Most Bang On Spider-Man 3 Video Yet

Over on The Movie Blog Community, Smartguy123 posted up this hilarious little video that pretty much sums up everything about Spider-Man 3. Check it out.

35 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. john stamos

    “Its Spiderman 3 not Maryjane 3!”


  2. Phil Gee


    I just fell off my chair! I guess the movie blog community has already proven a great thing. Thanks SmartGuy123

  3. WolfMarauder


    No other film in history has gotten more undeserved flak than Spider-Man 3.

  4. AudioOut

    Perfect beyond expectations.

    I was honestly expecting this to suck. Foolish me.

  5. Robert(wolf)

    This is an awesome/hilarious video.

    ”Character development not included”

    Movie Blog Community rules.

  6. Goon

    funny, but i’m with Wolfmaurader… people reviewed what they wanted, not what was there.

  7. Washington

    Spiderman 3 was definitely a big disappointment. The flak is very well justified IMO.

  8. Simick

    I went in to Spiderman3 with an open mind. I heard the reviews that were slamming the film and didn’t believe them at all and I ended up walking out disappointed as hell.
    This little clip was awesome and well justified.

    “Help me Jesus!”

  9. Blaze87

    “That’s some funny shit man.” - Eddie Murphy from The Nutty Proffessor.

  10. Kristina


  11. Xwolverine2

    “piano playing abilities”…BWAHAHAHHAA!!!!!!

    emo spidey was hilarious!!!


  12. bullshit_h8er

    LOL classic!!!! “sam raimi’s editor: cant make cuts…..everything…so…good”!!! GOLD!!

  13. Jarred

    Glorious video! An sorry Goon my man. I gotta disagree when you say
    “people reviewed what they wanted, not what was there.”

    I went in dying to love Spider-Man 3. I desperately wanted to love that film, and what was there just made my ass burn it was so bad. I’m glad you liked it dude, but I hated it, and it’s not because I wanted to

  14. DarkKinger

    “Kids, its time for dinner. You’ve been playing for 2 hours!”

    “But we haven’t introduced all the villains yet!”


  15. Kristina

    Emo Peter is wearing a Fall Out Boy shirt!

  16. Jordan



    Spiderman 3 just got ripped by a couple of kids. That’s gotta sting.

  17. Goon

    sorry Jarred, but some of the main complaints still dont resonate at all with me. The dance sequence was amazing, showing Peter can only be that level of bad, he wasnt ‘emo’ at all, it was just a haircut, period - and well, i walked in with low expectations because it was clearly obvious before it even started that there’d be too many villains. I even saw people complain about the US flag shot, from people forgetting that SPiderman 1 ends with him in front of a US flag. And i wont even get into people complaining about logistics in things considering in SPiderman 1, pro wrestling is real and Peter somehow becomes an amazing unexplained seamstress out of nowhere to produce that costume.

    As for all the relationship complaints, I’m no comic geek, but I know my spiderman, and the girl trouble and Aunt May maintenance is a significant part of these stories, and playing these down for the sake of more special effects is a disservice to Spiderman in general.

    finally, the film is BEAUTIFUL. i think so few people appreciate how many great shots and scenes there are, particularly Sandmans emergence. its fucking poetic looking, i was amazed at it. I really do feel that in time people will go back and watch it again and be surprised at it, and calm the fuck down and accept it for what it is. its not perfect, i’m not saying that - but I flatly assert its better than the first Spiderman film. I watched both again right after this, and the first is cheesier and slower - I think people were just so stoked that it was more than passable that people think better of it than it is, and were so pleased with Spiderman 2 they set up expectations for themselves that they should have known could not be delivered. People writing off a Spiderman 4 are crazy. if Raimi actually did return, and instead this time DID get his way and only had one villain, it will be incredible.

  18. Ryan2888

    Formerly popular Digg videos FTW

  19. veracious

    Would have been funny, except I don’t really care.
    BTW, making boys play with dolls is gay.

  20. Nick

    Haha this is awesome, todays featured video on

  21. Djsly92807

    As a fan of the first two Spider-Man films, I was optimistic for this one. I have to say that Raimi did need to do some crazy out-of-the-box stuff like the “emo” hair and the dance routine…but it was just too long. What I really hated about it was just all the dang crying…not even MJ, but Peter and Harry as well. TOO EMOTIONAL! I hope that they DON’T go forward with Spider-Man 4. They should let it end now…and reinvent the franchise in ten more years like they do with everything else.
    The movie studio life.

  22. shadopup

    So what does emo mean exactly? If it means emotional then I really don’t think Peter was that at all when he had the black costume. He was more of a jerk in that scene walking down the street and the jazz bar scene.

    Piano playing abilities, hilarious! Maybe the the symbiote possessed a piano prodigy and a swing dancer off screen before latching on to Peter. What a disaster those scenes were.

  23. Goon

    Shadopup, aside from the hair, Peter was basically being one of those Roxbury “what is love” guys… the second he got ‘emo’ in that shot crying on top of the building, he realized what was happening and tore off the suit.

  24. Salem

    “But we haven’t even introduced all of the villians yet!” *takes out bag of toys*


  25. Jay C.

    Comic book fans are so hard to please.

    Although the video is somewhat funny, I think it ultimately is telling of what the majority of comic book fans want, and that’s a movie that aligns with the imagination of a 12 year old playing with action figures. As Goon said, look at the Spiderman comic book of the 60’s and you’ll find that all of this goofy relationship stuff has been there from the beginning.

    Although I wasn’t a huge fan of Spiderman 3, I think I agree that it’s been victim to a sort of online mob mentality. Can you imagine a toy commercial based on Superman Returns? Now THAT is a movie that has too much relationship bullshit. How bout the first Fantastic Four? In the terms of the expectations laid out here, that should’ve been the perfect comic book movie. I guess it wasn’t dark enough. Perhaps the kids should be playing with Batman action figures and analyzing childhood trauma and its long lasting psychological effects.

    As for movies that align with the imaginary adventures of 12 year old boys and their toys, count me out.

  26. whol

    oh sweet…I’m eexcited that this got featured that the extra ‘r’ put in my nae in this post doesn’t even bother me

  27. whol

    ^that made no sense. I meant the extra ‘r’ in my name doesn’t bother me

  28. blake

    yeah, funny

  29. Kristina


  30. JeffGrey

    It wasn’t that the fact that Spiderman 3 had emotional stuff in it that made it bad, it’s that the emotional stuff is GRATUITOUS. It just became ridiculous after a little while, and not ridiculous in an interesting way like Hulk, but ridiculous in a really BORING way. I hated Spiderman 3.

  31. Stuart @ Cinema Blend

    Jay C summed it up just right. Spider-Man 3 is far from perfect but the amount of flak it gets from this emergent hipster online mob is ridiculous.

    I’ve never seen such a hyper-critical smug self-congratulatory bunch in my life.

  32. JeffGrey

    Sooo because the movie had so much hype, it doesn’t matter that it was actually sub-par? The hype excuses it? That old cliche of “Oh you’re just pissed because you hyped it up too much” never really worked for me. You know what was hyped up alot? Sin City. You know what was an ACTUALLY good movie? Sin City. Same with Million Dollar Baby, Pulp Fiction and a slew of others.

    Don’t accuse someone who’s critical of a hyped up piece of garbage just because it’s popular to rag on it. You know what else is popular to rag on? Nickleback. And Nickleback DESERVES to be ragged on. By EVERYBODY. Nickleback SUCKS.

    Case in point.

  33. Hey Stuart,

    So let me understand this right:

    If YOU hate a movie and rag on it… then that’s ok because it’s your opinion….

    But if people rag on a movie that you didn’t hate… then it’s “a hyper-critical smug self-congratulatory bunch in my life”

    Seems quite unbalanced.

    Yes, I was hyped about Spider-Man 3. Yes I had high expectations… but the movie just sucked. Period.

    I was even more hyped about Transformers. Even higher expectations… and it ruled (all just my opinion obviously).

    I’d be VERY careful about trying to tell other people why they did or didn’t like a movie. Perhaps you’ll just have to accept that other people watched it… and liked or or hated it just because they liked it or hated it.

    Hell… some of you people actually thought Death Proof was “good”. I’m not going to say “you just liked it because you’re a programed zombie to like anything that Tarantino does”. No, I just accept that you watched it and enjoyed it. Film is subjective.

  34. John

    hilarious video! makes me want to rant about avi arad again, though. man, if he didn’t force rami to put in venom, it could have been an awesome movie! i know rami was still thinking about having 2 villans, but they would have been much less complex villans. sandman and vulture - a guy that flies in a vulture suit. he could have treated the film the way his original vision was, which i bet would have been a lot better. no need for this emo black suit stuff. rami can still put out a good Spiderman 4 if he wants to and is allowed to run with his own vision.

  35. Shane

    I thought Spider-Man 3 was good. I did notice it had pacing problems and it wasn’t as good as the other two. But I didn’t hate it. I’m still wondering what you gave it because I couldn’t get a chance to listen to the podcast until it was too late. A 1/10?
    Nevertheless, I think that this was very funny. My favorite part was when it did the Topher Grace praying thing.

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