50 Cent To Join Pacino and De Niro In Righteous Kill - WTF?!?

Well, what was a film I was really looking forward to has now, in one sudden and deadly swoop become a film I’ll never see in theaters. Just like that. Everyone (including me) was tremendously excited when we first heard about “Righteous Kill”, a new cop film with Robert De Niro and Al Pacino together! This is an EVENT a lot of film fans have been waiting a very long time for (the one scene they do together in “Heat” doesn’t count).

Now… take that big ball of enthusiasm I had. Mash it up. Dump some week old restaurant garbage on it. Have 3 hobos stand around it and circle jerk on it… and then throw it in the river. They just added 50 Cent to the cast as a drug dealer who helps out Al and Robert.

Hey, I’ve got an idea… since this project has quickly gone the way of the “We’re desperate to be relevant with the kiddies” strategy… why not put Paris Hilton in as the love interest… insert Eminem as the villain, and then get Dane Cook to be the wacky police captain? I mean hell… those would all make about as much sense as putting a no talent theatrical eye sore like 50 Cent in a film where we finally get to see De Nero and Pacino together.

Forgive my language folks… but WHAT THE FUCK!?!?! Did anyone actually see Get Rich or Die Tryin? The giant meat bag couldn’t even frigging play himself for crap’s sake. Look, I make no commentary on how good/bad 50 Cent is at hip hop. That’s a totally different world. But the man can’t bloody act, and to put him in a film with two giants like Pacino and Di Nero screams of desperation (which these two guys DO NOT need) and is an insult to everyone who has been looking forward to this momentous film event.

No doubt hip hop fans will rush to “Fiddy’s” defense… no doubt some people will say I’m overreacting (which might be possible)… but the sad fact of the matter is, as of this moment I couldn’t care shit about “Righteous Kill” and I officially could care less if this stupid thing gets made now. Who the hell is making the decisions over there? Uwe Boll???

30 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Kristina

    I am not a big fan of most hip hop rap crap because it all fucking sounds the same, uses the N-word and degrades women, but this shit is ridiculous. Then again, if it’s a minor role ala Snoop Dogg in Training Day with Denzel Washington, then I don’t really care. It is a bit odd to think that some real actors would kill for this chance, but they gave it to a glorified gangster.

  2. MattK

    Settle down John. The guy can’t act for shit, but how much of the film is he in. For all we know, he might have a 30 second part. And you can’t say that all films with musicians who can’t act are automatically shit. Isn’t this the kind of jumping to conclusions you usually speak out against?

    I’m not sure if it’ll be good or not. We’ll see. I do hope 50 Cent isn’t in it for too long.

  3. Wes

    I was totally with you on this one, 25 pence (as I call him, being in England and all) really can’t act… at least not in the same league as Pacino and De Niro, until you said “could care less”. It’s “couldn’t care less” and that mistake annoys me greatly.

    Actually I’m still with you on this one, it’s abominable.

  4. Eric The Red

    This is total cockshit. What the hell are they thinking? Count me out. I’ll agree with Matt a little bit that maybe if he has like nothting but a small 30 second cameo then maybe it’ll be ok. But the story I was reading at Yahoo made it sound like his role was going to be a lot bigger than that.

    What a damn shame.

  5. Larry

    What a joke! This has nothing to do with 50 being a rapper and everything to do with the fact that he can’t act for shit. Why would they do this? What on earth could motivate them to do something this stupid?

  6. Bishop

    So what you are saying is, the presence of Pacino and DeNiro would be so weak that the inclusion of what can only be a minor role for a terrible actor would destroy whatever semblance of a film the two aforementioned has-beens struggle to pass off as a film?

    Come on. Really.

  7. Hey Bishop,

    No, I’m certainly not saying that. The movie being “good” or “bad” will have little to do with Robert or Al. They’re not making the plot, or the story, or writing the dialog… they’re just playing the roles, and I’m sure they’ll play them brilliantly.

    But it was the novelty… the IDEA of these two guys together that had me excited… and that novelty, that idea just got crapped on. Doing something so stupid, so silly, so obviously desperate as adding 50 Cent to the film just killed that novelty… that idea for me.

    I’m not saying it should for you… or for anyone else… but for me it just totally killed my buzz for the flick.

  8. Viddy

    Craptastic news. Why are they doing this? They could have cast anyone BUT freakin’ 50 Cent! What a fucktard decision. Oh well… **Sigh**

  9. Sligo

    Technically Pacino and DeNiro were in two scenes together in “Heat”…

  10. Senator Gangsta

    john you be so damn wiggity wiggity! 50 is off tha HIZZAY! u just jealos cuz u know 50 be teachin’ godfather and bobby d ’bout a little thing called ‘STREET CRED’ u know they can’t buy at no acting class.


    fo shizzle mcnizzle dizzle

  11. Kristina


  12. Nick

    the only rapper that has crossed over into acting and i like is Chris Bridges, his performance in Crash was outstanding. 50, no way, no how.

  13. Kristina


    He was very good in Crash. I saw him on Law and Order once as well. Impressive work.

  14. cenobyte21

    Hey, watch it with the Uwe Boll comments. With how things work around here, the movie might do well enough to warrant a video game. If that happens, then that may lead Uwe Boll to take the momentum from that, and make a sequel. Now we dont want that, do we?

  15. thejudge

    “Have 3 hobos stand around it and circle jerk on it”…

    Haha ok i almost spit up my drink when I read that line!

  16. Rick King

    Perhaps I am in the minority, but we should give 50Cent a chance (ducking my head from objects thrown by Mr. Campea). Yes, 50Cent will probably never have the acting chops that Al & Bobby have, and will never amount to anything other than a drug dealer/rapper/pimp onscreen. On the other hand, if 50Cent were to take acting lessons, and learn all he can about acting, he could be very good actor. Hell, he has the perfect opportunity to learn from the best, correct?

    I remember watching the pilot episode of “Prince of Bel Air”, and thinking, “Man, this Wil Smith guy can’t act.” But as time went on, Wil Smith became a very good actor.

    I am not a fan of 50Cent, but let’s give the man a chance.

  17. Rodney

    Will Smith virtually disappeared for over a decade before resurfacing as an actor. He earned his chops and got there one step at a time.

    To take a cop drama and throw Fiddy in it is just desperation to make the little wanksters go to this movie. Nothing more.

    I say instead of adding those other fluff actors to the bill, they just yank Bobby and Al out and let this die like Fiddy’s “other” film.

    And for the love of all that is holy I hope that gansta trash talking commenter up there was a joke. Well all gansta crap is a joke so I am going to assume it was.

  18. whol

    Why do people keep casting this man? Why? I will never understand, but he’s probably playing a criminal so…..it can’t be that hard for him to pull it off. Maybe his character will die quickly.

  19. Meli

    Pity…I completely lost interest in this movie. What I would find wonderful is if Pacino and DeNiro picked up their toy trucks and went home, but because they’re better than I am they’ll respect that 50 has been cast and make the best working with him. If it turns out that he’s a minor role I might consider a DVD rental.

  20. Darren j Seeley

    I for one had witnessed ‘Get Rich’ and if you have a gangsta rapper playing a gangsta rapper and they still can’t act with a damn, that says a lot. Oddly, all the other actors in that film I sort of liked, although they have done better work too.

    Regarding hip hop rappers in films: since the main exceptions only happen when that hip-hop artist plays, or is willing to play, a character who is different from thier stage persona, then they shine and are truly acting. While a few of them produce and/or direct thier own films (Ice Cube for instance) they still slip back into the comfort zone of “acting like a hip hop gangsta’ instead of what even the roles they wrote for themselves call for (Ice Cube, for example)

    That said, I don’t know which is worse: the idea that this bit of casting overshadows the film, that any actor could be in the part, or that Gio is getting worked up over 50 Cent being in a minor role. I would personally protest that 50 cent IS taking the role. If the man wants to be an actor, he should stop taking roles of hustlers and drug dealers. Is that is talent range? I’m not sayng I disagree with Gio..I am saying he’s making a mountain out an anthill.

    And what’s wrong with Dane Cook?

  21. Kristina

    What’s wrong with him? Hmm……

    Simon Sez
    Stuck on You
    Employee of the Month
    Mr. 3000
    The fact that he still breathes.

  22. krazie835

    I am assuming that John really liked the movie Heat and so did a lot of people that frequent The Movie Blog. Heat is one of my favorite movies and there was a scene where Pacino acts oppisite Tone Loc who was also a rapper. So John I think you might be overreacting but if 50 Cent is given a large part then I guess you’re not overreacting your reaction would be justified. If 50 Cent gets a small part though I think it could work although I would worry if he gets a bigger role.


    Claiming 50 Cent as an actor is like hiring Giovanni as spell check editor of your article!

    Enough said…


  24. Chisox

    The cast 50 in this movie because a movie with just Pachino and Deniro will fail miserably. This isn’t the 80’s anymore. The director is a no-body and both actor command top dollors for the role. Studios aren’t stupid, they want to safeguard themself from potential failure. Anyway contrarty to popular belief 50 cent will draw a certain demografic the first weekend of release.

  25. Chisox

    Don’t be fooled, this movie will not be Heat or anything close to it. The director recently directed Pacino in his first direct to DVD move 88 minutes about a year and a half ago and the rest of his resume isn’t anything special.

    Basically this film was gonna be a steaming pile of shit with or without C.U.R.T.I.S.

  26. beachbum

    Wait a minute…Fiddy would be an excellent choice for say a remake of “Shark Attack 3″

  27. Darren j Seeley


    Coolio beat him to it. Coolio messed up the TV film “Red Water” which revolved around killer sharks

  28. Bishop

    Dammit John! I hate it when you make sense.


  29. ouija

    It always comes back to Uwe Boll, doesnt it? ;p

  30. Andrew Jones

    Yes John, we know your absolute hate of all non-actors getting acting roles. But hey, maybe this won’t be so bad, and he’ll have a 5 minute supporting role as a street thug who gets arrested or something. Yes John, there is reason to overreact, but not to give up all hope.

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