Iron Man Finishes Shooting

Posted by on 26. 06. 2007in News Chat

Iron-Man-Movie-SmallThe shooting for the upcoming Iron Man movie has apparently wrapped. Now the production heads to the editing rooms, the special effects studios, the sound engineers and all the other mountains of post-production work that has to go into it.

So let me say this. As most of you know, I haven’t been at all excited about the Iron Man project. As I’ve said before, it’s an uninteresting character (except for the alcoholism angle which they’re not using in the movie), who is just a poor man’s Batman (Non-superpowered guy who happens to be a multi-billionare, owns a multinational conglomerate and uses his vast fortune to make gadgets and technology to fight crime. Gee whiz… sound familiar?)

Having said that…. I’ve been forced to admit during this production stage that every single thing they’ve done so far seems to be the right decision. They got a young creative director, hired a PERFECT leading man, penned by a couple of magnificent screenwriters, somehow convinced the best Special Effects company on the planet to do the VFX… and backed it all up with a solid supporting cast. All things considered… that’s pretty damn impressive.

So am I enamored with the concept of Iron Man? No. However, have they done all the things that would make me anticipate seeing it? Yeah… they really really have. So there you go.. mark me down as yet another person really looking forward to seeing this thing. And now with production wrapped up, we’re one step closer.

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30 Responses to “Iron Man Finishes Shooting”

  1. Kristina says:

    I have zero idea about Iron Man. I need to see some trailers before I can feel any interest in this thing.

  2. says:

    For background on the character go to .

    John, I’m glad you’re coming around. Just think James Bond with REALLY cool toys. :-)


  3. Kevin C says:

    I was never a big Iron man fan, I thought he was cool when he made some cameo appearances on the Spider-man cartoon along with War Machine.

    I am really excited about this film and I think it has LOADS of potential. After seeing Downey Jr. in some roles the past few years, I am totally won over and think he is one of the best actors out there today.

    Favraeu seems to have a passion for this character and that is HUGE for any comic book movie. Like you said John, talent is never a bad choice an dthis production has a TON of it.

  4. Pineapplehead says:

    Saying Iron man is like Batman is like the Terminator is like Robocop. On the surface there are parallels but the motivations and personalities are very different.

    Read some of the comics John and stop making the same comment every Iron Man post!

  5. Jeff Razey says:

    John, why do you think Downey is the PERFECT leading man? I am on the fence here with him and not convinced, so please convince me.

    The .jpg looks cool and brings me excitment like ROBOCOP(1), but until I see teasers/trailers I’m still not sure - but I am as you are - optimistic.

  6. Ethan says:

    This movie is shaping up to be decent. The suit they showed was pretty solid, the cast seams good, the screenwriters like you said John are supposed to be magnificent. I think this movie will also be good because its new movie material, with everything going for it THAT makes me like it more; amongst all these sequels and reboots its cool to have something new that people can get into.
    And yes I agree with Pineapplehead, vanilla ice cream may look like vanilla bean ice cream but..never mind the point is you can’t allow first glance paralells to make your opinion for you, dig a little deeper and things are much different.

  7. Blaze87 says:

    “On the surface there are parallels but the motivations and personalities are very different.

    Read some of the comics John and stop making the same comment every Iron Man post!

    That’s what I’ve been saying too Pineapplehead.

  8. Blaze87 says:

    Pineapplehead and Ethan, you got it down.

  9. John Campea says:

    So which part of this statement is incorrect:

    Iron Man, like Batman: “Non-superpowered guy who happens to be a multi-billionare, owns a multinational conglomerate and uses his vast fortune to make gadgets and technology to fight crime.”

    Sure there are differences… but that’s like saying the Go Bots are totally different than the Transformers. Tranasformers are very superior… but no one can look at them and see that one isn’t just a poor version of the other. Just like Iron Man. :P

  10. Ethan says:

    So Blaze87 what exactly IS your argument here.
    I disagree with John Campea, I do not think Iron Man is a poor mans version of Batman. And Pineapplehead (as far as i know) agrees with me.
    I am just confused about what you are trying to say.
    Do you agree with me?
    Or disagree?

  11. Seth Grimes says:

    Im sorry to dissagree with ETHAN and PINAPPLEHEAD,but Iron Man IS (at least in my opinion ) a lot like the Bat.Of course if you are an Iron Man fan you are FORCED to disagree with this viewpoint or you hafta see that Iron Man is simply uncreative.I love Batman ,but Iron Man is just soooooooooooooo lame and uncreative.Sure this movie might do well ,but thats because a good screenwriter can take a bad idea and make it work on screen.And I do believe that Iron Man is a BAD idea.

  12. Darren j Seeley says:

    I’m for seeing teaser trailers now…I’m pumped to see the film, but if you want to bake the best cake, you still need the best icing.

  13. Blaze87 says:

    I agree with you, Ethan.

  14. Jeff Razey says:

    IronMan VS Dark Knight - who would win?

  15. Blaze87 says:

    Batman, the dudes’ been trained by the best martial artists and scientists in the world.

  16. Anonymous says:

    already… that was quick. mabey they’ll show preview around fall or winter 2007

  17. Pineapplehead says:

    John I agree there are obvious similarities. The point is the PERSON is different. How they have written the characters is different.

    Green Arrow is the same, he’s a billionaire who has no powers, relying on his own fashioned weapons but no one thinks he’s like Batman. Bruce Wayne is a detective and uses his mind to solve crimes. He has issues with it because his parents were killed. Tony Stark is a defense contractor who has an armoured suit he created to escape from captivity while dealing with shrapnel near his heart.

    The origins are sufficiently different, the looks are totally different, their political views are different. The fact that they’re both ‘guys with money and weapons’ doesn’t really mean anything.

  18. Ethan says:

    Got it Blaze
    Yeah Iron Man would just fire a repulsor ray at Batman while he still is doing his crazy entrance moves.
    Just because someone is an Iron Man fan does not mean they are forced to disagree. We all realize the similairities but we just don’t think Stan Lee, Larry Lieber, Don Heck and Jack Kirby were thinkin “Hey lets go and make a guy that is like Batman but add or own tweaks to him”.

    Stark’s first invention was a new car brake to make sure people did not die because of a break malfunction (his parents died and that gave him the merit), his first Iron Man suit was made to escape a Vietnamese guys prison and to preserve his heart in case it stopped beating. This shows that Stark had a specific motovation in mind, to use his suit to aid the helpless against any sitiuation. Not JUST crime but dangerous activity, accidents etc, don’t associate a hero with only defense against crime.I think that the creators were thinking more a cyborg suit that preserved life than a billionare man who makes his own inventions and puts them in a suit. I definatley see the relatable material but those are just in his origin and now the stories have gone far beyond that.

    Iron Man was able to get over the tragedy of his past and plant his flag in a new land. He accomplished great things for America and he may be as guilty as a cowardly great white shark that just ate his firt meal at the moment but just think of it this way now: Iron Man surveved his parents death and now he will get through this long guilt trip he’s on because of the situation he is in in the comics (if you read comics you’ll know what i mean).
    Batman is still however stuck on his parents death, in Revenge of the Green Lanterns Hal Jordan tries to give Batman a wack at his power rong but Batman couldn’t get over the horror of his parents death to admitt the green lanterns light. This tells me that the only thing that links them is that they are both rich buisnessmen and both of their parents died when they were at a young age.

    The “IM’s a rip off of Batman” argument is an old one and both of their characters have definatley seperated from whatever you might argue. If you can’t see what a character really is through some first glance paralells then you are not a very tollerant person at all.

  19. Ethan says:

    My bad Pineapplehead I just read your post. Thats basically what I said just shortened. And I think a lot of people might be skeptic because it’s done by another comic corp., Green Arrow is D.C so they mihgt be more accepting.

  20. Jonathan says:

    I think Campea needs to stop arguing about things he knows nothing about and read for once in his life.
    Tony Stark is a defense contractor who makes a living off making and selling weapons. He’s a ladies man who hooks up with every chick he comes across and he’s got a serious booze problem. And NOW, he’s director of SHIELD, the largest (and possibly most corrupt) intelligence agency in the world. He puts on the Iron Man suit to fight super-powered threats against the world AND also against his corporation.
    None of this applies to Bruce Wayne. Tony Stark spends a lot of time as Tony Stark - Bruce Wayne spends more time as Batman. Bruce Wayne only cares about his corporation when it matters to the story and he doesn’t really hook up with any chicks (it’s all a sham). Bruce Wayne has some serious psychological problems that forces him to spend every night out prowling the streets for riffraff instead of just building a super suit and blasting people with energy beams.
    Forget Batman, I wish I was Tony Stark.

  21. Spazmo says:

    Hopefully after the movie is out they get the Iron Man suit on “Pimp my Ride” ;-)

  22. Seth Grimes says:

    All right Ethan I think we all see your point,but see heres the thing:The similarities between Iron Man and Batman are still there no matter how you argue.It seems to me that Iron Man fans refuse to see this.They willingly ignore the similarities simply because they dont want to see them……………..And by the way do you really think the Bat would be put down by one of Iron Mans repulsor rays?Batmans been avoiding projectiles of every kind imaginable(including rays,bullets,lasers,ect.)for ages.Also you are forgeting that The Bat has a few of his own.Hes got bomerangs and bombs and grenades of all sorts.Batmans not going to foolishly burst into the scene when Iron Mans in a position to kill him.The Bats to smart,and hes one of the best tactitions ever.Hed know how to beat Iron Man.

  23. Ethan says:

    I JUST admitted that they are there and then I said “If you can’t see what a character really is through some first glance paralells then you are not a very tollerant person at all”. They are there but you can’t jugde them because they remind you of another person, that is called having a prejudice opinion (preconceived jugdement ot opinion).
    I am not saying they are not similair, I did a whole post about how they were diferent but I only did that because I was sick of people using a childish arguing tactic that ALWAYS gets disassembled.
    If you want to beleive that Iron Man is a knock off of Batman because they both own billion dollar corporations then you are just being naive. However you are entitled to your own opinion (I just strongly disagree with it). When I first learned of how similairthey were I was curious, so I went out and looked on websites (Marvel site, D.C site AND Wikipedia). Then I bought recent comic books of both and realized that both characters have delved SO far away from each other in the prospect of their relatable material (I love that collection of words). I am curious where you get your information though, if you havent read the comics then you have a sort of handicaped opinion. But I do not know so I my just be being presumptuous. Its been fun.

  24. Seth Grimes says:

    Ethan you can call me naive,intollerant,childish,and handicapped;but when it all comes down,thats not really going to help your arguement.The similarities between Iron Man and Batman exist,and they’re not limited to the fact that both are billionares.I do however hold you in some respect for at least seeing the similarities,but the thing that bugs me is that instead of just accepting these similarities you’re acting as if they really just dont matter;when they really do.You say that their characters have “delved SO far apart” but in the long run have the SIMILARITIES changed?Of course not.In the comic book world where characters can be made DRASTICALLY different we already have Batman,do we really need an Iron Man?Ithink MARVEL wanted a piece of the pie that DC had with Batman.And as for the crack about this(and I quote)”childish arguing tactic that ALWAYS gets disassembled”you couldn’t be further from the truth,I’ve seen this arguement upheld succesfully before.

  25. Ethan says:

    I think the argument is childish, and I think people who argue it are only being intollerant. I say every post that “We all realize the similairities” and “I JUST admitted that they are there” so I have accepted that they were there.
    I just don’t think everything is as black and white as you say.
    And as for “but in the long run have the SIMILARITIES changed?Of course not” I do not think you know what you argue. The similarities HAVE in fact changed; Iron Man’s company is not as significant a thing as it used to be, he is now the director of SHIELD and has more important things to deal with than his own ambitions. You act as if I am totally wrong and do not know what I am talking about, you disagree and only show your opinion. Tell how (with evidence) these similarities have stayed the same.

    Iron Man was a new and inventive hero that Marvel created, the ACTUAL knockoff (and the creators have admitted this) that Moon Knight was a Marvel version of Batman. They did their best to make him apeal to fans of Batman without totally ripping him off, now you are saying that someone who has similarities to Batman was the REAL rippoff. That would be a broad statement.
    As for “do we really need an Iron Man” I say yes, we do. Iron Man has (as I always state) proceeded far beyond a simple hero who relys on his inventions to protect him. He appelas to a vaster amount of people, his comics have to do with morals, human weaknesses, political themes and action. Whereas Batman is a hero with a smaller vision, he owns a company that finances his inventions (since people say he STILL invents things), he just can’t encompass as many readers as Iron Man. I still maintane the beleif that you are being small minded, you say things as if they are obvious but then don’t bother to back them up. I had three people that share my opinions but you act as if you have a legion of people who are willing to side with you (and so far I have seen one).
    From what you say you sound like you are a long time collector and fan of the Dark Knight. But if you can’t go outside of your regular likings or boundaries they place upon you then your opinion is just a preconceived view that has no real base. (Please try picking up an Iron Man comic or read up on him on a trustworthy website)
    And that bit at the end where you called what I stated a crack you are trying to make what I said some sort of prodding taunt. Those were true words, I was not jibing but being serious, here I am disassambling the argument.

    So if you would like to continue then be my guest, uphold your constantly defended theory but I will always disagree with this certain debate.

  26. Seth Grimes says:

    Ethan,man,in that last post you really tried to beat me over the head with a lot of nonesense.First of all,I have never once claimed to have legions of people backing me.I may or may not be in the minority;It really makes no difference to me.I will still mantaine that Iron Man and Batman are alike in more ways than one.But,dude,if you want to discuss Iron Man and Batman than you sould be talking about Iron Man and Batman.So why don’t you stop talking about how small-minded and intolerant I am and actually discuss the issue.Iron Man DOES NOT appeal to more people.THE BAT has countless TV shows,video games,comics,and they’ve been making his films for years and years!!!!!But now that they’re coming out with an Iron Man film your gonna make empty claims like that.Batman is more popular than Iron Man ever has been!So far you have made many false claims about me for the sake of supporting your argument.I think your way out of line to go do that;especially considering that I havn’t tried to bash you yet.In fact I have given you far more respect than you have yet earned.Im only stating the facts and yet you excuse the Similarities between the two heroes by saying that they’ve changed.They havn’t changed.How could they?When the similarities exist,they exist.They don’t simply disappaer or change as easily as all that.This is truly an empty statment.And yet you must believe it otherwise your argument might seem weak.Oh………and by the way I have read up on Iron Man.Your saying that I didn’t was just another one of those empty statements that you seem to enjoy using.

  27. Ethan says:

    I tried my very hardest to beat you over the head YES.What I said about legions of fans was a broad and stupid thing to say yes, but hey like you say there are lots of Batman fans (that wasnt a taunt). I did say that Iron Man appeals to more people and that was a false statement also.
    So let me just finalize my thoughts.
    I beleive that the similarities between them were ther in the begining but not anymore. They existed then and not now, time goes by and things change. When things change it takes a long time right…so decades isn’t enough for you? I have comics of Iron Man and Batman abd my opinon is that things have jurasticly changed.
    What my intent about Iron Man and Batman (in terms of the amount of readers) was that Iron Man has a greater VARIETY of fans then Batman. I said the wrong thing and by now I am only cleaning up my own mess. Batman has a great amount of publicity and fans but I think Iron Man is a more complicated character, with bits of reality in it so he appeals to people who are not just in it for the sweet ju jitsu and crazy inventions.
    “The “IM’s a rip off of Batman” argument is an old one and both of their characters have definatley seperated from whatever you might argue. If you can’t see what a character really is through some first glance paralells then you are not a very tollerant person at all.” I stay by this statement 100%. I have developed this opinion through the comics I read. And you must realize that if you can’t get into someone becuase they remind you of one of your favorite superheroes IS just stubborn. If you delve deeper (like I always say) you might think otherwise. I do not need to keep on doing these long paragraphs to support an opinion, if you can only see me bashing you and not the ACTUAL things I state than I am wasting my time.
    (Just out of curiosity what are some of the ways Iron Man is similair to Batman, since there are more than one. If you read this than please answer this question first)

  28. Paul says:

    One great difference between both characters is that Tony Stark aka
    Iron M an *BUILDS* his own gadgets whereas Bruce Wayne/Batman just BUYS
    them or have them made. Why is it important ? Stark is a scientist and a
    genius geek.
    In the comics his school buddies are Richards from the FF of Bruce
    “Hulk” banner : geeks only. Due to that fact, he has a very very
    different take on life than Batman and that is what make both characters
    different and enjoyable in their own comics/movie.
    As for the trailer, I don’t trust these anymore: they got me with FF2,
    they won’t get me again.

  29. Seth Grimes says:

    Ethan both heros use high tech weapons and gadgets to fight crime,both have had a large tradgety in their past that helped shape who they have become,both own huge corporations,both have no super powers,both lost their parents at an early age,and finally both happen to be billionairs.These are just a few of the many parallels that exist between Iron Man and Batman.However I realize that no amount of parallels will be enough to convince you,and you will always want more.So this will probably be my last post on this subject.

  30. Ethan says:

    I would consider some of those doubled like: The tragedies in pasts and parents dying (hello those were the same thing for both), and both being billionares and owning large corporations.
    And Tony Stark’s tragedy did not shape him into Iron Man.
    But seen as how neither of us are convincing the other than it would be smart for me to shut up too.

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