This entry was posted on Saturday, June 30th, 2007 at 2:12 pm.
Categories: Features, Top Lists.

Transformers-Poster-SmallWell, we’ve reached the half way point of 2007 and I thought it would be fun for weekend discussion to throw together my list of the top 10 films so far this year. Remember, all lists are subjective, and that’s the fun of them. So here you go:


It’s almost not fair to put this on the list since most of you guys haven’t had the chance to see it yet… but since I have seen it, I had to put it here. Hands down this is the best summer blockbuster film I’ve ever seen. The best action film all year, great humor, and genuinely solid characters combined with the greatest visual effects in the history of film make Transformers one hell of an entertaining film. I haven’t looked forward to a film as much as this one since the first Star Wars Prequel…. fortunately THIS one didn’t let me down.


I’ve said it a thousand times, and I’ll say it again. Pixar is not only the best animation studio around… they are the best movie studio in the world. This organization couldn’t make a less than amazing film if they tried. Ratatouille makes a strong case to possibly be considered the very best film Pixar has done to date. Dazzling animation, terrific storytelling, endearing characters… wow.


Never would have thought I’d be putting a Kevin Costner film on my list… but Mr. Brooks has turned out to be one of my favorite films of the year so far. easily the best performance Kevin Costner has given in his career, and the chemistry he and William Hurt have together as the two sides to one personality is creepy, powerful and hilarious at the same time (please note this is not a comedy). Excellent film despite having Dane Cook in it. Get your ass out and see it if you can still find it in a theater near you

4) 300

Finally, a “man’s man” action film that celebrates extreme machismo. Grrrr!


It is a source of great sadness for me that this film never got the full wide release it so richly deserved. Such a simple story, told in such a beautiful way. Kerri Russell is indeed back and her performance in this forces you to sit up and take notice that she intends to be a force in the coming years. Nathan Fillion is at his most charming… and Andy Griffith rules the damn planet. All Kneel before Andy. Holy crap he was funny in this movie


Totally caught me by surprise. A touching, warm film filled with so much sadness that never once came across as forced or cheesy. What breaks y heart even more is to see Adam Sandler give a performance like this one…. and then see him go back to “Ouch, I just got punched in the balls” comedy.


Love him or hate him, Michael Moore gets people talking. Sicko is a brilliant film… and when Fox gives a Moore film a positive review, you pretty much have to pay attention. See this one… argue about it later


No, it doesn’t quite live up to the previous Die Hard films… but that isn’t important. What is important is that Bruce Willis once again delvers the goods and gives us a damn entertaining film.


Some people didn’t like this film as much as I did, and I guess I can understand why. But to me, a solid film with good tension that never took the simple way out of looking at complex and difficult characters.


Mix all the ingredients from The 40 Year Old Virgin in with a touch more seriousness but the same terrific chemistry between Rogan and Rudd and you’ve got a winner

Ok, so there you have it folks. My 10 best films of 2007 at the half way point thus far. I really wanted to include a couple more… but these are the ones I felt strongest for. So what do you think? What shouldn’t be on there? What should be on there that isn’t there?

70 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Viddy

    Hey John!

    I haven’t seen Transformers yet, but I know I will probably love it as much as you do. And as far as Ratatouille….WOW. Just saw it last night. I couldn’t agree more. Great film. I absolutely loved it. :D

  2. Kristina

    I LOVE Pixar, but I just cannot get hyped about Ratatouille. Not at ALL.

  3. Phil Gee

    Oh i can Kristina, i’m dying to see it but us Brits have to wait till October. I’m glad you got around to seeing it John (it’s been a pretty good week at the movies for you hasn’t it?) and don’t forget to tell us all on Monday’s show.

  4. melbye

    Here is my list ofmy theatrical viewings this year
    1. Transformers
    2. Die Hard 4
    3. TMNT
    4. 300
    5. Fantastic Four 2
    6. Spider-Man 3
    7. Pirates 3
    8. Shrek 3

    it hurts me that Spider-Man turned out the way it did

  5. Mozzerino

    Don’t mean to be smartass here, but John Hurt didn’t appear in “Mr Brooks”. WILLIAM Hurt was the one you talk about.

    My favourite film this year so far was “Little Children”, but I don’t know if that movie was released in the US in 2006.
    Biggest disappointment so far was probably “Spiderman 3″.

    The three movies I’m looking forward to the most:
    Transformers (man, I’m hyped up and this site is mostly responsible for that)
    28 Weeks Later
    Rescue Dawn

  6. Chris

    John, you going to put up a review for Ratatouille sometime soon then?

  7. Hey Chris,

    Yeah… A Ratatouille review will be up tomorrow

  8. Chip Chief

    Kristina, I hear you. I wasn’t too excited for Ratatouille but went bc I love Pixar and the movie was awesome. Probably my 2nd fav Pixar behind The Incredibles.

  9. krazie835

    Wow who would have guessed that Transformers would have ended up being at the top of John’s list lol.

    I really hope the movie is good but then again I still don’t have high hopes but the reviews comming are good so that is getting me more and more excited.

    I wanted to see Waitress but it wasn’t released where I live and its a sad thing that the director was killed before the release of the movie.

    You should put a review of RATATOUILLE soon John.

  10. Tarmac

    Where is 28 Weeks Later? :o

  11. Jesse Rosenberg

    Sadly you almost only put all huge box office hits and no independent films

    Paprika is much better than ratatouille, you are forgetting many of the amazing foreign films you never see. MR brooks sucked, so many better movies than that crap, this list really does suck. Not saying the movies are bad on it, but there much much better movies out this year than those

  12. Hey Jesse,

    Well… I totally disagree with your statement. So we’ll agree to disagree. Except I won’t say your opinion “sucks”.

  13. One more thing Jesse,

    You said:

    “Sadly you almost only put all huge box office hits and no independent films”

    Well, first of all there is nothing wrong with being a hit. However, at least 4 films on that list were NOT big hits. And, 2 of the films are independent films (Waitress and Reign Over Me).

  14. whol

    John, I found some more info about ‘Clovefield’ and edited it in to the post if you’re interested.

  15. Jesse Rosenberg

    Hey john i really like how you quote me and use it to your advantage, i never said your opinion sucks, i said the list did. Reign over me was not an independent movie… it actually had a good size budget. Again im not saying those are bad movies, im saying there are atleast 20 movies A LOT better than those, except for waitress, i do believe that deserves a spot up there. Have you seen once, paprika, flanders, Paris, Je T’aime, all movies that are better than most of those on that list. I am disagreeing with your opinion about this list and i dont believe that 300, with video game like blood deserves to be on a top ten list either. Look at some foreign films and you will realize that large american movies dont deserve to be on the best list

  16. No Jesse, you’re wrong, look it up. Reign Over Me is a fully independent film.

    You said:

    “im saying there are atleast 20 movies A LOT better than those”

    Then list them and let us judge. I say my list are the 10 best films of the year. It’s cool if you want to disagree… but if you’re going to say something like that, then put up the list.

  17. Jarred

    Excellent list Campea. I hope Transformers is as good as you guys say it is. Can’t agree with you about Knocked Up, but aside from that I’m with ya. The Rat movie was fantastic.

  18. Poppe

    Hey John why not just admit that both your taste in movies and movies you see are basicly mainstream box office movies. Therefore your top 10 list will have movies from there. nuf said.

    Oh and it really is sad when we start saying “independent” movies have a 20mil budget and atleast 4 A-list stars.

  19. Eric

    Oh god, please not more of this Indie film bable. Yeah John, fill your list with obscure little films that no one has seen and weren’t good enough to be picked up by distributors. That’s a REAL list. Good god.

    Although I am saddened by your lack of love for 28 Weeks Later.

  20. TheSnowLeopard


    No love for Once, Away From Her, The Italian, The Lookout, The Wind That Shakes The Barley, Zodiac?

  21. Jay C.

    “No Jesse, you’re wrong, look it up. Reign Over Me is a fully independent film.”

    HA! I knew you’d crack one day John. I guess this puts an end to our independent film debate?

  22. DEvonRoy

    Seems like a pretty crappy year so far…What about Zodiac? It could easily nudge out some of those one there.

  23. Adrian

    What about Hot Fuzz?? sadly I have to wait until august 2nd to see Transfomers. And I’ll never get the experience of Grindhouse at the cinema. As an movie fan it sometimes really sucks to live in Germany (but on the other hand I had the chance to see Sunshine months ago. I liked it, it wasn’t great, but good. A 7 out of 10 and a solid go ;)

  24. Chisox

    “Hands down this is the best summer blockbuster film I’ve ever seen”. Is this a typo? If not its a pretty bold statement to make.

    There are certain summer blockbuster that stand the test of time and some in the past that have been Oscar worthy. With this statement you put Transformers in that class of films. I can’t wait to see it for myself to make by own judgment. If I’m gonna make a statement like yours then this film has to blow me away. Hopefully it does. WOW!

  25. Clint

    300?! John…!

    It was the most homophobic gay porn flick I’ve ever seen.

    Actual dialogue:

    Leonidas: Submission?… That’s a bit of a problem. See rumor has it, the Athenians have already turned you down, and if those philosophers and boy-lovers have found that kind of nerve…*(CUT)

    Deleted dialogue: …*We Spartans have sex with MEN!

  26. will

    ive got knocked up really high on my list (a list i dont actually have), and im waiting to see the rat movie and transformers. very excited for both of them. oh and i need to see sicko as well. a lot to look forward to in the coming days/week

  27. will

    ooooo i almost forgot hot fuzz! haha man i loved that movie.

  28. Kisore

    Reign over me wasn’t fully independent. The hell did you read/see that?

  29. Robert(wolf)

    Transformers being your number one is like Jesus walking on water. This is awesome news and I cannot wait for the flick to come out here. Only 28 more days.

  30. Chisox



    3.Black Book

    4.The Lookout

    5.Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End

    6.Bridge to Terabithia

    7.The Last King of Scotland


    Eight is as far as I can go since I haven’t seen the new releases yet

  31. alfie

    1.Grindhouse - The best night I have had at the movies in a long time..Fuck what anyone else says Death Proof is a masterpiece.

    2.Zodiac - Finchers best film…by a mile. A whodunnit with no real resolution that doesn’t feel like a lewt down. Great Great Movie

    3.The King Of Kong - Fantastic documentary about a 2 guys competing for the world record at donkey kong. You couldn’t write it better than how it plays out…The villain of the thing “Billy Mitchell” is just one of lifes real jerk offs. You should all see this when you can as it is awesome

    4.Bridge To Terabithia - Misleading ads aside I loved it. real old school kids film…no winking at the camera popcutlture ironic references…just a really nice story well the guy who invented rugrats no less….

    5.Hot Fuzz - I love these guys…from spaced to this they have not put a foot worng for me…

    6.Hostel Part 2 - Great sequel. Hopefully he gets over his obsession with wanting to gross everyone out because I think he has an awesome eye and can tell a good story but his need to go over the top with the gore gives all the “haters” the ammo they need to abuse him. Don’t get me worng I fucking love the OTT violence but I just want him to shut a lot of people up

    7.Pirates 3 - What can I say I love all three of them. I

    8.Transformers - When your expectations were as low as mine i guess it helps. There is still a lot wrong with this film….I will continue to argue with anyone that michael bay is not a good storyteller nor is he a good director outside of action set pieces. He is just not a very good director but I enjoyed the fucking shit out of this film and can’t wait to see it again. I will own the dvd and look forward to Transformers 2…but not 3 as lets face it…3’s have a real big habit of sucking

    9.Breach - Shame films like this seem to get totally swamped by the big budget nonsense of your ghost riders, norbits wild hogs etc etc but this is a really good film that with any justice will find a second life on DVD. Ryan Phillpe(sp?) is oddly good in this film as I generally find him to be an awful awful actor but here is was fine. Cooper as always is a fucking screen demon. One of the best actors working today. I loved the directors other film Shattered Glass too so I look forward to seeing more of his stuff….thinking about that that is another film with a normally terrible actor,Hayden Christiansan,who in the film is great. He gets good performances out of similar looking bad actors!

    10.Black Snake Moan - I loved Hustle and Flow so this was one of my most anticipated films of the year. Not as good as Hustle but still a great film. Sam Jackson reminding us that he doesn’t always just show up to get a check and it doesn’t hurt that I find ricci incredibly attractive since she is half nude for most of the film. oh yeah, the movie blogs favorite actor of all time Justin Timberlake is good in too….

    So that is my list…I expect it to change over the second half of the year but for now that would be my top ten…most of these films I have seen over the past couple of months as a few weeks ago I was struggling to come up with 5 films I liked!….

    and seriously you guys who want to criticise peoples list for not including foreign films or arthouse really need to get over yourselves…

    out us heathens in our plce by putting up your own lisst so we can see how your tastes are just sooo much better than everyone elses.

    out of all the films john has seen this year these are HIS favorites…..just as this list is MY favorites….it differs from your list….the list that seems to only exist in your head as you haven’t put it down.

    so again PUT UP UP YOUR OWN LIST….once you do that then you should start to debate and argue what films are better etc etc etc but until then shut the fuck up ..seriously….

  32. Kristina

    Hot Fuzz should be on this list. Deserves a spot MUCH more than that glorified chick flick Knocked Up.

  33. Kristina

    And Transformers is sitting at 88% at RT right now. Granted, there’s only 16 reviews up, but that’s still pretty good, huh?

  34. Goon

    so far…

    1) Ratatouille
    2) Knocked Up
    3) Grindhouse
    4) Sicko
    5) Ocean’s 13
    6) Hot Fuzz
    7) Spider-Man 3
    8) The Host
    9) Blades of Glory
    10) TMNT

    keep in mind we’re in the middle of a summer season of movies I dont give a shit about, and the other part of the year is the usual crap out at the beginning of the year. the only releases currently out i havent seen i could picture cracking the list are A Mighty Heart, Zodiac, Die Hard 4, Black Snake Moan and I guess Transformers.

    I can pretty much guarantee by the end of the year only the top 4 on my current list have a shot at remaining. Documentaries I have to wait for on DVD and the usual Oscar bait i never see coming, and the only big movies (I know of) not mentioned coming down the line that i see vieing for my heart are Stardust and the Golden Compass.

    for the record, I didnt care for 300 at all (even less the second time), grew to like Death Proof on second viewing, and will almost guaranteed not see Mr. Brooks - despite Johns enthusiasm, pretty much ALL of my list of people who share my general taste have not only disliked it, but all out detested it. And I hate Dane Cook to a very large degree that I would not be willing to pay to see him.

  35. Darren j Seeley

    in no order:

    1) An American Opera. [documentary on the Hurricane Katrina pet owners]

    2) Fantastic Four : Rise Of The Silver Surfer [one of the few who liked it better than most]

    3) 300

    4) Die Hard 4.0/Live Free [in spite of loosely related to rest of franchise, the best sequel of the summer thus far]

    5) Freedom Writers

    6) Shooter

    7) Next

    8) 1408

    9) Bug

    10) A Mighty Heart

  36. Nathania

    HOT FUZZ should definitely have been on the list.

    Knocked Up was good.

    I liked Shooter.

  37. Jesse Rosenberg

    FIrst of all “Yeah John, fill your list with obscure little films that no one has seen and weren’t good enough to be picked up by distributors. That’s a REAL list. Good god.”-Eric that is really crap. Most disributors dont pick up movies that are artsy or have amazing stories to tell, most of them are picked up cause they think they will make money. Im not saying to only do independent films, Im saying most independent films are better than films that make a lot of money. And the fact that you have 2, I still dont believe reign over me is independent…it didnt go to any festivals and get picked up really…

    For you to think 300 is actually a good movie is a bit sad, it is a fun movie, but really doesnt do anything else…

    Ill ask you John, do you want me to make a list of movies that came out this year that are better than most of your movies on that list?

    THe reason why people have never heard of small films, is because america likes shitty ass films

  38. The Jim Walker

    Hey John,

    Will you ever start back up with you “3 minute video reviews”?? They seemed to be going strong, then kinda fell off… (Although, I am sure they take more time to put together than your ‘print’ reviews…)

    Just curious. Thx!

  39. Spazmo

    Jesse Rosenberg ate my baby.

  40. Jesse Rosenberg

    Jarred i never i never said my opinion was right, it is an opinion, not a fucking fact, so for you to call me a “pompous fucking asshole” is a bit over the top if i say so myself. It is funny though how you didnt mention one movie you liked and said what i liked was crap…considering i didnt list my favorites, and all im saying in the first place is i disagree with johns list and i think there are better choices than that, for example look at some indie movies….thats all so for you to call me all that crap because of that is really ridiculous and actually hilarious when i first read it. Whatever makes you feel good about yourself by calling people assholes over the internet. Most hollywood movies arent about the movie, its about the money, and the really amazing movies dont give a shit about the money.

    Jarrred, im guessing you are angry at me for disagreeing with someone and stating my own opinion…good for you

  41. Jarred

    Sorry Jesse, but when you said stuff like
    “For you to think 300 is actually a good movie is a bit sad”
    “THe reason why people have never heard of small films, is because america likes shitty ass films”

    you cross the line from giving your opinion to being a pompous ass. So I’m an american film fan who loves 300. According to you I’m a dumb ass who doesn’t know anything. Nice.

    For fuck’s sake, you don’t even know what an indie film is. You think budget is what makes a film indie? If you’re going to act pompous, at least try to know what you’re talking about.

  42. medavidson

    OMG! Alfie goes crazy! Crazy smart, that is. Listen: people. Hollywood is TELLING you what to fucking like! Really — they’re telling you. Nut up. Grow a brain. Don’t conform to the mainstream. The movies this summer? You liked them because the studios told you you’d like them. Please — grow a pair. You’re being spoon-fed shit on a teaspoon! Every time you spray your shorts when a new Transformers 15 second spot comes out, they FUCKING LAUGH AT YOU. Really. Sorry.

  43. Jesse Rosenberg

    I never once said a budget made an indie film…i never said your stupid for liking 300, i liked 300, i dont believe it is in the top ten of 2007 movies…

    for you calling me an asshole, you happen to be one yourself cause im disagreeing with an opinion, im not calling people stupid for liking 300, im saying there are better movies than 300 in 2007

    im confused why you are being all angry at me

  44. Vix

    Favorite Movies So Far:
    1. Transformers
    2. 300
    3. Ocean’s Thirteen

    Everything else that I’ve seen at the cinema was so not worth my time. I’ve yet to see 6 of the movies on your list but I do agree that Breach was a solid drama/spy thriller. I thought Ryan Philippe did a great job in that movie.

    At first I thought the Ratatouille’s concept was just plain strange but the trailers have won me over and I’ll definately be seeing this. I’m also looking forward to Waitress (yaay for Captain Tightpants) and Die Hard 4. Other movies I’m waiting for: Grindhouse, Bourne Ultimatum, Hot Fuzz, 1408.

    What about your least favorite movies thus far John?

  45. Dan

    The reason that people are getting mad at you is because, whether you mean to or not, your comments have a condescending tone to them. You stereotypically state that all Americans like shitty (in your opinion) films, you state that other people’s lists of films that they enjoyed “suck”, and seem to imply that if one does not like arty, independent releases, then they’re opinions are not as good as your own.

    Anyway, my top eight films (because I’ve only seen eight films in the theater this year) is as follows:

    1. Children of Men (I’m going to count this as 2007 because it didn’t come out until January for most people)

    2. Hot Fuzz

    3. Grindhouse

    4. Paris, Je T’aime

    5. Knocked Up

    6. Pirates of the Caribbean 3

    7. 300

    8. Spider-man 3

  46. dark_venmon

    good list there john but i havent seen them all but i agree with the transformers since i loved that movie.
    here is my list
    1. transformers
    2. grindhouse
    3.spider-man 3 fuzz
    5. hostel part 2
    6. 300
    7.ghost rider
    i want to really see RATATOUILLE

  47. ClassyAss

    The only movies I’ve seen that were really great were Zodiac, Grindhouse, and Hot Fuzz. Sicko was realy good, but I don’t think it stands up.

  48. Anonymous

    1. Transformers (28th june in italy!!!)
    2. TMNT
    3. Sunshine
    4. Disturbia
    5. Ocean’s Thirteen

  49. Anonymous


    Yea I was going to accualy ask the same as ‘The Jim Walker’. Will we ever see the 3 min reviews again?



  50. Kristina

    I hope Sicko expands some more. I was so pumped to see it this weekend, and it’s not playing here at all.

  51. Naught

    Hot Fuzz
    Transformers (I’m seeing it again in 1 hour :P)
    Ocean’s 13

    Yup basically that’s all the movie I think really did deserve my money.

  52. movie replicas

    1. Knocked Up
    2. 300
    3. TMNT
    4. FF2

    These are the only movies that I’ve enjoyed this year. I saw SM3 but it’s not worth putting up there.

  53. Ash1138

    Jesse Said:
    “I never once said a budget made an indie film…i never said your stupid for liking 300,”

    Actually your main argument against Reign Over Me being independent was it’s budget and I quote: “For you to think 300 is actually a good movie is a bit sad.” If that isn’t pompous, condescending, and implying someone is stupid for liking it, I don’t know what is.

    Clint Said:
    “300?! John…!

    It was the most homophobic gay porn flick I’ve ever seen.”

    Watch a lot of gay porn do you? First, how can gay porn be homophobic?? Second, the only sex found in this film doesn’t get much more heterosexual. Third, the only thing homophobic to be found in this film are audiences like you! Grow a pair and get laid by a real woman.


    John, I must say I’m a bit surprised by this list. I haven’t seen the toy flick or the rat movie yet, but after your complete trashing of films like Spider-man 3 and Pirates 3 which, although had major flaws, were not all that bad, I have to wonder.

    I suppose maybe it’s because this year has been pretty much terrible for movies, that bland, poorly written films like Breach can stand out from the crowd. And I’m sorry, as great as Don Cheadle and (surprisingly) Adam Sandler were, Reign Over Me was an off the mark, by the numbers, completely formulaic drama that lacked any real punch. Go watch Good Will Hunting again to reset your barometer for gaging films of this nature. :)

    Given what films you have to work with, I can’t imagine why anyone would call your list stupid. I just find it surprising, especially considering I vehemently predicted Transformers would blow huge amounts of chunks, and over the years I’ve become pretty savvy at making movie predictions. Of course leave it to Michael Bay to prove me wrong. I was also the same guy who vehemently predicted Pearl Harbor would be the best movie of the year.

  54. The Other James Taylor

    Can’t imagine ever putting a Pixar movie on a top ten list. They’re cute, kinda funny, but nowhere near any live action films out today. My list(in no particular order) for what I’ve seen so far this year would be:

    1.Smokin’ Aces(how is this not on everyone’s list?)
    2.Catch And Release(Kevin Smith absolutely steals this movie)
    3.Hannibal Rising
    4.Bridge To Terabithia
    5.Wild Hogs(funniest movie since 40 Year Old Virgin)
    7.Behind The Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon(most original in years)
    8.Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World’s End(how is this movie confusing to people?)
    10.Ocean’s 13(Better than Ocean’s 11 but not as good as Ocean’s 12, that movie was excellent)

  55. Jesse Rosenberg

    To James im gunna have to disagree with oceans 12 being better than 11
    Also with hannibal rising on the list, wild hogs, smokin aces, catch and release, and pirates

    Hannaibal rising was just a bad movie and same with catch and release. Pirates and smokin aces were ok but i believe there were better movies out there than those but i commend you for havin behind the mask, i only know a few who have heard of the movie, and i found it quite funny with good acting in it too. Has anyone seen the namesake, i really loved that movie. i also believe that 28 weeks later could be on the list

    300 was ok, it was fun, had some good action, but nothing more, that doesnt make it on the top 10 list of 07. Im sorry if i sounded condescending to people, sorry. But i strongly believe 300 and mr brooks do not deserve to be there. Mr. Brooks took itself too seriously with bad dialogue and ok acting. It tried to be suspenseful, but i couldnt help laughing when dane cook appeared on screen.

    has anyone seen once, paprika, away from her, a mighty heart, namesake, you kill me? all of those are better movies than 300 and mr brooks

  56. Dave Fielder

    Where’s Zodiac? It’s a whole lot better than Mr. Brooks, which, in my opinion, is a weak serial killer film. I know Mr. Brooks focused on the actual killer [Kevin Costner] rather than the crime solver [Jake Gyllenhaal], but I feel Zodiac had more of an epic crime atmosphere that you look for in these films than Mr. Brooks.

    My top 10 of 2007 so far:

    1) 300
    2) Transformers (seeing it Tuesday morning! Hellyeah!)
    3) Zodiac
    4) Pirates 3
    5) Live Free or Die Hard (plan on seeing it next week sometime)
    6) 28 Weeks Later
    7) 1408
    8) Ratatouille
    9) The Condemned (Great action film)
    10) Spiderman 3 - Dissappointing but satisfying for a Spidey fan. The worst of the trilogy.

  57. Clarkehead

    Just arrived back from the theatre after seeing “Ratatouille” and it is worth every bit of the hype it’s getting. It’s fantastic, and definitely Pixar’s best effort to date. Is it me, or does this studio just seem to be getting better and better? When I first saw Nemo, I said the same things, then the Incredibles came out, now this? What’s next?

    Ratatouille is a very sweet story with great character development, brilliant storytelling, and superb direction and animation. It’s a 9.5 of 10 for sure.

  58. Kristina

    Why oh why can’t I get remotely interested in that damn rat movie if it’s so good, supposedly? I just don’t know. It was number one this weekend, but was one of the lowest ever Pixar opening weekends, so I guess I’m not alone. I really don’t think they marketed it well. I’ve seen more TF ads than Rat ads. Granted, TF is a bigger flick, but man…..

    And I get to see TF tomorrow night! Yippee!

  59. Koko

    Jesse Rosenberg is filthy scientologist

  60. Jesse Rosenberg

    KOKO im not a scientologist, sorry to disappoint you little bastard.

    hhahahahahaha omg that was funny koko, good, you made a funny

  61. Naught

    Enjoy the movie Kristina. And remember…

    BRING IT!!

  62. Kristina


    Oh God, I’ll have to hear that line for the BILLIONTH time tomorrow night. Crap……..

  63. Ibod Catooga

    I like to have sex with dogs. But only sexy dogs.

  64. Mofo Toshio

    1. Grindhouse
    2. Zodiac
    3. Hot Fuzz
    4. Breach
    5. Knocked Up
    6. Fracture
    7. 300
    8. 28 Weeks Later
    9. Live Free or Die Hard
    10. Smokin Aces

  65. Goon

    this is NOT meant to flame anyone - but… is the other james taylor guy joking? trashing pixar and then listing Hannibal Rising and Wild Hogs? For the record I enjoyed Smokin Aces to some degree, however its extremely slight, and it has one of the worst endings I’ve ever seen, forcing this twist to try and make it more than a dumb action movie.

  66. Kristina

    OMFG Transformers was fucking amazing. FUCKING AMAZING.

  67. Robert Williams

    On your mailbag podcast a few days ago John you said the hardest thing about running the movieblog was the personal attacks, seeing Jesse RosenBOREgs posts helps me your point!!

    “You’re suck etc..” or words to that effect, what is wrong with these people, I think you should set Doug on them!!!

    Movies of the year?
    Well as i live over the pond in Blighty I’ve yet to see TRANSFORMERS, RATATOUILLE and KNOCKED UP.

    So, in no order…
    *Hot Fuzz (though a little too long)
    *300 (made me want to beat my chest)
    *Made In England
    *Planet Terror (I haven’t actually seen Death Proof)

  68. scorch-62

    Here’s my list:
    1. Transformers
    2. Ghost Rider
    3. Live Free or Die Hard
    4. Pirates of the Carribean: At World’s End

    I haven’t seen any other movie that deserves to be on my top ten… I mean Fantastic Four, Epic Movie, and Spider-Man 3? Awful movies!! (Fantastic Four is border-line for me. It wasn’t good, but it wasn’t bad enough to be on my worst list)

    Know movies to see expected to be on my top ten:
    The Simpson’s Movie
    Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

  69. Jordan

    I almost didn’t see Breach because I had heard that it wasn’t a good movie, and that it lacked big name actors (what a crock-) blahblahblah, but actually, this is one of my favorite movies of 2007. I know it is 2008 now, but I still hold Breach in the highest regards. Never before have I sympathized so much with the “bad guy.” Chris Cooper is amazing in this film. Even though he’s weird and an asshole at times, I found myself near tears when they took him away. There was something about him that made me want to hug him and tell him it’d all be okay.

  70. Commenter

    Finally, overall through this amazing year, I’ve made my top 10.

    6. JUNO
    9. HOT FUZZ
    10. 4 MONTHS, 3 WEEKS AND 2 DAYS

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