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MTV Movie Awards Red Carpet Pictures

By John Campea - June 3, 2007 - 23:51 America/Montreal

Hey guys. I’m going to wait till I get home to Canada to put up some of the video. For now I’m just pulling some stills from the video to put up. Keep in mind I didn’t have a camera man with me… so sometimes I had the camera on a Tripod and looked like an idiot… and the other half of the time I was holding the camera while trying to talk to people…. and still looking like an idiot. Either way… the night was “John looking like an idiot” night.

I was at the VERY VERY VERY end of the line, so a couple of people had to rush inside before the show started and did have time to chat… which I understood.

Remember… pulling stills from video aren’t the best… but here you go anyway:

Chris Tucker giving me a big… yet very suspicious smile


Transformers director Michael Bay

Ken Davitian from Borat

I Finally got to meet Kevin Smith

John Voight from Transformers

Paris Hilton before heading to jail

Dane Cook

Jessica Alba rushing in

Cameron Diaz

Tyrese Gibson

Tobin Bell from the “Saw” series

Seth Rogan from Knocked Up and 40 Year Old Vigin

Gerard Butler from 300

Hector Jimenez from Nacho Libre

Victoria Beckham


  1. Clone_tk422 says:

    Cant wait to hear what sort of conversation you had with Kevin Smith.

    Did he know about your website?? maybe if not he might check it out now..

    I think Dougs humour would be right up Kevin’s alley.. He has similar humour on his podcast.. funny shit

  2. PHIL from LI NY says:

    LOL, so i guess you didn’t get punched by Chris Tucker. Thats good. John, did you get close to any of the cars from Transformers?

  3. tiger says:

    Hey John why dint you hire a camera man?..coz its a big event out there and i can imagine how awkward it would have been to do the video coverage and interview by yourself.

  4. Jagmir says:

    Man, Tucker looks like he’s got his hands wrapped around your neck!

    Hey John, is your neck sore from that encounter?

  5. Ross says:

    Haha John nice picture of Chris Tucker. What exactly did you say to him?:P

    And also nice pic with you and ‘Jigsaw’. Did you say the famous line to him? - “I want to play a game…”

  6. Gruff says:

    You should have asked Tucker to suck up some Helium, the result would be stinking hilarious.

    Hope your having a good time.

  7. JaySmack says:

    “Chris Tucker giving me a big… yet very suspicious smile”

    Very classy of him. Hope you were taking notes. How many people would smile at someone who’s called them, “An ass,” “talentless hack useless waste of flesh” “annoying” “stupid” “B-grade actor” “overrated performer” “he’s a frigging ACTOR! And a piss poor one at that.”

    Hey, John. Any chance I could get you to smile at me after I call you all those names? Like say, “John Campea is a piss poor blogger.”
    Now, more than ever, there shouldn’t be any doubt, even in the most irrational blogger’s mind, that Chris Tucker is a shrewd businessman and a CLASS ACT! Shame that not everyone else can be.

  8. sam says:

    Transformers director Michael Bay

    ‘director’ should be put in quotes.

  9. Kristina says:

    sigh………….Gerard Butler:)

  10. James says:

    sigh, swoon, dream…..Zoe Bell

  11. John Campea says:

    Ummm… Jaysmack…

    you do realize Chris Tucker had no fucking idea who on earth I was right? Like 3 people out of the 50 who walked the carpet knew who i was. I’m a 2 bit blogger from Canada… not Mary Hart.

  12. Gordon Shumway says:

    looks to me like Tucker is about to remove his face to reveal a flaming skull underneath and unleash a fatality upon you John. Or something.

  13. Lorraine says:

    Hey John,
    Looks awesome, I’m jealous. I especially like the “Paris Hilton before heading to jail” caption. I saw Knocked Up on the weekend, it was hilarious.

    You should have asked me to be your cameraman (cameraperson?) I would have rocked. Oh yes. Ah well, live and learn…next time right? ;)

  14. Rodney says:

    It totally would have made my day if Tucker actually knew who you were and your lofty opinion of him.

    I would LOVE to see his reaction. Would he suck it up and let it slide, or would he shoot off his mouth like his on screen persona?

    And SAM, Michael Bay actually DID direct Transformers. He showed up and everything. No quotes needed.

  15. Don says:

    Chris Tucker looks like a monster.

    It’s refreshing to see Victoria Beckham without a hat and big sunglasses on. I forgot how pretty she is.

  16. bullshit_h8er says:

    is it just me or is cameron diaz ugly as hell? i really dont find her attractive in any way, but most people seem to love her…..weird….

    nice pics john….ur really moving up congrats….1st mtv awards next stop….the BET awards!!! hollywood here we come….lol pretty soon you’ll be as famous of that fat guy from aicn….congrats buddy

  17. Robert(wolf) says:

    John you lucky bastard, you got to meet Smith!!!!!!!!!! :D

  18. naught says:

    THANK YOU John for getting Butler’s pic. Just for that, I’ll buy you a drink if you ever come down here. Or a blow job. Whatev. Gerry Butler. Le sigh..

    Oh, and thank u thank u thank u for doing whatever that lets me comment again :) Gotta love a guy that listens to the little people.

  19. naught says:

    Oh I can’t believe I forgot to ask.. Did you get an interview with Butler? Paris can go to hell - we girls need our Spartan fix.
    Bay looks hot.
    Posh Beeckham actually looks really good.
    Tucker looks like.. well, like someone who’s justifyingly critisized would look. I’ll still watch Rush Hour 3 tho.

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