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Sisters Grimm Series In The Works

By Doug - June 19, 2007 - 11:27 America/Montreal

We may have news of the next post-Potter sworcery-slinging, youngster series. The Sisters Grimm has been picked up for development; we get the following information from the news masters of Variey:

Josephson Entertainment and New Regency Prods. have acquired author Michael Buckley’s children’s book series “The Sisters Grimm.” Barry Josephson will produce. Pic will be based on the first three books in the projected nine-volume series; four are available in 15 languages and have sold more than half a million copies. Story weaves the tale of orphaned sisters Sabrina and Daphne Grimm, descendants of the Brothers Grimm, on a quest to find their parents.

“People all over the world have grown up with Grimm’s Fairy Tales, and we see this as a huge family adventure franchise,” said VP of entertainment Danica Radovanov. Creative executive Alexander F. Young brought the project to the company.

I have not read any of these books, and probably never will because I do not have children of my own. I will say that the Harry Potter series of films has been a delightful surprise for me, and I find myself building in excitement for the series as it ventures on. If the quality of the story is solid, I hope they are able to bring more fantasy to us through the vehicle of childrens films that adults may still enjoy.

I am already curious to see if the sisters find their parents, and when found, I am interested to see if they are happy with the discovery. I hope their parents are tyrannical ogre breding cave dwellers, or perhaps necromancers that feast on human flesh!! I suppose I will have to wait and see.

For those of you that have read the books or have children that have read the books; is this a series that we should be excited about? Is the story worth being told on the silver screen?


  1. angela says:

    LOL… Ogres… Actually they know who and what their parents are. They were kidnapped by a mysterious group. The girls are then sent to live with their grandmother who lives in this town of neverafters. The neverafters aren’t quite thrilled with the grimms because they are trapped in the town for as long as a Grimm lives in the town. The grandmother is the local detective and the girls end up helping her (rather she wants to or not) in solving crimes. Meanwhile, they are searching for this evil group. Yes… I probably didn’t descibe it as well as I could and made it sound hoakey, but it’s really good and the kids love it. It depends on the screenwriter and the director. After all they screwed up Eragon. I bet the author is excited. He’s really an awesome laid back guy. I met him at a library expo in Chicago. I have a signed copy of his first book, so of course I’m excited.

  2. Xwolverine2 says:

    if this has anything to do with The Brothers Grimm im not watchin it…

    ..boy that movie was utter mierda

    • Attack_hamster says:

      This from someone called Wolverine? I Bet you even have Yellow & Black pyjamas as well don’t you Snuggles

  3. Angela says:

    It has nothing at all to do with. Different author, different stories.

  4. liz says:

    the only bad thing about the books is they all end in to be continued…

  5. Gabrielle says:

    I believe that this movie will be one to be excited about, though I’m just an eleven-year-old. The Sisters Grimm is, to be brief, a story about two girls who-after their parents’ mysterious disappearance-find themselves cared for by several maniac guardians, including some guy obsessed with ferrets. They find that someone-claiming to be their dead grandmother-is willing to take them in, and within moments of meeting “Granny Relda”, they are thrust into the family business of fairytale detectiving. Slowly, they find out about their parents’ disappearance, with the help of Granny Relda, Mr. Canis-the Big Bad Wolf, one of the Three Little Pigs, Snow White, Prince Charming, and even troublesome Puck. Perhaps their troubles will be over soon…?

    Oh, I cannot wait for this movie to come out. I E-mailed an article to my little sister about it, and she’s as obsessed as I am. Only, she didn’t read it for a long time, and I held it over her head for so long…hilarious…

  6. ellie says:

    I love this book so much.When are the casting calls?

  7. babs says:

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)
    my kids (and i) are hooked!!!
    we’ve listened to the the books on tape & we’re anxiously awaiting #5…
    …and now the movie!

  8. Allison says:

    I am very excited about this movie. My mom, little sister and two best friends are waiting happily for it. I just read the sixth book and I’m very happy with the series, though I have a question.

    The movie is based on the first three books, but at the end of the third book, Puck has had his wings ripped off and is about half-dead by the end. Does this mean they’ll be making another movie or they’ll skip it all together? If they skip it, that would be very disappointing. That means the whole fourth book would never happen. Does anyone have an answer?

    • Crystal says:

      Sorry, wondering that myself. But I wish they weren’t blending, they always skip stuff when doing that. Did you see Series of Unfortunate Events? Horrible. I hope they don’t skip that either, it was an important part. And if the first is good they better make another!

  9. Reeva says:

    it has nothing 2 do with “the brothers grimm” movie..thank god.
    me and my little sister would be perfect for the roles of sabrina and daphne! too bad we don’t live anywhere NEAR cali! =(

  10. Dana Warren says:

    OMG I love the Sisters Grimm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When will the movie come out???

  11. Allison says:

    So far, the only thing known about the release date is that it will hit theaters sometime in 2010.

  12. Marilyn says:

    I’m the same as Reeva, Except that only I would be great for the Sabrina role (except my glasses) But the fact is I live too far away.(AK) :(

  13. cindy says:

    i have read all the books that have been published and i can’t believe their would be a movie i loved to see it.

  14. KCWheeler says:

    I have read all the books to my children. Every time i finish one they always ask when the next one will come out! I hope to movie lives up to the books, unlike the movies based on the Harry Potter series.

  15. madeline says:

    I love sisters grimm and i would love to be in it. i wouldnt be one of the girls because well i am not eight and not blonde (urg) but if i got the role i bet i would be alud to dye my hair

  16. Jawanzie says:

    i love the series. and would love to be in the movie when and where are casting calls. call anytime at 404-769-5926

  17. Morgan says:

    I love the Sisters Grimm! This IS something to get excited about!!!!!!

  18. Trip says:

    I can’t wait!!! I think I could play Puck… I’m the exact age of him, and I have Pointy ears and blonde short hair. (We can spike it up later) But, like most, I too live really far away. (NE) D:

  19. Trip says:

    *This is nearly more exciting than the Sims 3!!!
    (February 19 or 20th, 2009

  20. Chloe says:

    I live in Australia, but I am very, very keen on being in this movie, so if the opportunity comes up, I’ll be flying over there. I don’t even mind if I’m an extra.
    I’m 13 years old and I have dark blonde/medium brown hair.

  21. Crystal says:

    The BEST series I’ve ever read. Cannot wait for this movie, but I cannot help but be concerned. I’ve seen them ruin many a good book by turning it into a movie. If you make it, make it good!
    LOVE these books!

  22. Red wings freak!!!!!!!!!! says:

    Have u seen the previews on u tube- sabrina and puck r like 16!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Puck+Sabrina fan says:

    I love the sisters grimm. Yay, it’s about two sisters who had their parents kinapped near 2 years ago and their sent to foster homes. Later, they manage to escape and their long lost grandmother finds them and take them home. One of the sisters believe that their “grandmother” is another crazy sico until she has been captured by a 200 foot giant. By becoming fariy-tale detectives, the sisters go on nine adventures,(thats what i heard)with their long lost relitive, and a annoying fairy boy named, Puck, the sisters reveale who turly kinapped their parnets from a group called the Scarlet Hand. That’s how i explain it to people, hope i did good! Go Sisters Grimm! Woo!

  24. Puck+Sabrina fan says:

    I love the sisters grimm. Yay, it’s about two sisters who had their parents kinapped near 2 years ago and their sent to foster homes. Later, they manage to escape and their long lost grandmother finds them and take them home. One of the sisters believe that their “grandmother” is another crazy sico until she has been captured by a 200 foot giant. They save her and becomes fariy-tale detectives, the sisters go on nine adventures,(thats what i heard)with their long lost relitive, and a annoying fairy boy named, Puck. The sisters reveale who turly kinapped their parnets from a group called the Scarlet Hand. That’s how i explain it to people, hope i did good! Go Sisters Grimm! Woo!

  25. Kennedy says:

    These books are like the best ever written. Love them!

  26. Makenzie says:

    I am a HUGE Sisters Grimm fan!!!! I think that I would be aweso,e for the part of Sabrina, except, I don’t have pure blonde hair like she does…

  27. sg says:

    Please do a movie.I agree do not ruin the movie
    and follow the books.Don’t make it a love story or a freaky crime one.Find an eleven year old girl who has blonde hair and is good at scowling for Sabrina,and a nine year old girl with brown hair who is naturely funny for Daphene.Yes other people got the basics right.They do find their parents (being hidden with red ridding hood)under a sleeping spell.Sabrina and Daphene Then have to find goldilocks to kiss their dad so then he wakes up and kisses their mom.That will be in the 7th book.PLEASE MAKE IT!!!!!!PLEASE MAKE IT GOOD!!!!!!

  28. sg says:

    I could be good for Sabrina because I am twelve and have sandy blonde hair and am a person who has read the books so I know how Sabrina acts.Only thing is I am a ballerina so I would have to miss alot of classes to get down there.I also would not want to do the kissing part and that is the best part.

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