This entry was posted on Thursday, May 31st, 2007 at 4:29 pm.
Categories: News Chat.

We have been devoid of teenage superheroes too long, Warner Brothers has hear our cries and it looks like they will be bringing us The Teen Titans. We get the scoop from the caves of Yahoo.

The Teen Titans are getting the big-screen treatment courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures.

The live-action adaptation of DC Comics’ superteam series first appeared in 1964 as a sort of junior Justice League, comprising Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Wonder Girl and Speedy, the respective sidekicks of A-list heroes Batman, Flash, Aquaman, Wonder Woman and Green Arrow.

The film’s producer, Akiva Goldsman, said the tone will be consistent with such recent Warners’ comic book fare as “Batman Begins,” “Superman Returns” and the upcoming “Watchmen.”

I never thought an enseble-cast superhero film would work, but X-Men surprised me quite a bit and I was happy to be proven wrong. Having an ensemble cast of superhero teens is something I am curious to see, to say the least. I do not mind a little bit of teen drama but I certainly hope the film does not become all about life lessons.

I do think a movie consisting of the sidekicks of super heroes is pretty fantastic. I wonder if Robin will start talking talking shit about Batman as the Teen Titans hang out in a Taco Bell parking lot. Robin will then try to make out with Aqualad when he is passed out in his parents Monte Carlo.

6 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Cory

    Whatever happens they simply CANNOT give Robin that ghey ass costume….

  2. JaySmack

    Akiva Goldsman. The same guy who wrote Batman & Robin? The same guy who wrote Batman Forever? He almost single-handedly killed the comic book movie, now he’s talking about his Teen Titans will be in the same vein as Batman Begins? This guy’s been responsible for more movie crap than Uwe Boll. My 2 year-old niece is a better writer than him.

    He should be slapped just for uttering the name “Batman Begins.” And whoever let him write the script should be taken into the town square and given thirty lashes.

  3. Carlos

    I bet the Titans in this movie will likely be young adults around the 17-19 year old mark, Cyborg will likely be the team leader since he’s maybe 21 or so.
    The scriptwritter also confirmed that Nightwing, not Robin will be in the movie.

  4. dougnagy

    Jaysmack holy crap i forgot bout that guy. Yea he sucks more than, anyone. This is not good news

  5. movie replicas

    this would be a dream come true if this were to happen. it even sounds funny “teen titans the movie”. i hope this gets made and is even slightly decent, i would be a happy camper. i’m not going to get my hopes to high.

  6. Ethan

    I have tons of TT comics. They have so many plots they could use, like Beast Boys father and how he’s insane,and(ironically) has telepathic powers and is in a wheelchair.

    Or the Brotherhood of Evil…

    I hope its a film that I can like.

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