Poster

    It’s a sequel to Elizabeth. This movie talks about later part of her life like defeating the Spanish Armada.

  7. Meli

    It might look a little over dramatized, but I really enjoyed Elizabeth. I’ve been looking forward to this film for a while.

  8. miles


    weather defeats the spanish armada, not the english.

  9. Koko

    This is a direct sequel to Elizabeth in which Cate Blanchett was nominated for an an Oscar which was ultimately stolen by Gwenyth Paltrow!!!!!! Grrrr!!!!!!!!!

  10. Sarah

    Well we can only hope that if it is as good as the first one the Oscar won’t get stollen out from under her.

    I have been anxiously awaiting this movie and can hardly wait for it to come out.

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