Sharon Reviews Transformers

transformers.jpgTransformers: talking alien robots that transform into cars and other human driven machines who want to destry/save mankind. Seems like a weird premise for a movie, or television show for that matter. But just as the TV show entertained millions in the eighties so, I am certain this movie will make millions of fans and new comers alike weep with delight this summer. This is a real action movie folks, the action is throughout and in great abundance, ithis is one three hour movie that will keep your attention

First off I must say that having Michael Bay come out before the movie and let everyone know that he was going to make sure that they keep the sound up “really fucking loud” was a plus, always nice to see the director sharing his joy and excitement by making our listening experience just a little better. Glad he did because the sound is INCREADIBLE in this flick. They get the Transformers language perfectly. Everything has this super cool robotic voice feel to it.

Here is the plot description:

Dueling alien races, the Autobots and the Decepticons, bring their battle to Earth, leaving the future of humankind hanging in the balance.

There is so much more than this to the movie of course but I want to stay far away from any spoilers so I’m not going to go into too much plot details here.

Since Transformers is a kick butt, amusement park on acid, weep for joy kind of movie I will make my complaints brief and then get onto the good stuff. In my opinion the one area that has room for improvement is the soldier story line. One of the first scenes in the movie has a bunch of soldier shooting the breeze in the desert talking about their loved ones. This scene frightened me for a moment or two into thinking that this movie might be a sappy lemon, of course then some amazing, freaky action started up so I relaxed. The movie continues on in fine form but these soldiers pop up every now and then and each time they do I am slightly bothered. They are one of three human stories in the movie and while the other two are well thought through and properly written the soldiers lack proper ammunition. The dialogue is pretty lame and the story predictable, even the quirky funny soldier leaves me wanting. Luckily for us they have the smallest amount of screen time and the other two human plotlines more than make up for it.

Now onto the good. Where do I start? Ok for the special effects nuts this movie is IT. Total perfection. I am not a big fan of special effects, because, just as with a facelift something always looks a bit off to me, the smile isn’t supposed to meet the ears. But if Michael Bay was arrested next week for harboring illegal Autobots I would no be surprised. I kept forgetting that these giant, kick ass robots in disguise aren’t real, my mind would try and guess how expensive these shape shifting robots must have been to build. The effects are really that fantastic .

Next are the characters. I’ll do humans first; Looks wise the romantic lead Megan Fox is hard to ignore, I am very curious if there was any CGI on that girl’s eyelashes because they are crazily perfect in length, Rachel Taylor impressed me as the young up and coming linguistic code breaker, without too much back story she was able to portray an intelligent woman with some very interesting friends. Shia LaBouf (playing Sam, the kid who gets Bumblebee as his car) is a great comedic actor, I noticed him last year in the wonderful film Bobby and just as with that movie he is able to be awkwardly funny without being uncomfortable to watch and although he may not be instantly likable he soon becomes a beloved character. John Turturro is hysterical as an anally retentive special agent Simmons. Sam’s parents are hilarious, and hit a home run with both of their performances. If everything else about Transformers had been crap these two odd and nosy parents would have made this movie bearable.

As for the Autobots and the Decepticons…well…they may be robots but they still manage to steal the spotlight from any human who is on screen with them, and it isn’t just their impressive size that does it. They get almost as many laughs as the humans for their behavior (my favorite is when one of the Autobots urinates on a special government agent) and their dialogue is written and delivered perfectly. Bumblebee rocks in this movie, he is simply the most lovable character, human or robot, and the marketing works. The Camero looks great, I want one (or at least park with someone who owns one).In the Decepticons corner the stand out robots are a bunch of weird little Decepticons assistants that complain under their breath, very funny passive aggressive little things and you can’t help but laugh at them.

All in all this movie is great. Michael Bay has made his best film to date. There is the perfect helping of humor, sprinkle of romance and blasting of action to make everyone completely entertained and satisfied. As an added bonus they have left the door slightly open for more Transformer movies. On a scale of one to ten I give this a nine out of ten. For a no, go or routh I say routh, this is the full package my friends

Little helpful hint to those who are not familiar with Transformers, apparently there can be some confusion over who is an Autobot and who is a Decepticon. So, very simply, just like with rabbits, red eyes robots are the bad guys, blue eyes robots are the good guys.

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115 Responses to “Sharon Reviews Transformers”
  1. will says:

    im just wondering how action packed this movie is. is it slow in the beginning, spread throughout, or all at the end in the city fight? just curious

    great great news though, i cant fucking wait.

  2. The Jim Walker says:

    So… did you like it??? LOL

    Very encouraging news…

  3. Phil Gee says:

    …And the international friends around the world starting beating off in unison to Stan Bush’s ‘The Touch’.

    Sharon, if you pop by the boards today, could you fill us in on how Hugo Weaving did as the voice of Megatron? What kind of voice does he do and does it work?

  4. Xwolverine2 says:


  5. sharon says:

    All of the transformer voices were well done. Megatron’s voice was very strong and clipped, it totally worked, nothing was distracting or false sounding about it at all. ALthough since I haven’t seen the transformer television show for a long time I can only guess at how close it was to the TV voice, but it felt right cinematically.

  6. TAKATA says:

    im not want to be the (i want my transformers the way i liked) kind of guy.
    since the first review maded by moviegors poped here and there,everybody has said the same thing, this movie has a really caboom slash katapow zoom zip slamoo rythim for almost 2 and 30 hours,the effects are art pieces,the sound are loud enough to made a dead wake from the toomb and that the robots are freaking amazing!!!
    at the same time every single one of the reviews said too this!!
    john,you are a movie aficcionado,a geek assumed and a transformer fan .

  7. TAKATA says:


  8. darnvader says:

    Sounds great. I’ve disliked pretty much everything Michael Bay has ever done, but reviews like this are really encouraging. I can’t wait to see it.

  9. Robert(wolf) says:

    Great review!

    Holy shit, nine of out ten!!!!!!!!! If you Sharon gave it nine out of ten then I can’t imagine John’s reaction when he see’s this movie. I really belive his going to beat off on the back of someones head now during the flick.

  10. Ray Flaherty says:

    I have a camero you can come park in sharon :). And by camero I mean a Kia Rio, but they are all the same when not moving.

    Good news, I wasn’t anticipating this movie a couple months back, but after all the trailers, photo’s and now reviews im wanting to see this pretty bad.

  11. JaySmack says:

    KUDOS to TAKATA! He hit the nail on the head!

    Every other early reviewer has had to start their reviews of Transformers with an apology for how bad it was. I thank Sharon for bypassing that stage, since at this point it’s redundant.
    Let’s recap, shall we. How many mentions of the “great story?” None. In fact, no mention of the story at all. Kinda sounds like two hours of “nothing,” doesn’t it?
    -Any mentions of the “Great acting,” or even “good” acting? How about even serviceable acting? Nope. ShiaLeBouf is “likeable” and everyone is at least “funny” if not “hilarious.”
    I know, I know, it’s a Michael bay flick, so it’s OK if everything about it sucks. All right, so don’t bitch about Uwe Boll or Paul Anderson’s next flick then.
    -Character development. Do the robots ever seem real to us and not just look real? Nope. No mention of any memorable scenes involving the robots interacting with each other, no insight into their world or who they are. All they do is piss on government agents and occasionally fight one another. Oh, and they’re “FUNNY” too! That word came up more than any other in this review, more than even the word “action.” If this movie is any good THAT will be funny to me.
    (I also note Sharon never mentioned how “cool” the robots looked. In fact, NONE of the early reviewers has said that. Sorry, John, guess all Bay’s hard work at making them not “look boxy” was for nothing)

    So, let’s recap all the great reasons Sharon’s review just listed for us to see this “fucking awesome” movie! Uhm, well, it’s funny!….

    A quick tally. How many mentions in the review of:
    CG/SFX: that seemed to be the only thing this flick has going for it; Funny/Hilarious/Humor: 9 mentions; Action: 4 mentions; Story: 0. Sounds to me like the characters are forgettable, the acting less than serviceable and the story non-existent.
    Doesn’t that make this a “bad” movie?
    So, let me make sure I got this right. Great special-effects, plus lots of corny jokes, and absolutely no story to speak of, equals a “Fucking Awesome” movie! This kind of blind, stupid “Go see it! The robots look so real!” mentality would have made sense ten years ago when CG was still new, but today aren’t we supposed to be over that by now? Guess not. And this is why we see a flood of shit at the theaters. We applaud and encourage garbage.

    Remind me again why people whine and bitch about how bad Superman Returns, Spider-Man 3, Pirates 3, FF2 and Shrek were again?

  12. Brad says:

    because all those films were boring as hell, and it looks like transformers grips you with action from start to finish, which is exactly what a film of this type should do.

  13. Ray Flaherty says:

    JAY, I think your taking this to personal. Your treating this movie like Campea is to Halo(WHICH he may be true but you never know).
    If you don’t wanna like it fine, just don’t bash it before you seen it.I don’t like chick flicks, but Notebook wasn’t bad, plus Ryan Gosling is a stud muffin.

  14. John Campea says:

    JaySmack is doing some VERY selective quoting.

    From Sharon’s review:

    “Next are the characters. I’ll do humans first; Looks wise the romantic lead Megan Fox is hard to ignore, I am very curious if there was any CGI on that girl’s eyelashes because they are crazily perfect in length, Rachel Taylor impressed me as the young up and coming linguistic code breaker, without too much back story she was able to portray an intelligent woman with some very interesting friends. Shia LaBouf (playing Sam, the kid who gets Bumblebee as his car) is a great comedic actor, I noticed him last year in the wonderful film Bobby and just as with that movie he is able to be awkwardly funny without being uncomfortable to watch and although he may not be instantly likable he soon becomes a beloved character. John Turturro is hysterical as an anally retentive special agent Simmons. Sam’s parents are hilarious, and hit a home run with both of their performances. If everything else about Transformers had been crap these two odd and nosy parents would have made this movie bearable.”


    “There is so much more than this to the movie of course but I want to stay far away from any spoilers so I’m not going to go into too much plot details here.”

    Also She mentions the story lines are solid.

    This is just killing you isn’t it Jaysmack! HAHA! Everyone who sees this thing says they love it… which is eating you up inside.

  15. John Campea says:

    Jaysmack said:

    “Remind me again why people whine and bitch about how bad Superman Returns, Spider-Man 3, Pirates 3, FF2 and Shrek were again?”

    Because they were boring, lame, no charm, no excitement, no humor, no entertainment. Everything that everyone seems to be saying Transformers DOES have.

  16. Sean says:

    Odd, the guy above keeps saying other review are apologizing for how bad the story is. Funny, I’ve read every review so far and I haven’t heard a single reviewer say or suggest the story was bad. Where are you reading jaysmack? Cause it’s certainly not what I’m reading at all.

    Good review, but I’m still not going to get my expectations up. I sure hope you’re right.

  17. Rodney says:

    I was going to say the same Sean.

    I have yet to find a review that ISNT positive.

    And JaySmack, Sharon mentioned the storyline and said she wouldnt go into it to avoid spoilers. There is a story. She even references that there are 3 human side stories that take place, and how she felt of the weakest of them (The soldiers)

    Sounds to me like there is PLENTY of storyline taking place here.

  18. JaySmack says:

    “Also She mentions the story lines are solid.”

    Hey, John, show me the quote where she says that. I want to see that. And as for my post, please read it before you screed it.

    All she said is this is Bay’s best work to date. That’s like saying a retarded goat’s latest dungheap is his best to date.

  19. JaySmack says:

    Rodney, you’re telling me that in a movie that’s 2 hours and 40 minutes (that’s not a movie, it’a freaking EPIC!) she can’t say what the “story” is “for fear of spoliers?” No surprise there, because NOBODY who’s seen this shit can tell anyone what the story is about.
    Interesting how no other movie in history has had that problem until now.

    Face it guys, this movie has no story, no good acting, and no reason to exist. The story, what there is of it, stinks and I told you this over a year ago. You know it’s bad, like I said, but praying you won’t have to eat your words.
    And your praising it makes the case for why we get a glut of shit from Hollywood every year. You oughta be using the same steel-rigid criteria for this film as every other. Instead you’re hoping against hope it’ll be good. Pity.
    If all you want from a movie is CG, then just say so. Say, “The movie is pure shit, but it’s pretty shit, and that’s all I care about.” In which case I’m sure we’ll see more forgiving reviews from now on of SFX-driven movies from Paul Anderson, et al. Because you’ve all said it: quality doesn’t matter, all that matters is whether the SFX look good. What great movies we have to look forward to using THAT standard.

    Accuse me of being a TF purist-zombie if you want, but I’m not the one making excuses for what’s an admittedly “stupid” movie. I’m not the one slavishly defending a pure turd of a flick. I’m demanding quality and not just SLAM, BANG visuals made purely as a merchandising tie-in. So who’s the real zombie here?

  20. bert belgium says:

    hey jaysmack, if you don’t like it, don’t go see it!!

    and stop your bitchin’ about it then!!

  21. medavidson says:

    I guess it depends on what you want — or why you go to the movies. Me — I’m like Jaysmack — it’s gotta have story. That’s just me. Obviously, some people are willing to value other things — sfx, etc — which is OK as well.

    I think, though, if you look back at movies — even the big SFX ones — those that stand the test of time have story. Story and characters are what make things resonate in our world — they help us relate to the big buck sfx.

    If transformers lacks these bare minimum essentials (story and character) it won’t resonate and you’ll forget about it in a year.

    If you look back at last years sfx bonanza’s — what do you remember about the stories and the characters? And what do you remember about the sfx other then they were great?

  22. Zac Shipley says:

    Jaysmack really needs to stop pissing on our parade.

    I come from the Transformers toy collecting community, and I have a friend who swore up and down the toys sucked and looked stupid, and he wasn’t going to buy them. Then he saw the new Prime and is a complete 180, agreeing that its one of the best, if not THE best Optimus Prime ever made.

    the moral of the story: WAIT. Wait until you actually get to see this movie. If you still hate it, and we’re still loving it, then you’re probably never going to change our minds, and you’re going to have to live with that.

    Me, I’m looking at promoting the director from “fucking Michael Bay…” to “MICHAEL FUCKING BAY!” But I’m waiting to see the movie first.

  23. Noa Altwynn says:

    You know, all these complaints that Jaysmack is tossing out reminds me of one thing that I learned long ago about going to movies.

    “Don’t knock it until you’ve seen it.”

    They are words of wisdom when it comes to the movie industry considering all the crap Hollywood has been trying to push on us for years. Give the movie a chance before you tear into it. Yes, Michael Bay might be “raping your childhood” with this movie but even on the Transformers fandom pages some of the die-hards that were totally against the movie are beginning to turn around with all the positive news that is coming out.

    Just give the movie a chance, you might actually enjoy it in the end.

  24. AjaxLou says:

    If a nonfan like Sharon gushes a 9 out of 10 for this movie, that says something. Looking forward to this with greater anticipation now. This could turn out to be, not only the summer BO champ, but the critical darling of the summer blockbusters as well.

    First though, this weekend, 1408!

  25. C.J. says:

    Sharon, thanks for the review and for keeping spoilers out. Sounds like a fun ride, and I am looking forward to taking it.

  26. Bill says:

    First off, I have to say, excellent review, and it makes me more anxious to see it on July 2nd (already have my ticket)


    Once again, I ask the question I asked in the last thread, and others have already asked here and you are not answering:

    If you have read “Negative Reviews” already, where are they? What are the links?

    Sharon even says about the story:

    “There is so much more than this to the movie of course but I want to stay far away from any spoilers so I’m not going to go into too much plot details here.”

    Like every other review out there, since there is 3 (maybe 4) human stories pending on your point of view, and at least 2 robot subplots pending on how you count it (I have read the book and the leaked script); most reviewers who have seen the movie are choosing not to reveal any plot points, whether on the askance of Michael Bay, or not to ruin it for others.

    So to quote one of the movie greats, WHAT IS YOUR MAJOR MALFUNCTION, SON? You have not seen it, so why are you judging it? You are bashing it without anything to back up the bash, either the reviews you said you have read or you seeing the movie. So why not just take a chill pill and relax until you see it.

  27. Redsquad says:

    Good to read another positive review, as I’ve supported this film from the off.
    Bad to read that the nay-sayers refuse to accept it. I mean, arguing about a film you haven’t seen with someone who has… Bit petty isn’t it? Someone should really wait until they see it, then they can churn out all the vitriol they want if it floats their boat. I still think they’ll be in a minority (albeit an excedingly vocal one!)
    The first bad review that comes along (even I admit there will be some), they’ll jump on it, hold it up as gospel and shout “You see! You see!”.

    I’ve read the comic adaptation and the story is there. If some people are saying there isn’t one or “it’s about some cube or something” then they’re not literally paying attention. The acting I’ve seen in clips is good and the humour works. Hearing that this is typical for the film is great news.

    Besides, I have to wonder what all the haters asking for a “deeper, more intelligent” story have been watching all these years? Compare this Movie to G1 opener “More than Meets the Eye”, in function if not form: It’s introducing the concept to a new generation and hoping to appeal to those who think the franchise is ‘for kids’. Hat’s off to Bay, as it looks like he pulled it off.

  28. PHIL from LI NY says:

    Maybe Jaysmack did not read John’s post about pre-deciding and pre-predicting. Which is a fantastic post and so true.

    Thanks for the great review Sharon!!! Glad to hear that all the reviews have been very well recieved.

  29. Bill says:

    For those interested in spoilers (you have to highlight them of course to read them), one of the veterans of TFW2005 got to see the movie during the LA Screening as well, and while he is not revealing specific plots, he is answering legitimate questions from posters

    More and more, I want 07/02/07 to come, as I already got 2 tickets, 1 for 8PM and 1 for 11:15 PM

  30. Xwolverine2 says:

    everyone here knows Jaysmack will be first in line to watch it just like every other human being


  31. Bill says:

    For those going, it is being said to sit through the credits, as the fate of one of the TFs is shown

  32. Xwolverine2 says:

    theres THREE scenes during the credits if im not mistaken…

  33. Robert(wolf) says:

    Are you the same Xwolverine2, from the hype boards?

  34. Xwolverine2 says:

    oh dear god…



  35. Alfredo says:

    Sharon you just became the hottest woman on the planet to me.

  36. Kristina says:

    First off, about time the review went up. Stayed up past 2 am this morning waiting on it.

    Second, dear LORD Sharon, I hope to God I enjoy this as much as you did. The humans and slapstick humor shit are my top worries going into this.

  37. Kristina says:

    And how the hell does a ROBOT urinate? Unless he pisses WD-40, I don’t get how that’s gonna happen………….

  38. JaySmack says:

    Bert Belgium,

    You sound like a Michael Bay PLANT to me. How much swag is he giving you to pimp his latest crap?

    Bill, I never said the reviews were NEGATIVE, I said there was no one saying anything POSITIVE about the story, or the characters in it. Great SFX and funny acting isn’t the same as saying, “This is good!”

    And I’m loving watching people say how good this movie is even though they haven’t seen it, and STILL don’t know what the story’s even supposed to be about. If this movie were called “Robot Jox” or “Short Circuit 5″ then nobody would be enthused about it.
    Look, don’t hate the messenger just because the message hurts. If all it takes a couple of small facts being pointed out for the Bay-lovers to go ballistic, then imagine how you’ll feel after opening weekend when Bay suckers you into yet another schlock-fest and you walk out feeling robbed.

    And I’ll be laughing as you bitch and whine the very next day about how cinema is getting worse and worse.

  39. will says:

    jaysmack and other haters,

    you really just need to shut the hell up. at this point, you are sounding like a bunch of retarted kids who had already made up your mind about this movie a long time ago. oh wait, you probably are just that.

    we can all see now that it sucks to be you. just dont even bother trying to tell us its bad, you have nothing to go on. you are being moronic. everything we’ve seen, heard from the makers, and reviews points to a great ass time.

    oh, and i will see all of you INCLUDING THE HATERS, there at 8 PM on July 2nd, because i know theres no way anyone can avoid this movie. especially if they are so concerned about wasting their time trying to convince people the movies going to suck.

    you haters have done nothing but convince me you are secretly wanting to see this as much as me. and if you really do just hate everything about this movie, wow sucks to be you.

    cant fucking wait!!!!

  40. Xwolverine2 says:

    jaysmack i understand your point of view… but you are also condemning it before you have seen it.

    and the point of trailers,ads,tv spots is to get us excited …and so we are, because from what we’ve seen its a good adventurous film.

  41. Bill says:


    OK, I will concede that you do not actually say the review is negative, but when you start the post:

    “Every other early reviewer has had to start their reviews of Transformers with an apology for how bad it was. I thank Sharon for bypassing that stage, since at this point it’s redundant.”

    That kind of points out the review(s) you are mentioning are negative

    But once again, I am asking you a very legitimate question and you have not answered. Where are you reading these reviews you are referencing as I have now read 5 early reviews from Sydney and LA, most from TF Fans, and then Sharon’s above, and while there are nitpicked points like a weak story line for the soldiers, etc, these reviews have been nothing but OUTSTANDING for Transformers.

  42. wow powerleveling says:

    I’ve read the comic adaptation and the story is there. If some people are saying there isn’t one or “it’s about some cube or something” then they’re not literally paying attention. The acting I’ve seen in clips is good and the humour works. Hearing that this is typical for the film is great news.

  43. bigsampson says:

    lol i have a bootleg copy of this movie coming in 2 days lol jaysmack is an ass and lol i dont have to pay for the movie hehehehe.

  44. Chisox says:

    When I here “It’s the best dumb summer movie of 2007 by far” or “It’s Michael Bay’s best film yet” that does not give me any assurances. I hear this stuff every-time one of his film is about to be released. I will definitely be seeing this film in two weeks but I am not drinking the koolaid.

    Judging by what I am hearing the special effects are crazy insane. We shall see.

  45. fucktimburton says:

    jaysmack is going through what john mentioned before on uncut

    jaysmack has convinced himself that this movie sucks before he has even seen it therfore no matter howgood themovie is he will still say it sucks and find shit to try and back it up.

  46. Ancey says:

    I swear, all of the stuff I am hearing from Transformers is GOOD. And it is making me pumped to see it. I just hope to God I don’t faint as soon as it starts. I myself have watched about 4 different series of Transformers, along with knowledge of G1 (I wasn’t even alive when G1 came out, but I still love it). It’s great to finally see a Live-action interpretation.

    And Jaysmack: You’d think if the story was so bad, and all other negative stuff to it, that’d been mentioned. But no, it hasn’t. And if it weren’t surely it’d have been reflected in the score.

    9/10 was the review, wasn’t it? I’d say that’d be awful good. I would sit in a full theater to see this opening day, which I have only done once before in my life. Still looking forward to Transformers, and I feel like I’ll be blown away when I see it.

  47. melbye says:

    Yes, just found out it opens in Oslo, Norway Friday June 29th. This si so fucking great

  48. Kristina says:

    Fuck all you foreigners, getting to see this before me. Why do movie studios HATE America this summer? Spidey opened everywhere else early, too.Well, that movie was shit, so I really don’t care but…….hey, wait a minute. Maybe they open shitty movies overseas first to make as much cash as possible before the shitstorm hits American soil!!! Spidey 3 was shit, and hit everywhere else before USA. Not a good sign for good ol’ Optimus, methinks.

  49. Bill says:


    How do you define a “professional” review anyway? At times, it seems the people who get paid to review are totally off base from the average movie goer which is what any review should appeal to; ie “Would you, the average movie goer, enjoy this movie? If so why or why not?” I blog about what I think about movies, and while yes, it is not “professional” but it is my opinion, which makes it no less or more valuable than say Leonard Maltin’s or Richard Roper’s

    I would think, on a side note, with all the press coverage a site like The Movie Blog gets, and awards, they would qualify as “professional” by any standard.

  50. John Campea says:

    Hey Bill,

    just because we get some attention and have won some awards doesn’t make our opinons any more valid than yours or anyone else’s… not does it make us “Professional”.

    But I agree with your assertion that Roper or Maltin’s opinions are no more valid than ours either.

  51. Bill says:


    I am not trying to say anyone’s opinion is worth more than another’s since everyone has an opinion about something at one time or another, and they are valid to that person, if not others. I am sorry if my previous post came off that way. It is just that I took exception to Movie Scorecard saying that Sharon’s review was not “professional”.

    I have seen reviews on other sites, as well as from “professionals”, that just say good or bad, and others that you can tell they are shilling for a studio, but most of the reviews here are concise, say why you felt it was good or bad, and keeps an open mind for the most part.


  52. Robert(wolf) says:

    Theres no escape W2X hahaha

  53. Xwolverine2 says:

    who the hell are you???

  54. The Jim Walker says:

    ZAC SHIPLEY Stated:

    “the moral of the story: WAIT. Wait until you actually get to see this movie.”


    “And I’m loving watching people say how good this movie is even though they haven’t seen it, and STILL don’t know what the story’s even supposed to be about.”


    I couldn’t AGREE with Zac more. Wait until you actually SEE the film and then give your final verdict. (Up until that point, any verdict or final descision on the film would seem to be irrelavant.) Jaysmack, have you seen this film? If you haven’t then you are an over-opinionated, hypocritical, pompous douchebag. (Did Michael Bay molest you as a child?) If you did see it then I apologize for my previous comments, but suggest you up your dosage of Ritalin.

  55. Elr1c says:

    Here are some quotes from various reviews, to support Jaysmack’s claims about the plot:

    “I will start by saying that the plot is paper-thin but it doesn’t even matter. The effects in this movie are probably the best…”

    “The biggest difference from the animated series is the addition of a rather odd MacGuffin (“the cosmic cube” or whatever the hell it was) that is not explained very well.”

    “It has plot weaknesses and some shakey performances but it is hugely entertaining”

    “is Transformers a great movie, brilliantly written, completely devoid of a feeling of big-screen toy-advertisement? No, it isn’t.”

    These are from the reviews on AICN. You can add to them what Takata said. If you find other reviews, you should probably notice that the consensus is that the plot is weak and slightly confusing. Which is not a surprise considering this is a Michael Bay movie and all the recent blockbusters with a messy plot. Most people don’t seem to care about the plot, though.

  56. John Campea says:

    Hey ELR1C

    A thin plot doesn’t mean a “bad” plot, just like a deep complex plot doesn’t mean a “good” plot. The only question is “Doesn’t the plot and the story of the film serve to propel the movie forward on it’s goal of Entertaining the audience? If it does indeed achieve that goal… then it is a good plot.

    Let me go back to my new Star Wars Prequels analogy. The Phantom Menace had the best visual effects in history (at the time)… and yet people were NOT entertained. Therefore, most audiences are not swayed by JUST VFX.

    If people are all coming out of Transformers and raving about how Entertained they were and how good of a movie going experience it was… what does that suggest?

    I haven’t seen the film yet myself… but I believe my enthusiasm for seeing it is justified from what we are seeing and hearing.


  57. JS says:

    The big joke here is that most of you people have actually become satisfied and sanguine with a feature film about giant talking robots from outer space whose sales pitch is a lobotomized story and nonstop generic action sequences.

    The wet contrived dream of knavish toy salesmen.

    Are all of you really the callow pimply-faced pricks in Optimus Prime t-shirts, semi-soiled underpants, and titanic braces that DreamWorks thinks you are?

  58. Xwolverine2 says:

    forgive us for falling asleep during SUPERMAN RETURNS…


    nuff said

  59. Hosero says:

    Jaysmack, how fucking dare you say an unkind word about Robot Jox.

    Good Day Sir!

  60. John Campea says:

    Jaysmack said:

    “The big joke here is that most of you people have actually become satisfied and sanguine with a feature film about giant talking robots from outer space whose sales pitch is a lobotomized story and nonstop generic action sequences.”

    No sir. The big joke is you making those types of claims about a film you’ve never seen.

  61. Ancey says:

    You know what? I am NOT going to care about the negative. as probably one of the youngest people actually replying here, I have not narrowed down my view on movies. I say if the movie is going to have the same plot complication as G1 or any other Transformers series, including the 86′ movie (which is aimed at 7 year olds at the minimum age, so you know), I will be happily entertained and will leave that movie theater as freakishly happy as ever, because not only did I see transformers, I saw freakishly realistic Transformers beat the crap out of each other.

    It is a movie on a franchise that is aimed at KIDS. To say that’s it’ll have a greatly complicated plot might be a bit much. Don’t expect ‘Titanic’ for this movie: but by jove, I put my money down right now it will be worth 8 bucks to see even ONCE for nearly everyone.

  62. Bill says:

    My theory on Jaysmack is he is actually a shill for the studio and is here to gauge the responses by making such bold and fact less statements about a movie he has yet to see.

    As for statements from reviews, though I looked on AICN and could not find reviews based on the movie itself, only the leaked scripts, this one got a chortle out of me:

    “”The biggest difference from the animated series is the addition of a rather odd MacGuffin (“the cosmic cube” or whatever the hell it was) that is not explained very well.”"

    In the movie it is the Allspark, in G1 it is the Matrix. There had to be a major change since in the cartoon, the current Prime always had the Matrix, so they needed to make it where one side or the other was not supposed to control it, which in turn gave both Autobots and Decepticons a reason to come looking for it. Based on the short explanation by Prime in the book, it makes perfect sense if they kept it the same in the movie.

    As for the other comments, yes, they say plot is thin, etc, but do these “reviews” A) actually reference the movie screening or some previous version and B) do they back up their statement with a WHY?

  63. Bill says:

    I found the review in question, and seriously, I can not even take it seriously when he misspells one of the main character’s names over and over. Dude it is BUMBLEBEE not Bumble Bee. How hard is that

  64. JS says:


    Check the IP addresses JC, I’m not this JaySmack person, whoever that is.

    And on what you said:

    ‘No sir. The big joke is you making those types of claims about a film you’ve never seen.’

    My claims are based on nothing but the mass trailers, TV spots, clips, and reviews.

  65. Gweep Wurp the EyeBiter says:

    Wow, there seems to be a little hate in the room. There is a lot of talk about story on the posts, whether it has one and is it good or not. When watching a movie, people are going to have different views on the story. What person A gets out of the story could be different on what person B gets, especially when the movie is Transformers. We should just watch the movie and hold judgment of then.
    And lets be honest people… its the Transformers. You have giant robots beating the crap out of each other. You want a deep and compelling story go rent the Shawshank Redemption.

  66. Kristina says:

    If there is this much vile against this flick now, I cannot wait to read the Transformers Flamewars after this thing is released. I predict the biggest thread in Movieblog history!

  67. john stamos says:

    well js

    so far every trailer tv spot screening and poster for transformers has been good and a lot of the early reviews are good. (i think most) so that there counters your argument

    the thing is you and others like you are very selective in what you pick out….in order to trash the movie

  68. Moe says:

    Just scored 2 advance passes to see Transformers before its release!

    Can’t wait - nice to read the positive review too!

  69. john stamos says:


    why does your “comon thats bush” comment keep moving up as one of the most recent comments

    and i dont think they want you to post spoilers

  70. john stamos says:

    oh right right..woopsy

    i thought you put together the whole movie plot from all the trailers and just put it out there

  71. sharon says:

    Hey folks, thanks for all the kind words. Just so everyone knows, if my review wasn’t clear enough I am not a big fan of special effects, so obviously if that was all that was good about this movie I would not have given Transformers such a high rating. Jay I take high offence to the fact that you don’t consider my review on Shia’s comedic acting a proper revew of acting, comedic acting is the toughest kind my friend, it is way harder to make someone laugh than it is to make them cry.

    The comedy in this film comes from the situations and characters so although there are a few slapstick moments most of the humour is properly placed. Also with the exception of the soldier story the other two story lines are great, they are engaging and endearing, no they are not super deep, but they aren’t thin either. Don’t forget folks this is an action film, not bloody Rainman, not every film works with a heavy story. I’m not even a huge fan of this genre but I believe in giving credit where credit is due, which is why I gave this movie a 9. This is just my opinion, I think Transformers are neat :)

  72. Naught says:

    Too many raving reviews makes me a bit wary actually.. But that’s just me. I will judge it when I have seen it. Call me a dumb ho, but sometimes slapstick humour doesn’t really bother me. As long as it’s not Mr Bean, I will gird my loins and sit through the movie.

    Oh Kristina, you don’t mean that FU ;P You know you love us foreigners.

  73. Kristina says:

    I do mean it! I do! Damn you all! I’ll eat my Freedom Fries and apple pies from now on. Damn you foreigners!

  74. doug nagy says:

    Wicked review Sharon.
    Sharon reccomends good films, my hopes for this film went up.
    I trust Sharon very much.
    She is kind, like an Elk.

    Butter tarts are very delicious.

  75. The Jim Walker says:

    How did i know that Doug wrote that above even before i read the poster’s name?

    Doug! Lay the fierce viking smackdown on this thread and beat some sense into us like the spoiled infant children we are!!! Thy highfather Odin COMMANDS it!!!

  76. Louis says:

    I dunno - you guys are buying too much into this. I never cared when the toy industry would create a product serving a movie, but I doubt I can give my money to see a film that serves the the toy industry.

    Not that I dislike capitalism or anything, but aren’t they pushing this a little too far this time? I will take my kids to Ratatouille and Harry Potter, but will skip this one because of its inability of being subtle.

  77. Donald says:

    i thought this was kind of funny. i live in switzerland but im from america. i was at work yesterday and i asked around ’so you guys excited for transformers? the number one response: ‘the what?’

    NO ONE save hard core fans knows what the hell i am talking about. there has been almost 0 advertising so far. im not saying that transformers will flop over here, im just saying i wont be waiting in line opening night.

    everyone thinks i am crazy. i have tried and tried to get them to understand but it is really confusing for them, in a funny way. ’so, they are robots… from outerspace… and they do what again?’

  78. Jarek says:

    As an outsider (I’ve only seen the first 4 episodes of Transformers in my life, and I’m restarting Season 1 and 2 box sets tonight, and I’m going to see this movie probably opening night or I may wait…not sure) I find it funny that everybody is just automatically giving this movie the benefit of a doubt and claiming that Jaysmack is full of absolute crap, while he is automatically assuming that the storyline probably sucks without knowing anything about it.

    You all know as much about the movie as any other person who hasn’t seen it, so none of you are qualified to give any judgments on it. BTW, I think you guys are being too hard on Jaysmack, although I think he’s a little bit off by screaming that the reviews aren’t saying enough positive things to warrant this being a good movie.

    BTW, I thought the movie was getting pushed up to the 3rd of July, but everyone is talking about seeing it on the 2nd? I’m gonna have to check my theaters now.

  79. C.J. says:

    Louis said,
    “I dunno - you guys are buying too much into this. I never cared when the toy industry would create a product serving a movie, but I doubt I can give my money to see a film that serves the the toy industry.
    Not that I dislike capitalism or anything, but aren’t they pushing this a little too far this time? I will take my kids to Ratatouille and Harry Potter, but will skip this one because of its inability of being subtle.”

    Louis, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Merchandising is often a guiding force for any tentpole adventure film in the current market. In fact, some script changes and developments are done simply for merchandising purposes. I’m not saying this is RIGHT or “Good for the movies in question”, I’m just saying that it is the way it is. Merchandising, of course, includes toys, backpacks, lunchboxes, whatever, not toys alone. New Line Cinema made $100 million in Merchandising rights for Lord of the Rings, (that’s 1/3 of the production budget made up in allowing merchandise (free advertising) to be made), and I can’t imagine how much Spider-man, Shrek 3, Pirates of the Carribean, Harry Potter, or Cars made in merchandising in the last 18 months alone. If movies made for merchandising purposes or with that intent in mind are a problem, then you and yours will be skipping alot of flics at multiplex. It’s the nature of the beast, man.

    As for Transformers as a property, I think it’s more than a movie about a toy line. For many, many children (not myself, I was/am a star Wars nerd) Transformers was THE morality tale of their youth. The brave Autobots, mighty Decipticons, and the harrowing battles they fought not only entertained but engaged and inspired young children. What Transformers is to some, G.I. Joe is to others, legends of the Wild West is to others, and the novels of Jules Verne are to others. They are stories, fictional worlds which help us better understand and relate to our own.

    I’m sorry if that is not your experience, but I think we should value the impact these stories and characters had on others. For alot of people, this movie is about much more than toys; it’s the fulfillment of childhood fantasy, of the promise made by CGI, and the most anticipated film of all time. I’m sorry if the merchandising for this film has turned you off. I know that it can have that affect; but if word hits the street and the film turns out to be good, I would hope that this financial factor of moviemaking won’t keep you out of the theatre.

  80. alfie says:

    if i can just weigh in here with my thoughts……..

    Jaysmack…you would normally have a staunch ally in me…i would be right there
    with you facing the movie blog masses as they attack us with their delusions of
    transformers actually being any good….

    but i saw this film over the weekend.

    It is as sharon says “fucking awesome.”

    sorry to let you down jaysmack….but it really is a great popcorn film. does it
    have a great plot?? no. does it have a bad plot?? no

    does it have a plot? yes….a plot perfectly suited for this type of film. it has
    the usual bay attempts at depths which are just not there or rather could be with
    a less cynical film maker but it is his least heavy handed and it really felt to me
    that for the first time he has accepted what he is…what kind of a film maker he

    the effects are stunning. really good stuff. not to take anything away but I find it
    hard to be totally impressed with things made from steel etc are done well with
    CG…skin, fur, water..thats the tricky stuff but nonetheless these robots look
    unreal…actuaqlly they look totally real.they are great
    ….some of the dialog is hokey. ol…a lot fo the dialog is hokey but you know
    something? go and listen to some of the lines spouted in empire strikes back -
    hardly oscar wilde… this film as good as empire strikes back? ofcourse not
    but seriosuly jaysmack if i can like it then I think you can too…..

    sharon says this is bays best film. While normally to me that would be the same as
    being forced to eat two pies made of feeces and saying which one you preferred but i
    will concur with her statement. it is by far his best film.

    it is a true case of everything needed to be a great summer blockbuster coming
    together perfectly….you have the complete enthusiasm of labouf shining of the
    screen…his energy practically burns the screen up..turturro is funny in a weird
    part for him. his agent character is a great.
    I have always like kevin dunn so it is always good to see him on the bigscreen.

    there is one line that i really hated……..i mean it is full of cheesy shit but
    one line was so jarring and awkward for me that i couldn’t quite believe it but you
    will know it…i don’t want to give any spoilers but spoken during a scene with
    labouf, fox, turturro and optimus prime. i am sure you will all notice it. it is
    awful. but other than that i managed to live with the other is by no means
    a PERFECT film. but it really is pretty much a perfect film of its type. it is a
    “popcorn” film at its finest. you guys are going to love it.

    oh and there is no way this film was ever close to getting an R..i think that labouf
    story was probably him saying something kidding that got taken way too
    seriously… there is nothing hear that could possibly make it even close to an
    R..this is a kids film through and through. and a great one.

  81. Bill says:


    A lot of theaters are starting to air their copies of Transformers on Monday, July 2nd, at 8PM; similar to what POTC3 did last month. As an example, most theaters in my area are having at least 2 screenings at 8PM and then again around 11 PM on the 2nd, before going full blown on Tuesday the 3rd

  82. Jarek says:

    Yeah, I forgot they would probably do that (they have one showing at 8:00 here). They did it for Shrek 3 as well (which I was at then). I’m getting my ticket tomorrow. What’s gonna suck is having to get to the theater hours in advance and sit there, because I REFUSE to go into this movie and have a crappy seat. And it’s gonna be packed, so it’s gonna be even worse with the crowd.

    Far back row, center seat baby. Yeah. What I always go for when I see a movie. I’m paying too much to go sit in an uncomfortable spot.

  83. TigerClaw says:

    That was a great review. In The meantime, The official movie game site was updated with video of the game’s opening cinematic. I managed to put the video on YouTube.

  84. Naught says:

    I don’t know about 0 advert for the Transformers man.. Even here in Malaysia they are cranking it up like I’ve never seen before. People here go to malls almost every weekend because that’s where we do our shopping. The cinema is in the mall, and so EVERYBODY who even pass by it will have seen that huge ass poster (standing cardboard posters?) of huge ass robots, and who has never watched or heard of Transformers when they were growing up? Are Asians more Americanised than Switzerland, I have no idea. But so far the advert in this country is more than adequate. I can even show you pics.

    Aw babe, you don’t like dumplings and roast pork or spicy food? ;) Me damned foreigner is seeing it on 26th your side of the world. I’ll send pics! Hey I went for ‘300′ opening night here.. it was packed like you wouldn’t believe, actually more packed than Pirates or Spidey, and that’s saying alot. So if people here go nuts about Gerry Butler shouting one-liners while dismembering people, imagine what kind of opening night Transformers would be. Oh I’m getting goosebumps. They have advance ticket sales available! Is that crazy or what! You bet your ass I’m getting that.

  85. Naught says:

    Our seats here are numbered, so first come first served. You can buy tickets that day and walk around, even go home, and not worry about crappy seats.

  86. Tuvok says:

    Can`t wait when the movie comes out. Then nobody here will ever write about “Transformers” again. Really. In last months nearly every day something about it. Hated it and thats one reason why i won`t see “Transformers”. But i like the rest of your blog very much.

  87. Jarek says:

    OK, someone who’s a Transformers fan explain to me:

    Why in the end of the 3rd episode of Season 1 do we see Megatron escaping the ship and the Autobots going to Cybertron, then in the very next episode we find out it’s months later, the Autobots haven’t left for Cybertron yet, the Decepticons have a massive underwater base built, and all the humans seem to know who all the robots are on both sides?

    Clue me in, as there’s no explanations provided.

  88. Donald says:

    hey naught…
    i PROMISE YOU, they only thing ANYWHERE in the entire city is a poster in front of the cinema. that is true. but that is it. nothing on tv, nothing in the papers, nothing on the streets or on the billboards. nichts, nada, zero. and funnier still is that no one seems to care. in answer to your other question, yes i think certain things in asia are more american than in europe. transformers is a perfect example. they didnt grow up with it. they didnt have it when they were kids.

    this is an exception though, the know mask, star wars, spiderman, etc.

  89. Robert(wolf) says:

    ”who the hell are you???”

    Lunar_Wolf from the hype boards! ;)

    I was at work the other day. I bagged me some Transformers posters. MASSIVE ones!!!!

  90. Kristina says:


    People, you are ignoring the MAJOR development of this post……..ALFIE, ALFIE!!!! ALFIE LIKED TRANSFORMERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALFIE DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My GAWD, he’s been flaming against this flick for MONTHS, and HE fucking LIKED it. Not just LIKED, called it FUCKING AWESOME. I swear, I am in shock right now. My hope is renewed.

  91. Chisox says:

    That’s not him it’s someone pretending to be him. Its plain as day.

  92. TAKATA says:

    im not a hater!!
    and i think jaysmack isnt either!!
    im tired of this apologist/hater bullshyt!!!
    its just a different point of view of what should be a entertaining action movie!
    for those who want this kind of summer movie HELL YEE!!
    for me (respond for miself only)its just MORE OF THE SAME,SHAME!!
    for those who waited years for this movie like i waited so much for the first batman years ago,certainly will be a very good show.
    passed the geekgasm,i started to see the flaws on that movie and just whith batman begins i got what i wanted in a batman movie.
    im not gonna lie!for me michael bay its pure cinema poison.
    but its not just because of him that im not excited about transformers!im not gonne start naysay nothing here!!
    i just not gonna see this thing on theather,thats all!!
    for me its bad spended money.
    for a nobrain kind of action movie i go on speed racer next year!the wachouski brothers have the credencials for good movies,and do their best into respect the source material!
    2008 THE DARK KNIGHT for sure will bring peace for geekinnerself.


  93. Naught says:

    This is what I’m saying dude, Transformers here is everywhere in the malls, not just in cinema. Bookstores, those science kids learning places, it actually surprised me to high heaven. Ah well. At least you have some good chocs there.

  94. Kristina says:

    My friend Ricky is working at the multiplex over summer break, and that whole place has been turned into Transformers land. It’s insane how much shit is in there, from posters to stand-ups to banners hanging from the ceiling. I’m not a Transformers cartoon fan(my childhood was POWER RANGERS, baby!), but everytime I drive past a semi truck now, I think, “Optimus!” The marketing is going into overdrive now. A TV ad comes on every commercial break, and my little cousins are chomping at the bit to see this thing. This movie will be a MONSTER opening weekend, but whether it holds up or not depends on if it is as “fucking awesome” as people are saying.

  95. JS says:

    Somebody said:
    (so far every trailer tv spot screening and poster for transformers has been good and a lot of the early reviews are good. (i think most) so that there counters your argument

    the thing is you and others like you are very selective in what you pick out….in order to trash the movie)

    Talk about being selective. My post didn’t regard the quality of the film, but the inane retardation of it.

    Somebody said:

    People, you are ignoring the MAJOR development of this post……..ALFIE, ALFIE!!!! ALFIE LIKED TRANSFORMERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALFIE DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My GAWD, he’s been flaming against this flick for MONTHS, and HE fucking LIKED it. Not just LIKED, called it FUCKING AWESOME. I swear, I am in shock right now. My hope is renewed.)

    Who the fuck is Alfie?

  96. Naught says:

    There are no words to describe Alfie ;p

    I have 3 nephews, I am going home in a month and I know, I JUST KNOW, that I will have to bring something that reeks Transformers or their moms will give me lookz that killz. Oh pls no need to talk about youger relatives, my bf is going through the roof. He claims to miss extracurricular activities in school because TF cartoon series showed at 4.30PM.

    I did watch Transformers growing up, although once I went to a Power Rangers show all the way from the U.S.. Mom paid for tickets and shit. I am so ashamed (>.There are no words to describe Alfie ;p

    I have 3 nephews, I am going home in a month and I know, I JUST KNOW, that I will have to bring something that reeks Transformers or their moms will give me lookz that killz. Oh pls no need to talk about youger relatives, my bf is going through the roof. He claims to miss extracurricular activities in school because TF cartoon series showed at 4.30PM.

    I did watch Transformers growing up, although once I went to a Power Rangers show all the way from the U.S.. Mom paid for tickets and shit. I am so ashamed (>.<) Now will they ever make a movie about Sailor Moon?

  97. Xwolverine2 says:

    nobody ever talks about the music =(

  98. Ancey says:

    CJ Said:
    “As for Transformers as a property, I think it’s more than a movie about a toy line. For many, many children (not myself, I was/am a star Wars nerd) Transformers was THE morality tale of their youth. The brave Autobots, mighty Decepticons, and the harrowing battles they fought not only entertained but engaged and inspired young children. What Transformers is to some, G.I. Joe is to others, legends of the Wild West is to others, and the novels of Jules Verne are to others. They are stories, fictional worlds which help us better understand and relate to our own.”

    YES (I wish I could make that simple word far bigger). I can easily say that without a doubt Transformers was a big influence on me in my semi-early childhood. Mostly in the fact it inspired my imagination, it got those creative juices in my head flowing. Yes, it may be a toy line with a story, but that story-line is also a good one for children and entertaining for some adults who grew up with it as children.

    The Movie: Yes, it is a big advertising franchise, but that does not take away from the fact the people who worked on it were passionate about trying to make the best movie they could. I have to at least give them credit for that little fact right there.

  99. e_double says:

    This is directed towards the G1 loyalists. If my memory serves me correct transformers were basically about two alien races that were fighting over energon cubes on earth? That story doesnt have much substance. Robotech was a story with substance and depth. Energon cubes/allspark. Heck is the difference? It comes down to the same thing. Robots fighting to get their hands on something that is gonna help them conquor the world.

    I think the loyalists are just mad the robots look different. Has little to do with the story line.

  100. rob says:

    it’s a michael bay film- you’re gonna get more of the same from him. But if you like his kind of movies (simple story line, lots of action), then this will be a good movie for you.

    If you are expecting academy award caliber acting, story, from this movie, you are a numbskull.

    I saw the private screening, and I was in transformers bliss.

  101. Xwolverine2 says:

    EXCLUSIVE EARLY REVIEW: ‘Transformers’ blows Spidey, Sparrow and Surfer away!

    by Steve Mason

    When the dust settles from this 2007 summer of sequels, one movie will stand above all others. For originality and excitement and action and special effects and flat-out fun, the hands-down winner is Transformers (Dreamworks/Paramount). When all is said and done, I’ll be surprised if this testosterone-injected thrill ride doesn’t finish as the top-grossing movie of the year.

    A generation of boys (and some girls) grew up on Transformers toys, cartoons and comic books in the ’80s, and those same fans, now in their late 20s and early 30s, are ready to introduce their kids to this major touchstone of their collective childhood. Michael Bay was the ideal choice to direct the new movie. He can choreograph action and “blow stuff up” with the best of ‘em, and he’s always been on the cutting edge of movie special effects because of his stake in Digital Domain. On top of everything that Bay bring, however, Steven Spielberg’s fingerprints are unmistakable. As Executive Producer, he has managed to inject into Transformers the sweetness, humor and sense of wonder that are the hallmarks of his best work…

    …The movie flies at breakneck pace toward a robot battle royale. It’s Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and the Autobots vs. Megatron and the Decepticons, and this is Bay at his best. The effects are an astounding whirr of changing forms and perfectly choreographed transitions, in the midst of an incredible chase, filled with explosions and blasts and detonations. In addition to the visual effects people, the sound guys and sound editors will also be recognized at the Oscars. The squealing of tires, the metal-on-metal scraping and the rumbling of oncoming giant robots makes for a visceral, one-of-a-kind moviegoing experience. Lowdown on Transformers
    Original Projections for Transformers were for a 7.1 IMDb User Rating, $240 million in total domestic box office, 16 Top 5 points and 10 PTA points. Steve Mason’s revised projections based on seeing the film and reviewing its tracking and updated release plan are as follows:
    Box Office: $330 million
    IMDb User Rating: 7.5
    Top 5: 18 points
    PTA: 7 points

    Full review at:…e_early_4.html

  102. Jarek says:

    Hopefully I’ll get an early review copy this week from my friend.

    Sounds like great fun, don’t know if I’ll be wanting to see it on Monday though, as the person who was gonna go with me may or may not be able to show up. Maybe some people from work will go.

  103. Kristina says:


    That is NOTHING to be ashamed of. Power Rangers were THE SHIT!!!!

  104. Spielbay says:

    “my favorite is when one of the Autobots urinates on a special government agent”

    WTF? That’s sounds terrible! It’s funny that the less you know about what they are making, the better is…Shouldn’t that be the other way around?

    Spielberg & Bay interview:

  105. owlmein says:

    ENTER YOUR COMMENTS HERE. Make sure you fill out the box below this one before submitting your comment

    SpielBay Im tired of you always saying stupid stuff about the, Im a freakin beast wars fan and can really care less about how close the story is to G1,as long as its close enough that people when they go see it they say now thats transformers(I know you will disagree with me) when batman begins came out I thought this movie was going to suck cause I thought Chritian Bale was a bad choice for the role and I thought it was going to suck like the JS films but when I saw it at my fiends house I was just so suprised at how I was proven wrong by this film,I belive this is the best comic book movie ever(way better than Burtons)moral of the story is never judge a movie before you actually sit your butt down and watch the movie go into it with a clear mind and leave with the movie playing in your through your mind and orm your opinion if it was bad or good you now have evidence to back your claim there just like what people form earlier post said wait until after you see it those are words of wisdom.

  106. Spielbay says:

    Owlmein…I’ve never said anything bad about the movie, as I’ve not seen it. I’m only commenting on two things: This review and how the film makers are approaching the movie. We are making fun of Bay and Spielberg’s insultive attitude towards people who like The Transformers.

    When I hear about characters peeing on each other, it’s not something I want in a movie. Any movie, let alone a Transformers movie. That makes me go, “Hey, this movie may not be good.” there are many reason we pick and choose the movies we see. main one being, if it looks good or not.

    I like Beastwars and I agree, “Batman Begins” blows Burton out of the water, but when they tell me they are making a G1 movie, then I had better get a G1 movie, not something that follows the plot line of “The Go-Bots”

    I’m tired of movies like “Catwoman”, “Godzilla”, “Wild Wild West” and others taking something we all love and the makers of the film insult the fan base, re-invent it, and then we are all dissapointed. I want more films like “Batman Begins” and “X-Men” where the makers of the movie love the original material and want to make a good movie.

    If the film is good, I’ll say so. But will people who defend this film admit that it is bad if it really is?

  107. Chisox says:

    Ok I give up. A Friend of a Friend who he trust says this film is really good.

    Congratulation Micheal you did it.

    I can’t fucking wait to see it for myself.

  108. Grimlock says:

    Well i’ve read pretty much every comment here and i’m pretty concerned about the negative posters. Ok so maybe you have a point and an opinion and that’s cool with me, my problem is how can you bitch and moan about a near non existant plot? I mean come on how much can you do with “Robots from space come to Earth to save us from the mean Robots that came to Earth”? Hardly Shakespear now is it?

    The “story” of Transformers never bothered me as a child and it won’t bother me now, it was all about the interaction between the Robots. Starscream trying to over throw Megatron, Grimlock being pushed onboard a jet by Blur etc THESE are the moments that made the Orignal so loved that and the fact that Robots that can turn into other objects are cool.

    So buy a ticket and sit back and enjoy it, and if your brain still needs a work out after the movie come back here and moan about each and every scene that “wasn’t pure”

  109. owlmein says:

    Hey Sharon can you tell me if the robots are portrayed in the movie as main characters or are they just pushed aside so the human characters seem more important cause thats what really has fans worried not me though ??????????
    please answer!

  110. LONDON says:

    Sorry to go against the initial review that everyone here seems to trust but I found the film seriously lacking. It’s a very ‘empty’ film - and no, the fx in no way leave your draw dropping.

    I live for ‘event’ fx movies but this failed miserably. Compared to ‘Independence Day’, ‘Armageddon’ etc (which I don’t think are in any way ‘great’) this film had no real tension, no sense of do-or-die, risk or fail. The events and characters are entirely in their own bubble and the film seemed really ’small’ because of that. Apart from Shia’ character and his girl the rest of the human characters are picked-up and dropped at a moment’s notice and come the end you wonder why half of the characters were in it at all (you’ll def hear yourself saying ‘what happened to X they dissapeared half way through?!). OK, so no-one expects full characterisation in this but it’s really sloppy stuff for such a big film. Oh, and the transformer’s dialogue? Absolutley awful scripting - cheesy and lame, they speak like simpletons with minimal intelligence.

    So the action; All of the main action seemed to take place in one city block except for the initial set-up pieces and sorry to say it but if you’ve seen the full trailer you’ve pretty much seen it all. No major surprises. The robots are impressive but there’s nothing here to make you go WOW. I think they’ve actually tried to do too much with them and the screen often looks cluttered, confused and messy.

    Sorry but seriously dissapointed - was really looking forward to seeing it but it’s a young kid’s film only.

  111. MechoPower says:

    After all the anticipation I have had for this movie so far…seeing the TV spots is leaving me with nothing but a bad taste in my mouth!! Sure the visual effects are stunning but the acting looks pretty shitty to me. I know all I am going off of so far are trailers but so far I have not been impressed. Sharon’s review of the movie was pretty fucking sorry so we really have nothing to go on yet…just because a movie is visually stunning doesnt mean is will have a good story to go with it and after reading the Transformer books, I am kind of worried. Need an example though…the new star wars movies (they dont even warrant capitalization) were visually stunning but sucked mroe dick than Jenna Jameson.

  112. digitalcyco says:

    I watched the movie yesterday and it exceeded my expectations. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay beyond it. I was a hater because I thought Bay would totally like fuck up the movie. I was surprised he ddnt and the movie was waaaay over the top

    It was an awesome movie. Its a popcorn movie and its something you watch to enjoy. a 2 and a half hour ride. So theres no point talking shit about acting and plots and subplots anyway. just enjoy it. period.

  113. gizzep13 says:

    I just got back from a very late night screening @ my theatre and I only have one word with three letters to describe Transformers…HIT.
    This was by far the best movie of the summer. We had a great time. They left plenty of room for a sequel, and I for one can’t wait. Nice job Mr. Bay.

  114. Nestotron says:


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