Hitman Trailer

Posted by on 26. 06. 2007in News Chat

Here is your first look at the new video Game adaptation “Hitman” provided by the good folks over at Moviesonline. The only words that come to mind are “uninspired” and “meh”. Although, to be fair, nothing look “BAD” in it… just seemed borning. Oh well… let’s not read too much into it just yet… it is just a first teaser after all.

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25 Responses to “Hitman Trailer”

  1. Tiglet says:

    WOW the guy playing the hitman is much to young, looks like a really sucky movie (the transporter style)

  2. Viddy says:

    Shee-it. He looks ridiculous. But then again, it’s only a teaser, so who knows about the whole movie.

  3. Matt says:

    Timothy Olyphant does not look right at all, completely the wrong face.
    I like that they use ‘Ave Maria’ in the trailer like in the game but everything else still makes me think it will be terrible.
    Maybe other trailers will make it look better…

  4. Christian says:

    Looks okay. Hopefully the deaths will be interesting.

  5. Kristina says:

    His face looks ridiculous. He looks like he’s about to laugh at how ridiculous this all is. Why not hire an unknown?

  6. Beejag says:

    To be fair, ive only played the newest hitman game when my brother rented it, but i believe (and this isnt confirmed its just what i think) that the reason he is so young would be he is new to the service/new clone type thing?

    Which would obviously mean later movies will show him maturing into the full character from the games. then again its only a guess lol

  7. Beejag says:

    To be fair, ive only played the newest hitman game when my brother rented it, but i believe (and this isnt confirmed its just what i think) that the reason he is so young would be he is new to the service/new clone type thing?

    Which would obviously mean later movies will show him maturing into the full character from the games. then again its only a guess lol

  8. Ryan Wimbrough says:

    I will definitely be seeing this film. No matter good or bad, i have been a fan of the hitman games, and been following this news of this movie, i hope it will be alright … at least decent. I will not be disappointed even if it got terrible reviews.

    - … out

  9. Anonymous says:

    Vin Diesel was born for this role. When they showed the back of dudes head, all I could think was diesel has a new movie, then they show the face and it’s this guy. Oh well.

  10. Jeff Razey says:

    Has anyone here watched “Deadwood”? If not give the first season a shot. Timothy Olyphant played the reluctant sheriff in that, and I must say he as a glare that could kill!

    Now saying that, I watched the trailer here twice, then went to JOBLO and watched it larger…I will see this movie - for 2 reasons, I loved the game (and its story in the first one) and I really enjoyed Timothy in Deadwood. However Vin Diesel may have been better suited for the roll and I really like Vin and will watch EVERYTHING he does, why the sudden change - I don’t know - but I will STILL go see this movie.

    I ask you all - check out DEADWOOD, it may very well change your mind.

  11. Allen says:

    As someone who hasn’t played any of the hitman games, mostly because I am not a huge fan of shooters and prefeer sports games, I thought the trailer looked alright, but the music didn’t fit with the style they were using for everything else. it was so slow and meandering that it dragged down any excitement I could have for watching someone kill.

  12. Joel Gustafsson says:

    Don’t know about the movie, but I might check out the game…

  13. Paul Di Gaetano says:

    Jason Statham.
    Jason Statham.
    Jason Statham.

    That’s all I have to say.

  14. Kristina says:

    Jason Statham ROCKS, but he’s done enough Transporter/hitman/drug dealer/killer stuff already. I love him in action stuff, but I’d like to see him branch out, too.

  15. John says:

    Vinnie Jones was born for this role.

  16. Paul Di Gaetano says:

    Actually…Vinnie Jones would be terrific. I hadn’t thought of that. Good call!

  17. graf1k says:

    I love Tim Olyphant but he looks freaking ridiculous as 47. I have to agree with the majority that either Vin Diesel or Jason Statham would have been much better suited for the role. Olyphant is definitely the best actor of of the three, but in a case like this, the look is a BIG part of the character and he just doesn’t look right.

  18. John Iver says:

    Did not like the lead role at all! looked to soft, more like a bald playboy than a hitman. Cast Jason Statham!!!

    Just my opinion

  19. haole says:

    didn’t the guy in the game have a beard or at least a goatee? the lack of hair on this guy makes me think I’m watching a penis with guns.

  20. Spazmo says:

    I didnt mind it.

  21. FACE says:

    I think Jason Statham could do it. Except that i think Jason has a bit to much life/energy to him. 47 is meant to come across as a soulless machine whose conscience has been programmed into him.

    Vin Diesel i don’t think could do it properly. Mainly because he is just too muscular, he stands out too much. 47 in the games has trouble dragging bodies along the ground and could blend into any crowd. Also could Vin Diesel pull this guy off, ie - no accent, no country of origin, very few lines to create the character.

    The movie doesn’t look like its going to be good enough for much of this to matter though which is a shame because there is a lot that could be done to make a very interesting and entertaining movie.

  22. Cole says:

    Hitman: The Highschool Years

    C’mon. He doesn’t look like a seasoned veteran on the brink of retirement. He looks like he’s going to the Cancer-Ward Prom.

    I was looking forward to this but now i could care less.

  23. beachbum says:

    I still think this flick had Jason Statham (The Transporter) written all over it. He would have been an excellent choice. I didn’t care for T2, however I can’t get enough of the guy. He’s an excellent action star.

  24. Jeff Razey says:

    Everyone! I can tell you for a fact that this film will be watchable…. because Uwe Boll isn’t directing it!!

  25. Goon says:

    I know next to nothing about the videogame. From purely a TEASER trailer standpoint, it looked pretty good.

    I dont have any faith in it as a film at this point, but it did make me open to be sold by the next one, so I guess it does the job.

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