This entry was posted on Thursday, June 28th, 2007 at 10:45 am.
Categories: Reviews.

Die-Hard-4-ReviewThe Die Hard franchise ranks right up there with Indiana Jones as the greatest action/adventure franchises of all time. The characters have become iconic, the action the standard for which other action films are measured, and in a recent Entertainment Weekly the first Die Hard was proclaimed as the greatest action film of all time. Those my friends, are HUGE shoes to fill.

So here comes along Die Hard 4 (The official title is Live Free or Die Hard, but since that is a monumentally stupid title, I just refer to it as Die Hard 4). The film has had online fans a bit put off for a couple of reasons. First was the announcement that Len Wiseman (The Underworld films) was going to direct. Personally, I thought this was a nice move… but the majority of people hated it. The next big outrage was when it was announced the film was getting a PG-13 rating. I maintained this was no big deal… but many others thought it instantly ruined the film before even seeing it. Many actaually vowed to never watch it due to the lower rating.


It’s great seeing Bruce Willis back. I will admit that I was quite concerned about the believability of a 52 year of Willis pulling off all the action of a Die Hard film, but he really did it. He and Wiseman made you believe that the Bad Ass John McLane was back in charge and taking names. Willis’s pure wit and charisma haven’t faded one ounce. He made me believe he is still the quintessential action hero.

The humor. Humor in action films can be a tricky thing. Most of the time it can come across as lame and just make you roll your eyes. The humor in the Die Hard films has always been one of the aspects that made it special, and Die Hard 4 (while not quite as funny as the previous films) pulls it off. There were several funny moments that had me still mildly giggling a good full minute after the joke was done. When humor is done well with action that is done right… the results are normally pretty entertaining.

The Action. A lot of people thought the action in Die hard 4 would be toned WAY down due to the PG-13 rating. I’m happy to say it wasn’t. As a matter of fact, some of the action in this film is far more over the top than in any of the previous films. I’m not saying it was “better” action than the previous ones… just a lot more there in your face. I could have sworn Michael Bay was directing the damn thing. There are some issues I take with a couple of the action scenes (See below), but they sure as hell packed a lot of it in there.

The supporting cast. The small role by Kevin Smith was another thing I was worried about. I was a little afraid Smith as a personality would be too big for the role, and it would pull us out of the movie. Surprisingly, Smith made you forget he was Smith about 30 seconds into it and ended up adding much to the film. Justin Long truly pulled it off! A lot of people were doubtfull that the “I’m a Mac” guy could hold his own standing beside Willis, but you know what…. he played the part beutifully.


Some of the action sequences were SOOOO over the top that it just pulled you out of it. One of the things that have always made the Die Hard action scenes so classic, is the borderline believability. A simple action scene like Bruce having to run across a floor of broken glass ends up being the most heart pounding. In Die Hard 4, they cross that line. There are a couple of major set pieces that were so far fetched, it pulled me out of the movie and made me roll my eyes. That sort of thing is fine for a Sci-Fi flick… but not for Die Hard.

No complaints about the performance of Timothy Olyphant… but this was the weakest of all the Die Hard villains. It’s a hard sell when you’ve got to live up to Jeremy Irons and Alan Rickman (The Gruber brothers), two of my all time favorite movie villains. At the end of the day, there just wasn’t anything all that scary or intimidating about Olyphant’s character. The character was serviceable as a bad guy… but with Die Hard films we’ve come to expect a LOT more.

Plot holes. Massive, huge plot holes. Many things that just don’t make sense. An age old movie blunder is to show people doing things with technology or computers that just can’t be done… this film is guilty of that in spades.

Ok… this is my biggest complaint about Die Hard 4. If you changed the name of John McLane to “Benny McFadden”… you wouldn’t have had any thought that this was even a DIe Hard film. There is really no continuity to the other Die Hard films other than a few vague token references. You could have called this film “Super Duper Action Day For Hero Most Nobel To Rise” and it would have been the same movie. That’s not the worst thing in the world… but just for me personally it stood out.


The weakest of the Die Hard films with big plot holes, some silly pace ending action scenes and an unimpressive bad guy still manages to be a pretty damn entertaining summer action flick largely carried by the massive Willis charisma, humor and good supporting cast. The film has its problems, but by the time the credits roll, you walk out having been entertained by a good time at the theaters. On a scale of 1-10, I give Die Hard 4 a 7.5.

23 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Donald

    wasn’t there another ‘oh no a member of my family has been kidnapped’ plotline in there? those are getting a bit old too.

  2. Rate Movies

    I have to admit that I was finding it hard to believe that Die Hard 4 could be any good. But from what you said it looks like it will be worth my time. I think that I will still wait for it to come out on DVD.

  3. The Jim Walker

    Hey John & fellow Bloggers…

    I got a chance to see this movie on tuesday at the midnight (or 11:59) showing.

    Below is a brief “review” that i sent to my friend. I thought i would just share for you. John, i wasnt as forgiving on the Story. It is amazing how we touch on a few VERY similar points.


    My brief review with no spoilers…

    The good… Lots of action. Timothy Olyphant and Justin Long were good. Kevin Smith’s cameo was actually very believable. The movie was funny without being stupid (most of the time.)

    The bad… The story. Man it just sucked. It was supposed to take place on the east coast (NYC, Camden, DC, Balti, WV, wtc.) but it was OBVIOUSLY not filmed here. There was one point where they were in DOWNTOWN DC and there was a big sequence with a “TOLL BOOTH” on Penn Ave. Ummmmm, on a scale of 1-10 I know the downtown area about an 8, and in my 5 years here I have NEVER seen a toll booth on Penn Ave. Why? Because there IS NONE. It just like they felt like mentioning some area spots. Why bother. Film it in LA (because it was) and call it LA. And (very very very MINOR, first 2 minutes, baby spoiler…) in the beginning of the film they need to pick up some “suspect” in Camden, NJ and bring him down to Washington DC. YES, the CAMDEN we know. And they call NYPD and ask them? To drive 2.5 hours and get some guy? Why not call Philly PD who are like, 10 minutes away. Or, BETTER YET, call the CAMDEN POLICE DEPARTMENT. They have over 3000 officers. I think they can handle it. Or ever better yet, just send someone from DC to Camden to get him, its actually closer to Camden than NYC is. And also, while the action was good and abundant, it started to just get a bit “over the top” after a while.

    Yippie Kay-yay Motherf-BANG!! You know, i really dont care about language to much. Sometimes foul language is believable in a certain story, but you dont HAVE to have it. SO when DH4 got the PG13 rating i wasnt toooo concerned. But the “Yippie” line is the GODDAMNED tag line of the franchise. You cant let on little “Fucker” in a PG13 movie?!!?!?!? I know it sounds silly, but the “editing” of that famous line just really pissed me off.

    But, I digress.

    Overall on the scale of 1-10 I give it 6. Action is a 9, Summer Block Buster Value is an 8, story is a 2.

  4. Darren j Seeley

    I did like some of the action, the “Agent Johnson” joke, the van in the elevator shaft, Maggie Q. But there were a few things that crawled under my skin, and Donald up there hit it dead center. But I can add to it.

    The character of Lucy McClane wasn’t needed. Yes, Mary Winestead has a passing resemblance to Bonnie Bedilia, but considering the bad guy’s methods, it could have been Holly. The role is that interchangable. It’s nothing more than a switcheroo…not they needed to kidnap anyone. They control, by computer, all this stuff (note: see Die Hard 2) and probably can use that against leverage on any hostage.

    At the start of the film she “hates” Dad for spying on her (hah hah hah) and when she’s swiped she starts trash talk, gets slapped around…but when the baddies *think* McClane is dead *they* keep her around. Why? Dumb ass plot device, that’s why. Holy crap, at least shoot her in the foot or have your way with her.

    Jim Walker’s nitpicks notwithstanding, there IS a geography problem. My jaw hit the floor after I witnessed the scene where, after escaping the wrath of a fighter plane, McClane actually sees *the van* again and regains pursuit…what did they do, stop and watch?

    Don’t get me started on timezones, and how nobody sees a heliocopter in the front yard (they are the only ones with power; and people can still HEAR one land) But then Die Hards are occasionally filled with implausibilities.

    As for Willis pulling it off, I didn’t doubt it. I’m one of the few who liked his performance in Tears Of The Sun.

  5. Marina

    At least it’s not a total loss. And who are we kidding, this is only a placeholder until next week.

  6. The Jim Walker

    And one more “geography” nitpick…

    At the end of the film they were in Baltimore. Yes? Then why the hell were there DC Metropoitan police there? They were about 50 miles out of their jurisdiction.

    Maybe this movie takes place in a possible very near future where NYPD and DC Metro Police cover the whole east coast? Perhaps.

    And i COMPLETELY agree with Mr Seeley about the fighter jet / truck battle. That goes on for about 10 minutes and then at the end his visually spots the truck about 100 yards away. Oye.

  7. Frank Mackey

    I can only hope that “The Transformers” is half as entertaining as DH4. It does give me hope, if Len Wiseman can direct a film this fun, maybe there is hope for Michael Bay.

  8. Terry Letourneau

    When I saw the ‘John Maclane ON a fighter jet sequence’ in a trailer, I kept thinking of True Lies. The action does look a little ‘out there’…but looks fun to watch.

  9. brian


    Did he say yippiee ki ay mother fucker?


  10. BHcolin

    I really liked the movie. I wasn’t sure if I would, but I really did. I loved Bruce Willis and Justin Long together. Justin Long had some funny sh-t.
    Now I’ll believe a lot of things in movies Like what city there in doesn’t bother me

    But I do have to say- my one major complaint, and it did take me out of the movie- was the fighter plane scene. I just don’t think it was needed. I don’t think it seemed real (and for the most part in the “movie world” sense the movie seemed real) but that was just disappointing.
    Overall though I had a great time

  11. melbye

    I am seeing it tomorrow, had to see Transformers today which i just came home from. Great movie, much better than Spidey and Pirates. I do think Nagy might have some issues with it though

  12. ouija

    Wow. You guys are seriously anal.

    If you go into the movie, expecting to see what it is…a Bruce Willis action flick, you will NOT be disappointed.

    Geography?! Hey, got news for you…not all of us live in New England, so none of your hangups hit me…at all.

    Sure, some of the stunts were over the top, but they have to be…it has to be bigger and better than before…otherwise, its just a movie and not an ACTION movie.

    I cant rate the film 1-10, simply because I dont analyze movies that close, they are either a go or no-go. And this one is a definate go. One of the very few movies this year that is actually worth the price you pay at the box office…you can leave the theatre with a smile.

  13. Bryan

    I totally agree with ouija,

    I walked in there expecting over the top action scenes and really corny dialogue, and thats what I got. Can you really say that the plot mattered in this film? Any one expecting an intelligent plot after watching the trailer must have been out of their mind. It did remind me alot of Mission: Impossible 3 with its action almost every 10 minutes pacing. I do agree that the fighter jet scene was a little too over the top, but thats what its all about. The elevator shaft scene was one of the coolest action set pieces I’ve seen in a long while. Overall this movie is THE FIRST time all summer that I actually had an enjoyable time at the theater. The best popcorn flick of the year no doubt so far…Transformers will take that honor next week. I give it a B+ on my grading scale.

  14. Kristina


    He does NOT say the complete phrase. It’s “Yippie kay yay mother(boom)”

  15. Darren j Seeley

    Brian, “Yippie Kai Yea Motherfucker” was said in a shootout. Gunfire covers up ‘motherfucker’ (you can just about hear it) Note that the film was toned down to a PG-13, so it’s possible when the film comes to DVD we will hear it more clearly. Or not…it kind of works for me, given the situation.

    I want to point out that I didn’t hate the film, and that I did come in with some low expectations. Still, as far as summer sequels go, this is the best of the bunch…and it’s a part 4.

  16. Vincent

    Thanks god they didn’t use the lame name down under.

  17. pureevilmatt

    I was totally a naysayer. I thought this was going to be a neutered piece of Hollywood shit. Boy was I wrong. It’s actually a decent movie. Pretty brutal too for a PG-13. Bruce Willis wasn’t shitting us. Don’t get me wrong, the movie is retarded with it’s portrayal of technology and hackers… but that aside, it is -fucking awesome-. It is not an action movie… it’s an over the top SUPER ACTION movie… not unlike True Lies. The impossible is part of this movie’s premise, and thus the improbable cannot be something you rightly hold against it. You either suspend your disbelief and enjoy yourself, or you don’t. As for the catchphrase, I’m not gonna spoil it; let’s just say he doesn’t say it completely, but that it totally works in a manly super action hero way. This movie is, all things consisderd, better than parts 2 and 3. I loved it. I’ll probably see it again before the summer is over. [9/10]

  18. MechoPower

    It is a DIE HARD movie you dumb fucks…it is supposed to be over the top and full of action. People…please do not read into John’s review…THE MOVIE IS GREAT. It fits in perfectly with the other three and does not in any way kill the Die Hard franchise. Some things could have been left out, changed, done better, blah…blah…blah. It is a movie. I am starting to wonder about the quality of reviews around here. So far most movies that have gotten poor reviews in this community are pretty good and for the most part all your “good” movies are shitty. Either that or none of you know a damn thing about reviewing a movie and getting into the story. This movie has a story, plot, and great action in it…granted it is iffy sometimes but that is why it is an ACTION MOVIE…action movies are for…are you ready for this one guys…ACTION…nothing else. Holy shit…i should have made millions for being one of the few here who have figured that out.

  19. Rama's SCREEN

    WOW!! Now this is how Action movie should be made.

    I’ve always been a big fan of Die Hard trilogy films, and this 4th installment lives up to all expectations.

    I was a bit disappointed that the main character John McLane, played well by Bruce Willis as always, is now PG-13,…

    even the famous phrase “Yippie Kai Yay, mo*%er-f*#$er is barely heard.

    but I guess the filmmaker wants to present a more mature McLane, the father-figure type… and also to bring in younger audiences who may not be old enough to remember the first three awesome Die Hard movies.

    Bravo to my action movie star Bruce Willis for keeping his south jersey charm that made McLane a box office hit.

    ‘Live Free or Die Hard’ is another one of McLane’s encounters with terrorists and just like his previous ones, the bad guys always end up doing what they do just for the money.

    but this time McLane faces the difficulty of technology and computer hacking and stuff that he does not know much about,..

    one thing he does know best is to kick major ass.. and stay alive!
    Explosives, visual effects, gunpowder, fights after fights and unbelievably amazing stuntwork, this movie will keep you at the edge of your seat and beg for more.

    you will want to see it again and again.


    for more… visit

  20. John Henry

    I think that it was the best movie of the year! I think it was better than Spiderman3. All I saw was Action Action and more Action! It was really good!

  21. luis

    I’ve always felt that John McClane was the quintessential action hero. Viewers these days generally equate “action hero” with Jack Bauer of 24, and I was really hoping that Die Hard 4.0 would show everyone how it’s done. Sadly, it’s not really on the same level as the first 3 movies, mainly because the scale of it has become so large as to lose believability. It’s entertaining though, and easily better than say, Shooter (or any other recent action movie, for that matter).

  22. kevin

    Great review I personally loved this movie it was one of the better sequels in my opinion and yeah some family member got kidnapped but this time the one who did was actually funny and you could tell she was his daughter on it I mean she had a lot of good lines and funny ones too. I liked how she did not back down at all like his wife did. The thing that i find dumb about these movies is he is always either trying to get to his wife or separated with her I mean the whole first one he was separated for a little while but they got back together and he moves to LA for her then on the second one he is waiting for her to get home but then on the third he and his wife broke up over a little argument and now what he broke up with her again the relationship is always on and off with Bruce in these movies.This sequel had a lot of violence and action and was a great movie in my opinion and beats the second one for sure. Just my 2 cents

  23. Graeme

    i really cant say a bad word about this movie, it was john mcclean at his best, if i was to pick a fault it would be that the bad guy could have been a little more … bad guyish and evil but he did a good job none the less, i will deffo be buying this and adding it to the collection where it belong :D

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