This entry was posted on Friday, June 29th, 2007 at 9:43 am.
Categories: News Chat.

The movie is coming a couple of years too late… Chris Tucker is a no talent jackass… yeah… I have no plans on seeing this. Here’s your Rush Hour 3 poster. Or is it Rush Hour 2? They all look the same.


19 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. john stamos

    so chris tucker is the michael bolton of film.

  2. Varun Lella

    If you look carefully you can tell its Rush hour 3, because they have the Eiffel Tower in the background………..It is almost like playing a “Spot the Difference Game” from Highlights magazine.


  3. Phil Gee

    All this poster says to me is ‘defeat’. I think New Line know they have a bomb on their hands and there’s nothing they can do about it.

  4. Jason Stanley

    And after he posed for that delightful picture with you! How could you not watch his paycheck film? ;)

    Damn you think they’d at least TRY to cover up the fact that its the same film for the third time…

  5. RMags

    dammit i guess im the last man on earth who enjoys these films. I can obviously say that they arent Academy Award Winners, but ive always enjoyed them. ya this ones a bit late, but it still looks like itll be funny.

  6. Pat

    Hm, John. Why on earth is he a jackass? Have you met the dude? have he hurt you in any way? Aren’t you the same guy who delete personal attacks from this blog’s comments because they are not what this site is all about? I agree he’s a horrible actor, only found him passable in the 5th element, but being a bad actor does not equal being a jackass. If people are willing to throw money at him, because they believe his name together with Chan and the Rush Hour franchise spell big profits, how is that his fault? Your hatred for Tucker is starting to look suspicious. Did a feminine sounding black guy by any chance bully you in high school?

  7. Gordon Shumway

    It is the same as the others except Chans eyes are even more dead and disinterested, Im sure hes happy that Tucker is more in the foreground. Pathetic tagline, its like Ernest goes to Paris but with racism and hollywood sanitised martial arts thrown in.

  8. AL

    Why the hell is Chris Tucker getting top billing over Jackie Chan!?! This is bullshit.

  9. Zeus

    Man this movie just doesn’t seem interesting to me at all, and your right John a few years too late. Also I just can’t stand Tucker especially with the reports of him being an asshole on set. I’ll be checking this out on HBO if I’m bored enough to tune in :-)

  10. Hey Pat,

    I’ve said time and time again, that you can express any opinion in here about anything or anyone…. EXCEPT you have to show respect to the people you’re having the conversation with in here.

    My LONG list of why in my opinion Chris Tucker is a giant Jackass has been long and well documented on this site for years.

  11. B.Hathaway

    For all of us fairly recent movieblog fans, could you elaborate on the obvious “history” between you and Chris Tucker?

  12. Kristina

    Tucker’s face looks pained and Chan looks bored as hell. Perfect descritpion of what this flick will be: painfully boring.

  13. Washington

    I can ignore Chris Tucker, I’m more bummed at what happened to Jackie Chan. Yeah I know his decline started in the last millenium, but damnit if he didn’t make a bunch of entertaining flicks. This is just depressing.

  14. carl

    wow what a shit poster!,please come up with some new ideas

  15. carl

    yep tuckers a cry baby assole.i agree with gio on this one what a prima donna

  16. roger

    who cares…..the guy got some crazy 60 mill deal for 3 movies…..that’s more than what Kobe got and people think he’s an asshole too…..

    I think Rush Hour was a great funny action movie….and for Jackie Chan I hope this one is a hit too

  17. dark_venmon

    nothing special about this poster

  18. Rodney

    I just LOVE this poster and for one reason and one reason only.

    I can only translate the expression on Jackie’s face as “Why am I doing this movie, and why am I in the BACKGROUND on this poster?!?”

  19. Kat

    You know what, I HAPPEN TO LIKE RUSH HOUR FILMS, because unlike Will Ferrel and some other crazy crap, they are actually funny not retarded.But I have to say the third film most likely won’t be the best though more than likely the worst. But I am looking forward to The Dark Knight after I see Transformers monday.

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