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Pirates of the Caribbean: Part 4

The word on the street is always the same. It doesn’t matter if you liked the movie. If it made a pantload of money, they will make another one. Pirates of the Caribbean is no different.

LA Times

Sure, producer Jerry Bruckheimer is coy, saying he and his mates need a break. But he already has rights to a book that could end up as another installment.

Star Johnny Depp? He hasn’t promised another voyage, but he clearly loves the flamboyant, irreverent Jack Sparrow character, telling one interviewer: “As long as you’re doing it for the right reasons, why not?”

In today’s Hollywood, blockbuster franchises function almost as independent corporations that, once up and running, can’t easily be mothballed. Which is why another “Pirates” is pretty much a given.

“When these franchises become part of the world’s culture, they take on a life of their own,” said Dick Cook, Disney’s studio chairman, who says he’s on board for another “Pirates” if the script is right and the filmmakers are willing.

I am not the least bit surprised that they are continuing on. Its a good franchise over all, and a LOT of great storytelling to take place there.

One thing I do hope for however is that they move on with a new story arc or spinoff. Sure Jack Sparrow is likely to be the centerfuge, but please for the love of god leave the Swan/Turner story alone. Its done.

I don’t say that because I dislike the characters. I actually liked them a lot. Especially Elizabeth. Where the characters ended up in the end isn’t where I expected to see them, but it was a good story and it all ended well. Full circle. Now leave it alone.

And please, once and for all: fangirls, Swan and Sparrow were never meant to be, and never will be. Stop writing fan fics with the two of them together. It ruins everything the story ever was.

I personally would love to see something new with Jack and Barbosa. I didn’t like the Barbosa character to begin with simply because he was the badguy in the first movie, and didnt show up until the end of the second. But I really liked him in Part 3 and now I want more.

24 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Robert(wolf)

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I hope they don’t make any more. The last two were torture to watch. So many things were wrong with part 3.


    10 years passes after the credits, Elizabeth looks the same, Turner comes back, wtf? So the story jumps 10 years, why? Why could it just have ended before the credits, thats it, story over, but no they piss on it even more with that last lame ass 10 years later part.

  2. Ben

    Some people liked part 3, I’m one of them, and others hated it, “There are to many twists and turns”,…
    I’ve got only one thing to say; “There Pirates!”

    Part 4 will probably begin where part 3 ended, you all know what I mean when you see the movie, and it can be a great adventure. But on the other hand, it also can be the same old again.

    The Swan/Turner story is indeed over, but Capt. Sparrow could ask a helping hand from [u]Mr.[/u] Turner (didn’t want to spoil anything)!?

    I’m still looking forward to part 4, because these are very amusing and relaxing movies and that’s what it’s all about!

  3. Ben

    There Pirates -> They are Pirates

  4. thegoodfella

    I want to see a movie with Davy Jones. As bad as Pirates 2 and 3 were, I loved that character and the special effects on him were amazing.

    To be honest if they were to make a Pirates 4, I wouldn’t want to see Johnny Depp return. Past the first one, I thought his schtick just got really tired.

  5. melissa

    wtf, just enjoy the fucking movie!!!!!
    Iths the best thing that ever happened,
    but wat was with all the kissing in the third,
    crazy sigaporian, james norringten and twice with will
    it’s all munted will and james were ok, he he he

  6. Luke

    Wonder what book it is that they have the rights to?

  7. krystal




  8. Amy Ward

    Just so everyone knows, if they do make a pirates 4, Kiera Knightly has already said she is not going to continue with that role. If they do make another one I would like them to sum up what happens to Jack Sparrow
    b/c it would bother me if they leave it like they did. There were some loose ends that could of been tied up that werent. If they dont make another one im going to be pissed!!!

  9. Bryan

    honeslty i would like to see them all go after the fountain of youth, elizibeth drinks it and then her and will can live forever. for the kids, you know.

  10. george

    i thought the first and second were pretty good but the third was a big let down

  11. Jason

    If they make a Pirates 4, since Kiera Knightly is not going to continue in the series, how about putting in Scarlet Johensen. She should be Will’s new love interest. It’s been 10 years, Elizabeth has moved on, why not Will?

  12. Rodney

    Jason, clearly you didn’t stay past the credits of Pirates 3.

    Will is kinda “on the job” and wont be in need of any love interest for quite some time. Elizabeth hasn’t moved on, she is quietly waiting for him to return.

    As for Scarlet, I would watch her do gardening for 90 mins, so I would never be opposed to the idea of her in the movie.

    Elizabeth and Will however? That ship has sailed.

  13. Cleo Dela Vega

    I’m a POTC fanatics, I like Disney movies may I suggest that if there will be a POTC 4 can the film makers give Captain Jack Sparrow a compatible female mate for a change let see how the “Famous Pirate Captain of the Black Pearl” falls inlove to a girl, and I hope they will not change the leading characters because the story goes around to them and they have a good start, very impressing!!!!!!!!!!!!! keep to the code!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. dan

    Why not a prequal? How barbosa took over the boat

  15. nicole

    I did not get to stay for the credits, but I did see the movie and I loved it!!! Someone said something about maybe Elizabeth could drink the fountain of youth and they could be together again for the kids, did she get her pregnant that day on the beach? Is that what was at the end of the credits??

  16. Amanda

    yes she got pregnant on the beach…remember the part about seeing the green light in the sky when the sun sets.. like every ten years or whatever…. well after the credits, it shows elizabeth and a young boy walking thru this field…kinda on a cliff by the ocean….it says “10 years later” at the bottom of the screen…. they are watching the sun set. As soon as it sets, you see the green light and Will appears on the boat and he is smiling at them… that was pretty much it…it so gives it away that there will be a 4th.

  17. Savannah

    I loved the pirates of the caribbean movies,and i really hope they make a 4th movie. My favorite charater was Will Turner,my second favorite was Jack Sparrow, and my third favorite was Barbosa.I didn’t really like Elizabeth.I hope they bring everyone back everyone even Elizabeth even though i may not like her.

  18. Rodney

    This is a fairly old post Savannah, but for your benefit I will clarify.

    If you have seen Pirates 3, you might have wanted to stay past the credits. Its pretty clear that there is no room for a continuing story with Will and Elizabeth at all. Their story is done.

  19. me

    i love jack sparrow….i dont care about the sequence(that they still have the same ass after ten years…)as long as i like the story and jack will not die…..heheeee..what if jack has a sister and turns out to be his co-captain of his ship after she is introduced by their father……and she acts like jack too…they’ll be having a hilarious argument…..sounds stupid.. i just wanted jack sparrow to have a “match”….thank you….


    First of all; I actually disagree with what some of you guys said. The Will and Elizabeth story hasn’t really ’sailed’ just yet. After seeing the ending credits, there could be a 4th installment that somehow twists with Jack Sparrow about the fountain of youth. I could really see Elizabeth’s and will’s son joining in in the action, too.

  21. Rodney

    Its been very clear from the writers of this franchise and the actors that portray the characters that these two will NOT take part in any further stories.

    Its done. Why beat a dead horse in an inevitable failure of a continued storyline that has run its course?

  22. Darrell

    best suggestion thus far was the idea of a prequel to the first, i agree the will/ elizabeth storyline is dead

  23. kristin

    I love the pirates movies i am hoping for a part 4 however no more swan\turner love story be on to something new- perhaps Jack sparrow dicovering love for himself or finding atlantis or something. That would be intense. I am hoping for the 4th not to be released untill 2009 so that they have plenty time to do a great movie

  24. ethan molina

    I think captin jack sparrow should have a kid in part 4.

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