New Looks at the Joker

New images released officially online give us a better glimpse of the Joker.

ONTD spills on the Joker from Heath himself:

I wouldn’t have thought of me, either. But it’s obviously not going to be what Jack Nicholson did. It’s going to be more nuanced and dark and more along the lines of a Clockwork Orange kind of feel. Which is, I think, what the comic book was after: less about his laugh and more about his eyes. It’s definitely going to stump people. I think it’ll be more along the lines of how the Joker was meant to be in the comics, darker and more sinister.

I am still surprised we even see this much of the Joker this soon, but aside from the closeup of the face and some “Joker in the background” shots we still haven’t seen a full on detailed Joker.

A lot of people complained that the first Joker image was a ripoff of Insane Clown Posse, or the Crow, but I dont see that at all. The only similiarities is that they all wear makeup. Next thing they will say is “he is too much like KISS or Tammy Fae Bakker” But another complaint said that they didnt get to see his hair or the suit.

Well the above blurry picture definitely gives us an idea on just how vibrant they intend to do the hair.

Its something.


  • 1. Salem replies at 29th May 2007, 7:54 am :

    Wow, I can see the huge scar across in cheeks in the blury pic. Looking pretty sweet, I honestly can’t wait to see this movie. However, the picture above that, is that the same Joker, but with a mask? It’s obviously a mask, but in his eyes and on his neck I can’t see pale skin. Only regular tanned skin. Does this mean that the Joker will have “normal” skin tone, and only changes when he himself applies the make-up?

  • 2. Ross replies at 29th May 2007, 8:00 am :

    I am guessing the closest clown mask is one of his ‘goons’ or whatever?

    It looks awesome anyhow. I am getting more and more excited about this every minute.

  • 3. Robert(wolf) replies at 29th May 2007, 8:28 am :

    I believe in the movie Joker applies the make-up to his face but obviously has the mouth scars. Apparently his mask comes off during the bank robbery and says to the bank manager ”It’s not polite to stare”

  • 4. Kevin C replies at 29th May 2007, 9:04 am :

    Heaths comments about the approach they are taking to Joker sounds absolutely perfect. I want to see the kind of Joker that breaks a kids back and then laughs about it. Sick and twisted, not goofy and campy.

  • 5. Ethan replies at 29th May 2007, 11:54 am :

    Alright I do no think I have heard ONE thing about this movie that I do not like. Maybe they put out Joker pics a little early but that doesnt bother me in the least.

    Now Batman Begins was a crapload of fun, and Dark Knight seems even better. Even if it is lets hope they dont set us up for the Part Three Massacre (ala Spider-Man 3 etc.)

  • 6. Kneon Transitt replies at 29th May 2007, 2:19 pm :

    So far, so good.

  • 7. AjaxLou replies at 29th May 2007, 7:48 pm :

    Nolan has earned my trust. His take on it sounds very intriguing and fascinating.

  • 8. Allen replies at 29th May 2007, 8:04 pm :

    In the picture on the top the clear image is clearly a goon. The hair isn’t green it’s brown, and his clothes are muted colors and not even close to a shade of purple. That along with the tan shows the blurry guy in the background is the one that is the Joker. Yeah they gave us a very creepy picture of the Joker’s face early but the whole shebang is veiled behind blurry shots to still have people buzzing as to what it all looks like put together. Very clever if you ask me…. and you didn’t.

  • 9. Clarence replies at 29th May 2007, 8:53 pm :

    I like this. Its very intriguing. My guess is that the Joker will drive his victims mad, though in a different way than Scarecrow.

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