Addicted - An Erotic Thriller About Sex Addiction

Posted by on 21. 06. 2007in News Chat

We haven’t had a really good erotic thriller in a while. Back a number of years ago every studio was rushing to put erotic thrillers like cans of soup… a little flavor for everyone. Hell, I even bet Pixar thought about doing one. But alas, the last few years attempts at erotic thrillers have basically tanked, and for good reason. So here comes along a new film project called “Addicted”.

The Hollywood Reporter is saying that the new film (which apparently is about a married woman, probably hot, who “suffers” from a high addiction to sex and seeks out a therapist who leads her to have some encounters with other people to explore her addiction) just signed on director Peter Medak (who has just basically been doing a bunch of TV work recently) to helm the novel based adaptation.

So why does this news interest me? Well, I know I’m probably just getting my hopes up, but I would personally love to see a smart film that really looks at the topic of sexual addiction. Let’s face it, to some degree we’re all addicted to sex. One study I read suggested that the average male thinks about sex 6 times a minute. That’s a lot of fantasy. I like Ice Cream a LOT… but I usually only think about 2 or 3 times a day.

Why does sex drive us so much? How can it be so powerful that it drives otherwise good people to do uncool things? Why is the topic so taboo in our culture? Why are we often embarrassed by it? I’d love to see a movie address (not answer) those questions. Now, what we’re probably going to end up with is just a poor man’s porn movie with no plot some convoluted ending… but a man can dream.

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6 Responses to “Addicted - An Erotic Thriller About Sex Addiction”

  1. thegoodfella says:

    It should be pointed out Peter Medak is responsible for the single greatest ghost film ever made - The Changeling.

    He also directed Species II, but don’t hold that against him.

  2. GODFATHER says:

    A “smart” movie that addresses sex addiction? John, you do know you’re talking about the American film industry, here, right? They make good movies, but rarely do they push the “mental” boundaries…

  3. Kristina says:

    Please, this’ll just be a lame movie with some hot sex scenes.

    Not that there’s anything wrong with that:)

  4. Jeff Razey says:


    Why does sex drive us so much? How can it be so powerful that it drives otherwise good people to do uncool things? Why is the topic so taboo in our culture? Why are we often embarrassed by it? I’d love to see a movie address (not answer) those questions. Now, what we’re probably going to end up with is just a poor man’s porn movie with no plot some convoluted ending… but a man can dream.

    John do you really need an explanation for this things? Thats what skin-a-max is for!

    PS on a serious note, I understand what you mean and I haven’t seen a decent erotic thriller since Basic Instinct

  5. Anonymous says:

    How about Basic Instincts 2? Contrary to most critics I actually liked that movie. Certainly much better than BI 1. Creative photography, more tension and without Michael Douglas, which is always a great plus.

  6. Kate says:

    Addicted was the first novel from the now best-selling author Zane. Here’s an article about her:

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