This entry was posted on Tuesday, June 26th, 2007 at 2:35 pm.
Categories: News Chat.

Bale-RouthThere have been whispers and mumblings for months now about the possibility of a “Justice League” movie. For those of you who may not know, the Justice League is the team of basically all the most popular DC Super Heroes including Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aqua Man, Green Lantern… ect. ect. ect.

Variety Magazine offered up this:

One of the more ambitious projects around town — the bigscreen adaptation of DC Comics’ “Justice League” — cleared a major hurdle last week.

Husband-wife writing duo Kieran Mulroney and Michele Mulroney turned in a first draft that had Warner Bros. suits actually smiling — no small feat, considering “Justice” follows a half-dozen of the best-known superheroes working together, including Batman and Superman.

But the accomplish-ment raises a tricky question for Warners: Should it release “Justice” before its “Superman Returns” sequel?

You know, as cool as this idea may seem on the surface… stop and really think about it for a moment. Does anyone REALLY think this is going to happen? How on earth do you do a Justice League film at this juncture? You think Christian Bale would agree to be in it? You think you could REALLY give enough screen time to Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern… yadda yadda yadda? You think you could actually get the cast together?

No, this isn’t going to happen. It would cost FAR too much… WB won’t risk damaging the money printing franchise they’ve got in Batman right now, Superman Returns made almost $400 million world wide and the last time I checked, the amount of real authentic interest in seeing Wonder Woman on screen was pretty low. So where on earth would they go with this?

I think it’s wise of WB to have some scripts written just to experiment with the idea… but at the end of the day I just don’t see this happening. Your thoughts?

43 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Twitch

    I remember reading somewhere that both Bale and Routh had “ensemble” films written into their contracts…can’t remember where though.

  2. cenobyte21

    I agree. The inner comic child inside of me is screaming tears of joy for this project, but the logical adult in me is realizing that it may never happen. Way too expensive, way too big of a risk, and i think that people have gotten used to the actors that portray their respective roles that if they didnt fill those shoes, then the fans would react.

  3. MattK

    I read that too, Twitch. I think it could’ve even been here, but I may be wrong on that.

  4. Roguepirate

    Well then theres the thing that Superman has pretty much been doing his job for a while and Batman is really at the beginning of his career. Unless they want to time-shift the characters but then when a new “Superman” or “Batman” movie comes out, you’ll have to get the audience to forget the justice league time period even though they’re using the same actors.

  5. I believe there are clauses they’re contracts for stuff like that. HOWEVER… even though WB could technically FORCE Bale et. al. to do it, I really don’t think they’d do that. And Bale wouldn’t want to do it.

    Besides, like I said, WB won’t want to risk ruining the two big money franchises they’ve got rolling right now. It just won’t happen (at least I think it won’t)

  6. 1138

    I think you are right John, but I will say that even though Batman and Superman did well and made their money back, they did not break records. Batman made 200 million domestic around 350-400 worldwide and Superman made 200 million domestic after being in the theater for a really long time…and even though it made 400 million overall, you have to remember they spent 200-275 million on production and promotion. So even though there overall profits are there, it’s not the breakthrough money the guys in the suits were hoping to see, especially in Superman’s case. I always think to what my film teacher said…”Hollywood isn’t about making money, it’s about making tons of money”. So while a 150-200 million dollar amount is a alot to you and I, it’s petty cash to the suits in this day and age of Hollywood.

    The WB suits might think that in order to really jump start their all star comic franchises, a Justice League might be in order and create the buzz and money they really want.

    Now I still agree with you that it’s a long shot for a JLA movie before Supes 2 but remember the WB suits really hemmed and Hawed over doing a Supes 2. Singer had to resort to broadcasting his own PR campaign to get things moving. So the confidence for Supes 3 was not always there. Do I think a JLA movie will be first? Do I think it is wise? No on both counts…but with the ‘brilliant suits” in power you never know.

  7. Peter T

    I think Justice league is too much but what about Worlds Finest?
    which is Superman and Batman

    2 hours of gooey superhero goodness :D

  8. melbye

    Just drop, and make a Superman/Batman movie instead

  9. alfie

    john we agree again…….what the fuck is going on??!!??

    there is no way bale has a contract in which he is “forced” to make a film like this…..I am sure there is some kind of ‘option’ in there for a film of this kind but there is no way he signed anything that said he had to do it and that he had no choice…….

    what would the budget be for it anyway….look at what it cost to make superman returns which i watched again recently and sttill cannot see where the 200+ million went….

    and I just cannot see warners risking the superman and batman properties on a film like this….it makes no sense to use them up when they could do a seperate batman film, superman and a justice league film without the 2 main guys…that gives them three films to make money with rather than one..i am not articulating myself very well but i think you get my drift……

    I do believe one day we may see a batman vs superman film but i would be shocked if justice league ever gets made that features batman and superman.

    but if a dream justice league film does happen with all the characters i want either james cameron or peter jackson to direct

    but i melbye said it best…..

  10. Umberhaven

    I’m not an expert on the Justice League. I do understand that Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman are core, founding members who are usually in the roster and probably considered the “big three.”

    However, for movie purposes, couldn’t they make a Justice League without Batman and Superman, at least the first one until they know whether it would work? The point of the Justice League is that it’s about a team (I would assume), so as long as you have a good combination of characters and people to play them, do those two *have* to be in it?

    If there’s not enough interest in a stand-alone Wonder Woman movie, how about a JLA movie with Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, and about three others. If any one of those characters gets positive hype, let them spin-off into their own stand alones, as Wolverine is doing from X-Men.

    I wonder if Marvel is already movie this direction. They introduced the Silver Surfer as part of a Fantastic Four sequel. The first F4 movie wasn’t that great, and Silver Surfer on his own may not have done much better. Combine them, and you at least have something mediocre that still did decent box office its first weekend. I’m skeptical about a Captain America movie, but if the Iron Man movie and the Hulk re-do are disappointing on their own, maybe combining them into an Avengers movie would be a better success. Maybe not; just pondering the possibility.

  11. Klendathu

    IF they do end up making a Justice League movie, it’ll be the biggest clusterfuck ever.

  12. Jeff Razey

    Was the “Dark Knight” in Justice League or was “Batman”? I’m not a follower of the Justice League Universe and not sure - I don’t think Bale wants to do Batman 1-2-3 and League, perhaps BM 3 OR League but not both - might be cool but not likly. WB may be putting feelers out to see if there is any intrest in Green Arrow or Wonder Woman, etc. Perhaps the real thinking is like Fantastic 2 - seeing Silver Surfer franchise is plausable - now not only could they make money with Superman 2, Batman 2 and League (provided they are all WB movies) then having spinoff movies like Wonder(bra)Woman, Green Arrow, Flash, etc…

    Just think of all the rushed “comics-to-movies” we could all be agonizing over soon! Could we be seeing a flood of crap movies coming or should I be more optimistic?

  13. Kristina


    Routh would get pwned so hard by Bale. God, that’s like putting a lamb next to a lion.

  14. Jeff Razey

    Ok, what if its from the “Smallville” universe?

  15. Kman

    At the moment batman has not enough arrogance and self belief to stand in a room with superman and still feel supierior. I love the vibe he gives of in the comics in JLA, superman sometimes seems scared to talk to batman, at the moment he doesnt have nearly enough respect, give him a decade.

    this project arises so many questions there is no way they could pull it off even if the script is great

  16. Jano_Aguayo

    Do you guys think they will make something like this?:
    (see the other parts)

  17. John

    i think it would be a dumb idea to make a JLA with Superman and Batman. the universes they’ve created in their separate movies are too different, and making a JLA would compromise one or the other. not even Bryan Singer could make it work.

  18. FilmNerdJamie

    This story is old news; been speculated as far back as February/March. WB would be foolish to altogether delay any additional SUPERMAN and BATMAN sequels in favor of a massively-more expensive “team-up” film. This is 100% bullshit. It’ll get press and discussion(s) among fan-boys online for the rest of this week. But nothing will become of it.

    THE DARK KNIGHT in 2008 and THE MAN OF STEEL in 2009…count on it!

  19. junalt

    if you can get all those actors together for Ocean’s 11, 12, and 13 why not this? i think it can be done and done well.

  20. Seth Grimes

    JEFF RAZY has got a really good point,a Justice Legue movie could be plausible if it was somthing from the SMALLVILLE world.The Justice Legue in SMALLVILLE has GREEN ARROW,AQUA MAN,FLASH,and CYBORG.Thats a pretty good mix,and it also excludes BATMAN and SUPERMAN to make their own movies for the time.The only problem is that Tom Welling plays Superman in SMALLVILLE,and a different actor plays Superman in SUPERMAN RETURNS.

  21. Blaze87

    Filmnerdjamie, I checked on the link to the story and your right, Campea is days off on what’s going on with these projects, and I’m with you it’s bullshit.

  22. john stamos

    justice league graphic novels are my absolute favorite comics…i fucking love justice league…i hope they pass on this movie

    i dont wanna see the league et butchered like fantastic four

  23. Blaze 87,

    When Filmnerdjamie said “this is old news” he meant this is MONTHS old. As I said right at the begining of the post:

    “There have been whispers and mumblings for months now about the possibility of a “Justice League” movie.”

    What the hell does “Campea is days off on this one” mean? What dates did I give that were incorrect?

  24. Blaze87

    The date that you posted the news, this news is from June 15, get my point?

  25. Then you worded that wrong. I wasn’t “off”. This story was in Variety 11 days ago… how does that change or effect the topic at all?

  26. FilmNerdJamie

    Legendary Pictures has THE MAN OF STEEL on their “Under Development” banner (i.e. it’s listed as “SUPERMAN 2!”) Not to mention, there have been a number of key-players in the SUPERMAN franchise (i.e. Singer, Routh, DVD-producer Robert Meyer Burnett, etc.) saying for months that its happening next year for Summer 2009 release. My guess is we’ll get official news on the SUPERMAN sequel around July/August.

    There’s no way WB is going to post-pone THE MAN OF STEEL in favor of JLA. I’m sorry. But this is just bull-shit “filler” news for a slow news day.

  27. Blaze87

    The date that news was posted on posted on June 15th.

  28. Blaze87,

    aaanndddd???? As I already asked… how does the fact that the report was given 11 days ago effect the topic? What significance does that have?

  29. Blaze87

    Pineapplehead says it’s old news and it’s bullshit and I agree with him, I’m just saying you picked up on this now? and your getting worried over old news not might not be true?

  30. Blaze,

    It’s not “old news”. Nothing has come out this week to refute it, so it’s still curent.

    And it’s 100% true. If Variety says that’s what happened… then that’s what happened. The implications may or may not be true… but that’s why we have discussion.

    So are we now not supposed to talk about things on The Movie Blog unless they are settled issues? No more talk about who might play what role? No more hypothesizing if a movie might be good or not?

  31. Ethan

    The only problem{s} I would have about making this a Smallville Justice League is everybody is young. All the people seam to be college aged or even high school teenagers.
    The Justice League was formed when all of its members were adult aged and mature so to have them all much younger might confuse some people.
    Plus they do not have Martian Manhunter or Green Lantern, these two are some very cool guys and without them this Justice League would get their buts handed to them. (do they have Wonder Woman?)
    Plausible or not this movie would have to do a lot of stuff like get the right members, get suits (this is a must. I will not watch JLA movie without them having their suits) and find some big evil bad guy. I would rather they stop this blasphemous subject on the spot

  32. FilmNerdJamie


    Do you think MAN OF STEEL will ultimately be delayed? Btw, I agree with you that WB probably hired writers just to get a feel for the idea…down the line (i.e. possibly after THE DARK KNIGHT and MAN OF STEEL!)

  33. Darren j Seeley

    Old news, new news, few days, WTF who gives a crap.
    The Smallville thoughts have also been brung up before, too, as has. the urban legend/hoax about the actor’s contracts regarding JLA. Yeah, you can flip it all you want, but that’s what it is. It had nothing to do with JLA. A JLA film wasn’t even a sprinkle in WB’s eye.

    I don’t think JLA will happen. Not with Bats, Supey and Wonder Woman. Not with Green Lantern. Maybe the Wonder Twins…I won’t rule out inspiration from Final Fantasy Spirits Within, but the film, should it be done, should be non-canon.

    As for Marv’s Avengers, there’s still time to work around it, just without Cap, Thor and Iron Man.

  34. Blaze87

    “I think it’s wise of WB to have some scripts written just to experiment with the idea… but at the end of the day I just don’t see this happening.”

    John, do you mean not seeing a JLA movie down the line or on the topic of the post that a JLA film before Man of Steel not gonna happen?

    I think it’s gonna happen, just not the way that everybody’s expecting. In the comics Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman did’nt start the league, they were the last people to join, the heroes that started it were Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Flash, Green Lantern, and Black Canary.

  35. CW

    If they get Chris Nolan to direct a Justice League movie, I’m all for it.

  36. Kristina

    And get Biel as WW.

  37. norm

    Why can’t they re-cast for this? Does Bale & Routh have to be in it? Its a stand alone movie, right? Why should Superman movie be on hold? I’m so sick of these stupid debates just make the movie if its good people will come!

  38. Jay

    “And get Biel as WW”

    You are a woman of infinite wisdom.

  39. Mozzerino

    I said it before (even on this site) and I’ll say it again:


    Dream on geeks!

  40. Kristina


    You just figured that out?!

  41. Jay

    I feel like I should’ve known for years but this finally cemented it as fact.

    Dont hate me because I have trust issues… plus, I’m a slow learner.

  42. Don S

    “Why can’t they re-cast for this? Does Bale & Routh have to be in it? Its a stand alone movie, right? Why should Superman movie be on hold? I’m so sick of these stupid debates just make the movie if its good people will come!”

    Why would they recast, that would be stupid. Why would they have 2 Batmans at once. I mean, lets just say that the Batman actor in the Justice League outdoes Christian Bale(or become more favored to the fans), then that will mess up the Batman Begins Franchise, because people are gonna rather see the other guy than Bale(more than likely it would be the other way round). Same with Supes. Plus people like canon films that tie into the others. How in the hell could this be canon, with 2 different people playing the same guy in the same timeframe and make sense to the fans, it would ruin the character.

    Right now, Bale is Batman, and Routh is Supes, if their characters are portrayed in JLA, then they should be the ones to play them. Otherwise, you’ll have a big mess, plus senseless fan debates. And making a JLA film without Supes or Batman really isn’t a good idea.

    But if it had to made, then it would make more sense to make a movie about the formation of the Justice League, with some of its earlier heroes, turn that into its own franchise and happily throw Superman & Batman in the JLA franchise once Batman and Supes’s franchises have run their courses.

  43. Kristina


    You’re forgiven. I don’t give my heart away, either:)

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