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Transformers International Poster

Coming has posted a bigger version of the International Transformers poster.

I haven’t decided if I like it or not. Its hard for me to dislike ANYTHING related to Transformers (except maybe why Bonecrusher has to rollerblade down the highway checking busses - Dude, you can transform into a VEHICHLE… drive?)

3 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Ross

    This is probably the weakest poster for the movie yet. It’s too busy, too cluttered and it actually looks like it is two halves of different posters put together.

  2. Robert(wolf)

    I love the poster, but somehow reminds me of the Star Wars one.

  3. Kevin C

    I actually think that scene with Bonecrusher has amazing potential, I love the gliding and hip checking through the bus, and I think he fights Optimus there too.

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