Latino Review Gives Voltron Script A+ Rating

Posted by on 18. 06. 2007in News Chat

The dudes at Latino Review have done it again! They have gotten their hands on the Voltron script, and have given it the highest rating possible! We get the scoop and following script description from Latino Review:

THE SCRIPT ROCKS! I give it THE STRONGEST CONSIDERATION POSSIBLE THAT A SCREENPLAY CAN RECEIVE if I was the story editor at the studio considering Voltron. Mark Gordon is going to have a bidding war on his hands with Voltron after TRANSFORMERS opens. Anyone who passes on Voltron has got to be a fucking idiot. So let’s get down to it! What’s the setup?

VOLTRON is a post apocalyptic movie and a fucking awesome one at that too. Just the way it should be because that was the setup of both cartoons. A little bit of ROAD WARRIOR, a little bit INDEPENDENCE DAY, a little bit WAR OF THE WORLDS, a little bit of ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK, a little bit of THE TERMINATOR, and a little bit of THE MATRIX with some STARGATE thrown in for good measure!

As a lifelong Voltron fan I am so pumped about this news. Something about robots, forming together into a super robot drives me crazy with glee. A robot like this celebrates the power of teamwork and reminds us that in numbers we are strong.

Having Voltron in a post apocalyptic setting is cool with me. Post apocalyptic films may be my favorite film genre, and I will welcome Voltron with open arms into the fold. I could not find any mention of Zarkon on the Latino Review site, but I personally would like to see the blue bad ass make an appearance. Zarkon is a fun word to say, and he is responsible for a lot of Voltron’s monster enemies.

With Transformers on deck to smash the box office and plunder our wallets, you better believe that more robot films will be green lit. If I get to see the 5 lions assemble on the silver screen, it will be a glorious treat, this is for certain!

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7 Responses to “Latino Review Gives Voltron Script A+ Rating”

  1. Kevin C says:

    This will be live-action?

    If so, I am pumped.

    Voltron was probably my favorite cartoon as a kid behind only Transformers and GI Joe.

    There was something about the whole “Voltron was the deal a long time ago and was split up into five lions by a witch and now they are back with these five space explorers” faux history that gave it such a sense of awe and history unique to a kids show.

  2. Les says:

    best thing i’ve heard all day!!!

  3. Ancey says:

    This is going to make me so effin’ happy. I love the idea of any robot film, whether King-Kong size or “wake up with the King” Sized. I’ve seen Voltron (I like it decently, not really the hugest fan, but it’s good), and who can’t sort of like the idea of that robot large and in charge on the big screen?

    Good Screenplay? That is awesome.

  4. Alfredo says:

    Post apocalyptic Voltron. I don’t know if I should be excited or if I should dissmiss this as an elborate rumor.

  5. GODFATHER says:

    I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to agree with Doug! LOL. I am also one that cannot wait for this movie to happen, although it may take a couple years to see it. I hope no one f*cks this up!

  6. Dan says:

    As long as it’s the lion Voltron and not the 15-little-car-thingies Voltron.

  7. VOLTRON!YES! says:

    Yes, it’s about time.
    Make sure the story is kick ass!

    I know some die hardcore fans want to follow what’s in the cartoon.
    But this is 2007. So I want some modernization to the story
    so that we capture the nostalgic feeling of the 80′s story
    with the 21st century feel.

    I want a blockbuster like Transformers :)

    I can’t wait any longer…anybody.

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