The Six Wives of Henry Le Fay Scores Elisha Cuthbert

It looks like Elisha Cuthbert is about o get her Tim Allen wings! She is teaming up with Mr. Allen in an upcoming film about polygamy! We get the scoop from our friends at moviesonline:

Elisha Cuthbert is gearing up to film a Tim Allen comedy called “The Six Wives of Henry Le Fay” in August, which will film in Connecticut, according to the report by ComingSoon, in which she was quoted about the nature of her role in this off-the-wall project:

“It’s this quirky comedy about this girl, my character, whose father dies and she has to wrangle the six wives, they all want him buried a certain way and she just goes through the ringer.”

Elisha Cuthbert arguing with the 6 wives of her dead father is just super hilarious. I am pro - polygamy and think that this marital arrangement is ripe for comedic mayhem. I am not sure if Tim Allen is going to be the dead father or another person in the film, I am trying to hunt for info on IMDB and sadly none is to be had.

I will say that this sounds like it could be the most ridiculous/awesome Tim Allen movie ever. This has the potential to be as ridiculous as Goodburger or Welfare Party. I hope Tim Allen dies in bed with his six wives waking up to see his dead corpse. I for one will be there opening night to check this movie out. More money, more problems; more wives, more hilarity!

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10 Responses to “The Six Wives of Henry Le Fay Scores Elisha Cuthbert”
  1. Kristina says:

    Tim Allen=instant shit.

  2. doug nagy says:

    What if he dies in the movie?

  3. John Spiker says:

    The premise sounds good but, then again, what good movie has Tim Allen made on the big screen besides Galaxy Quest ? The tank from Home Improvement has long gone empty and the guy shouldn’t even be on the silverscreen anymore.

    Moreover, I higly doubt that Elisha Cuthbert has the comedic timing to carry the movie on her shoulders. But that’s just me.

  4. Naught says:

    I totally thought you were talking about Tim Burton. I went ‘huh?’.

    Hate Cuthbert, she can’t act for shit, she’s like Kiki Dunst only people are blinder to her because she’s somewhat more good looking. I hate a personal vendetta against her since watching ‘Girl Next Door’ (yes I watched it pls don’t judge me) and I haven’t gone forward from first season of 24 because I hate her acting so much. It’s saying a lot that she keeps getting these crappy roles.

    I will say that I remember really liking Santa Clause 1. And then that’s it for Tim Allen.. Is him dying or dead makes a move somewhat interesting? Does that need to be answered?

    I know this movie is a rip-off from a book, I think I’ve read this before..

  5. Kristina says:


    I’m not the world’s biggest Cuthbert fan, but don’t miss out on the AWESOMENESS that is 24 just because of her. Get the DVDs and fast forward when she’s onscreen. She isn’t integral to that show, anyway.

  6. Kristina says:


    Doesn’t matter. His skid marks will still be on the film.

  7. Naught says:

    Yes I will watch 24 when I make some sort of headway on my To Be Watched pile. I heard that she keeps getting kidnapped, and the last season almost eaten by a mountain lion? *snort* Does she have any dignity left as an actress? I use that term loosely.

    And Kris.. I WATCHED THE TRANSFORMERS. HOLY SHIT. HOLY FUCKING SHIT. I’m sorry you have to wait until next week, but seriously. There are no words babe. There are no words. My less-than-a-review is on Uncut Facebook discussion board. Warnings about Linkin Park included. If John doesn’t like this movie I am never visiting this site anymore.

  8. Tiglet says:

    Will we see elisha her tits on snootch?

  9. Kristina says:


    Damn you. But Monday’s almost here!!!!

  10. Naught says:

    Am watching it again tomorrow. I can’t help it!! I wanna see it again while the hype is still high. And goddamn the tickets are sold out everyday.

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