Introducing The Movie Blog Community!

Movie-Blog-CommunityHey there guys, John here with something that I’m pretty excited about! I’m announcing the beta launch of “The Movie Blog Community“.

Here’s the idea. Everyday I get about 15-30 emails from people telling me about interesting links, stories, posts, pictures, videos they’ve found. Sometimes I use those ideas… and sometimes I don’t (maybe I personally didn’t find it interesting, or I already had my posts lined up for the day… or for whatever reason).

The Movie Blog Community is a new sub-blog if you will for everyone involved with The Movie Blog (readers, listeners, participants) to post their own stuff that they found interesting with the movie world and wants to share it with the rest of the community. ANYONE can register (totally free and totally easy) and start posting on The Movie Blog Community Blog almost instantly.

So do you often come across cool stuff? Want to express your opinion on something? Got links that just need to be shared? Then this is for you. Or even if you’re too shy to post stuff… it’ll be a good place to go (after reading the main Movie Blog Page obviously) too see what everyone else is talking and posting about).

This is going to be a test stage to see if you guys are actually interested in this and will use it or not. If it works… FANTASTIC! If not… no big deal… but I think this will be fun. I’ll be reading there 10 times a day to see what’s going on. So go give it a spin at And make sure to leave your thoughts if this is a good or bad idea.

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  • 1. john stamos replies at 29th June 2007, 12:44 pm :

    this is a great idea and i look forward to contributing

  • 2. Ross replies at 29th June 2007, 12:50 pm :

    Just registered and did my first post. Just waiting for it to be checked by you guys:P….

  • 3. john stamos replies at 29th June 2007, 12:55 pm :

    me too..

    i know it wont get posted but i just wanted to try out the posting process

  • 4. john stamos replies at 29th June 2007, 1:02 pm :


    why didn’t you just make a forum?

  • 5. john stamos replies at 29th June 2007, 1:09 pm :

    because there are 1000 movie forums on the internet?

  • 6. mdean replies at 29th June 2007, 1:18 pm :

    I think it’s a cool idea. I wonder how your going to deal with spam posts.

  • 7. Klendathu replies at 29th June 2007, 1:29 pm :

    Awesome! Joining up as I type.

  • 8. Darren j Seeley replies at 29th June 2007, 2:46 pm :

    Over at Choking On Popcorn, I also deal with WordPress. It’s very neat to use.
    Movie Blog has good taste. Now if I can find something more interesting than Lindsay Lohan cokesnorter I’ll post! (I figure Isaiah Washington’s latest bullshit on his Grey’s firing will be covered on the TV Blog shortly.)

  • 9. Darren j Seeley replies at 29th June 2007, 3:13 pm :

    Eureka! I think I found a story more crazy than last week’s Cameron Diaz commie handbag! It’ll be there soon, Gio.

  • 10. Naught replies at 29th June 2007, 4:40 pm :

    Always did say you needed to open some kind of forum and this hits the mark. I’m lovin’ it John. You always have the nicest ideas. Did I just sound like a fangirl? OH NOES.

  • 11. funktard replies at 29th June 2007, 4:42 pm :

    Awesome. This is a great idea.

  • 12. Phil Gee replies at 29th June 2007, 5:08 pm :

    Finally, somewhere to post all my favourite youtube videos:)

    Just kidding John, this is a great idea but i’m glad it’s just in it’s test phase right now. Let’s just see if we can all get along in more than one forum:)

  • 13. Vix replies at 29th June 2007, 9:23 pm :

    Great idea to involve the regular readers. I hope you’ve installed the Akismet plugin to deal with spam.

  • 14. Darren j Seeley replies at 29th June 2007, 10:20 pm :

    I been noticing something over there…I’ll bring it up in Facebook, but I’ll mention here too. As I previously mentioned above, I have used WordPress before, so I was wondering that if you were not going to do it, did you want me or another MB reader/commenter to put up a “How To” post regarding WordPress?

    Just wondering.

  • 15. Goon replies at 30th June 2007, 12:50 am :

    I’m just butting in to say Ratatouille is the best film of the year.

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