Plot Synopsis For Cannibal Holocost 2 Divulged

We get news of the new Cannibal Holocaust sequel from Bloody-Disgusting via moviesonline:

Our friends at Bloody-Disgusting just got word on the synopsis for the Cannibal Holocaust Sequel. The film is about Professor Harold Moore, a New York anthropologist traveling to the wild, inhospitable jungles of South America to find out what happened to a documentary film crew shooting a film about cannibal tribes.

So there you have it folks, it is not a lot of news, but it is a synopsis. As a matter of fact if you saw Cannibal Holocaust you may have been able to get this plot synopsis yourself. I am here to announce the news and confirm your suspicions.

I will say this as a matter of commentary. Cannibals are creepy as hell. Zombie cannibalism is creepy enough but people making the conscious decision to eat other humans is stranger still. My tattoo artist has a delightful tabletop book on cannibalism and I was reading it before a sitting recently. It was interesting, shocking, and delightfully gruesome. The surface has not yet been scratched when it comes to cannibal films.


  • 1. B-Tray replies at 30th May 2007, 10:20 am :

    This will be fun… Cannibal Holocaust was probably the most disturbing movie I’ve seen in a long time, and I thought I was desensitized. I wonder if they’ll continue with the hard, hard, hard (I can’t express how horrendously unsettling this film was) R tradition of the first film.

  • 2. Nor Cal Brotherrrr replies at 30th May 2007, 12:28 pm :

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    Do you know the name of the book on Cannibalism. I love anything that has to do with cannibalism. The first CH scared the crap out me when i was a kid. I watched it with my dad when i was 12 and will never forget it. My mom freaked when she found out i saw it. Anyways if you can remember please let me know. Also what new ink did you get?

  • 3. Grandpa Reno replies at 30th May 2007, 3:32 pm :

    Sadly I feel we’ve reached the point where the first film has no effect on people. I watched it for the first time about a month ago and really didn’t see what the big deal was. I guess I’ve just been completely desensitized by other media. Also, is there even a point to make this film? A straight remake I could understand, but a sequel just seems like it will be more of the same.

  • 4. thegoodfella replies at 31st May 2007, 3:44 am :

    I agree with you Grandpa Reno, but I did think the real-life animal torture still packed a punch.

    Prefered Cannibal Ferox anyway - that scene where the girl is suspended in the air by the meat hooks through her tits is horrible.

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