Samuel L Jackson is Nick Fury in Iron Man

Stop the presses and hold the phone. Ok, to recap here, most of you know that I really didn’t have much interest in an Iron Man movie. I think he’s a lame comic book character and just a poor man’s version of Batman. Now, having said that, I’ve also said that every single movie these people have made in putting an Iron Man movie together has been most impressive. Jon Favreau directing, Mark Fergus writing, Robert Downy Jr. at Iron Man… the list goes on and on.

Well today we got news of another character appearing in Iron Man. The following comes from AICN:

Today, though, he’s shooting scenes featuring an actor who is a set-up for a larger Marvel continuity, and it’s exciting because I’m hoping this character can start showing up in other films, and we’ll start seeing Marvel Studios creating a larger world, one that exists outside the frames of the individual movies. This is a major step towards making that AVENGERS movie we’ve been hearing about. So who’s the actor? Who’s the character?

Sam Jackson. Nick Fury.

This has some interesting possible implications. The Nick Fury character is one of the richer ones in the Marvel universe, and he often appears all over the place. Clearly this is going to be a small roll in Iron Man for Samuel L Jackson… but the thought brought up in the article is an interesting one. Could Marvel be using Nick Fury to form some sort of continuity amongst their franchises on screen? Could be see Nick Fury appear in next summer’s “The Incredible Hulk”? Perhaps Captain America? Could all this ultimately lead to an Avengers movie?

Personally I don’t really care about the idea of an Avengers Movie… but the notion of creating a consistent continuity throughout all the Marvel movies is a fantastic idea… IF that’s indeed what they are doing. At the end of the day, this may be nothing more than a quick cameo with no other purpose other than having a cameo. We’ll have to wait and see.

26 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Washington

    I’d love to see an Avengers(Ultimates?) movie, but only if they can retain the same casts from the single character films.

  2. Pineapplehead

    Makes sense to have Jackson as Fury as from what I remember they based the most recent version of the character on the actors looks.

  3. CJ

    IF all those movies are being made by Marvel’s in-house studio, then having the Fury character jump in and out of the movies would be crazy. And people would ALWAYS be looking forward to seeing Sam Jackson!!!! Marvel has an awesome opportunity here. I really hope they take advantage of it.

    good Call, John. I hope you’re right on this.



    Iron Man is a LAME character? AAAGH!! :-)

    Yes, his DC analogue is Batman, but he certainly stands on his own as a character.

    He is my all time favorite comic book superhero and I’m ecstatic that everything I’ve seen and heard about this movie so far has been excellent.

  5. Rodney

    Pineapple: “from what I remember they based the most recent version of the character on the actors looks.” He doesnt look anything at all like Jackson. He is an older stocky gruff stubbly grey haired man with a crewcut. Also, Nick Fury is not black. I dont know which “looks” you were thinking Fury was inspired from Jackson. Physically he is the complete opposite of everything Fury is.

    Not that I care, and not that it will make even the tiniest difference in the movie. I am just surprised no one said it yet. People are so shallow.

    For the record, the only issue I have about Jackson playing Fury is that I dont think he has a similar personality. Jackson is sarcastic, tough blunt where as Fury is gruff bitter and tough. I dont see the two blending well. I just cant see Fury saying “Motherfucker”. I dont care if he was green, I am just not sold on the casting.

    Thats just me.

  6. Hey Rod,

    ACTUALLY…Pinpplehead is correct. The new version of Nick Fury in the Ultimate universe was designed after Sam Jackson. He looks exactly like him.

  7. @spence

    @ rodney

    look at this pic of Fury from Ultmate universe……..looks just like Jackson

  8. Umbrax

    I’m waiting for Jon Favreau to confirm this.
    No sources are cited or any photos provided, no interviews, nothing, just AICN’s word.

  9. louman3

    WTF… Isn’t Nick Fury supposed to be a big muscular white guy. I’ve seen a few pics of the character, and SLJ doesn’t look like him not one bit. I hope this isn’t true, this isn’t right at all.

  10. andyalex

    Louman3, the “big muscular white guy” you’re talking about is the Marvel 616 version of Nick Fury. Couple of years ago, Marvel launched a new line of books geared towards the more younger crowd or new to comic books crowd, they called it the Ultimate line. They’ve basically reimagined (?) Spider-man, Avengers (or The Ultimates), X-men and Fantastic Four, their origins have been tweak for the younger/newer audience and the line has been growing since then. In the Ultimate Universe, the Nick Fury there is basically a carbon copy of Samuel Jackson. If you watched the direct-to-DVD Ultimate Avengers 1 & 2, it is basically the Ultimate Universe version of characters, they just added the Avengers name so people will know who they are.

  11. Eoghan

    David Hasselhoff already played Nick fury!! Cancel the whole show… :p

  12. Roguepirate

    Theres only TRUE nick fury, and that’s the Hoff!

  13. Alexander Santi

    This is awesome Nick Fury in the Ultimates Book was a badass just like Sam Jackson I just hope he has a decent role in the film.

  14. Jason

    Ugh, since when was Nick Fury black and Sam Jackson? That so-called ‘Ultimate Fury’?? What the hell is that all about.

    Oh and the last time they substituted a black guy for a white guy in a Marvel flick, we got…Daredevil.

  15. @spence


    Amen ….Michael Clarke Duncan as the Kingpin, horrible fucking decision…..

  16. Seth Grimes

    I respect Samuel L. Jackson a an actor,however I don’t think hes right for Iron Man.But then again,Jackson has surprised me before.

  17. darnvader

    Poor man’s Batman? I don’t know about that. Batman’s kind of a one note character - he’s rich and out for vengeance, but other than that he’s kind of boring.

    At least Tony Stark has his health problems and alcoholism to make him interesting.

  18. Jay

    “I’m waiting for Jon Favreau to confirm this.
    No sources are cited or any photos provided, no interviews, nothing, just AICN’s word.”

    More than likely the studio wanted it to be a surprise but thanks to the internet there are no more surprises in cinema.
    I’m as much of a spoiler hound as the next internet regular, but it does take a certain amount of the enjoyment away from the movie experience.

    Oh well…
    I’m still looking forward to it. I love the Ultimate Nick Fury.

  19. R. Jackson

    Washington said: I’d love to see an Avengers(Ultimates?) movie, but only if they can retain the same casts from the single character films.

    The thing about doing an Avengers movie is that you never really see the Avengers hanging out together out of character. It’s not like David Banner and Tony Stark are having dinner together when they see the Avengers signal beaming into the clouds. When the Avengers get together it’s because some hella bad stuff is going down and they’ve all shown up together to take care of it. Now, that’s cool for comics (because it’s all action), but probably not so cool for movies. Anyway, my point was that you could have Spider-Man, The Hulk and Iron Man in a movie and you’d never know if they were being played by the actors from their respective franchises or not since Spider-Man and The Hulk have both frequently just been CGI and Iron Man is completely encased in a metal suit (Favreau’s use of practical effects instead of CGI is really cool, IMO).

  20. Darren j Seeley

    The Ultimates Nick Fury does look like Sam Jackson, as the old Fury could have looked like Steven Seagal in his early films (Above The Law). It doesn’t mean a shoehorn to me, as long as it is essence of a character. BTW, I have a distaste for Ultimates, as it seems to be pushed into Marvel related films, recently Spider-Man (Eddie Brock/Venom) and Fan Four (Galactus..or excu-use me, Gal- Lak-Tus)

    I don’t think Fury is going to be in “every” Marvel related film, and he sure isn’t heading up the Avengers (he heads up SHIELD) and “if” there is something to it, I think it is nothing more than a cameo, kind of like an ‘unofficial Punisher’ at the end of Spider-Man 2. *or*
    it could be on a blooper reel like Spider-Man visiting the X-Men in X-Men 1 *or*

    It is just a one day cameo by Jackson, who stopped by the set and Favs said, ‘want to walk on in a scene?’ Sam says ‘Hell yeah’. Someone sees it and thinks he might be playing Nick Fury due to Ultimates.

    I also agree with the above: While Favs hasn’t made an announcement, he may or may not have time to have done so yet (I think he’s directing a movie, but I could be wrong…) and I also think AICN should have kept quiet until it was 100% confirmed.

  21. Darren j Seeley

    “The thing about doing an Avengers movie is that you never really see the Avengers hanging out together out of character”

    That’s why I still hold to the fact that the Ant-Man film should morph into an Avengers film. Pym, Wasp, Ant-Man II (Lang) and Vision. Villian: Ultron.

  22. Ethan

    I always liked the white Fury better. His tight S.H.I.E.L.D suit was awsome (they ruined the chances of him wearing that), Fury was supposed to have a certain look (e.i his suit and cigar with the white hair in the back). I hope to GOD this isnt true.
    A lot of people have been saying that Marvel has been puting lots of Ultimate stuff into their 616 movies, well…I HATE IT WHEN THEY DO THAT! Venom sucked he was horrible and I threw up soggy popcorn when I saw him.
    Also @Jason, you are totally right about Kingpin. My friend thought it was awsome (hes not a comic book reader) but I was spitting rage at the fact that he wasnt MASSIVE and maybe white, I seem to recall that too.
    This SLJ decision (if its true) will make me want to see this movie less. Its not like I have something against african americans but a dirtector just should stick with the darn material hes given!

  23. Rodney

    Well that would explain why I figured he looked nothing like Nick Fury.

    Im oldschool comic collector. I didn’t follow the whole Ultimates thing.

    But it sounds like if they are following THAT Fury, that he is spot on.

  24. Kristina

    Fuckin A, does Sam Jackson EVER fucking sleep? When was the last time he saw his house? Every time I turn around, he’s jumped into another movie somewhere. I like the guy, but JEEZ………..

  25. Jeff Razey

    Who delivers ten times outta ten? - Samuel L Jackson (and Shaft…)

    Samuel L Jackson is Jules from Pulp Fiction …and Frank Whaley plays Brett.

    Jules: What does Marcellus Wallace look like?
    Brett: What?
    Jules: What country you from?
    Brett: What?
    Jules: What ain’t no country I ever heard of! They speak English in What?
    Brett: What?
    Brett: Yes!
    Jules: Then you know what I’m saying!
    Brett: Yes!
    Jules: Describe what Marcellus Wallace looks like!
    Brett: What, I-?
    Jules: [pointing his gun] Say what again. SAY WHAT AGAIN. I dare you, I double dare you, motherfucker. Say what one more goddamn time.
    Brett: He’s b-b-black…
    Jules: Go on.
    Brett: He’s bald…
    Jules: Does he look like a bitch?
    Brett: What?
    [Jules shoots Brett in shoulder]
    Brett: No!
    Jules: Then why you try to fuck him like a bitch, Brett?
    Brett: I didn’t.
    Jules: Yes you did. Yes you did, Brett. You tried to fuck him. And Marcellus Wallace don’t like to be fucked by anybody, except Mrs. Wallace.

    Jules: The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother’s keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.

    all hail mutha-fuckin Samuel L Jackson!

  26. bond james bond

    sam jackson is soo tired hes going to be wearing 2 eye patches. :/

    not a happy camper about this news.

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