This entry was posted on Monday, May 28th, 2007 at 10:33 am.
Categories: News Chat.

Peter Jackson is quickly turning in my director’s eqivolent of Russell Crowe. I think Crowe is one of the best damn actors… not only working today… but of all time. However, I also think the man is a total jack ass and I have very little respect for him off camera. Peter Jackson is an uber talented director whoes movies I will continue to rush out to see (even the let down King Kong)… but I have pretty much lost all respect for the dude I had. To me, he’s pretty much proved himself to be a lying weasel who uses and manipulates his fan base as mindless pawns to carry out his private battles in public. But I won’t go into all that now…

Recently, Jackson decided to talk about his totally botched Halo project with Stuff.Co.Uk

Jackson said he expected renewed interest from Hollywood studios 20th Century Fox and Universal Pictures to have Halo made as the Halo 3 video game will be released later this year. He and partner Fran Walsh would be involved again in Halo only if Blomkamp is the director. “We wouldn’t want to do it with anybody else. It’ll be Neill’s call.”

Now, first let me say that I do agree with Jackson that Halo will get made eventually. Maybe even sooner rather than later. I’ve always believed that and I still do.

However… I don’t beleive this movie will ever get made with Neill “I’ve never even served coffee on set of a real movie let alone direct one” Blomkamp as the director. I don’t see any studio investing $200 million in a movie with a guy directing it who has NEVER WORKED ON ANY FEATURE FILM IN ANY CAPACITY IN HIS LIFE.

And if Jackson wants to walk off the project (who the fuck cares if he does??? He’s just a tolken producer) unless he gets his formerly fat ass way… then fuck him… let him walk. Heaven forbid Jackson back off on the Blomkamp demands and show his leigions of fans he’s not a god.

As a side note… did any of you see taht Blomkamp short film with Lynda Carter in it? The one with the Temp robot worker? Oh god that was a horrible piece of shit. Look it up if you get a chance. The whole stupid movie is a 20 minute build up to one mild chuckle of a punch line at the end.

5 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Kurt

    Oi! Don’t understand all the Jackson hate, but I’d rather have producers with a strong opinion of who is right for the film rather than handing it off to a rent-a-director like Chris Columbus, Brett Ratner or Andrew Adamson. Never let a directors short film work play the guide to what a huge budgeted massively multi-collaborated film would be.

    Don’t know why I’m making this point, I have Zero interest in Halo.

  2. Rodney

    Its not Jackson hate. Its disrespect. The guy deserves none.

    I disagreed with John about a lot of things regarding Halo, but honestly when the guy flipflops more than a politician and weasles his way out of anything that might make him look bad, how can you have any respect for him at all? John won me over but not because of his influence or suggestablility. John only won me over because Jackson LOST so bad.

    And the icing on this embarassing failure cake has always been his insistance that Blomkamp direct Halo. I have about as much feature film directing as this guy does. Frankly, I would hate to be Blomkamp.

    It must be hard to deal with all that stress and expectation with Peter Jackson’s nose up your ass.

    Blomkamps video that John mentioned above.

  3. miles


    a spelling mistake? a pun? a mis-spelled pun?

    no way to tell for certain.

  4. Oliver

    Jackson and Blomkamp have obviously become buddies of late, as indicated by the fact that Blomkamp has been hanging out with Peter Jacskson in New Zealand and directing short films together.

    Directing a feature film is not rocket science. More so than any of the other art/entertainment forms it mostly requires you not to be a retard (i.e. to have this intangible ‘talent’), rather than to be super experienced, or even technically minded.

    Anyway, my point is, no one really knows the story behind this, Jackson as obviously invested a lot of time and interest in Blomkamp as director, and feels confident that it would work well, so why the fuck should he waste any more time making buddies with some other director or investing any time, when he’s already done it all and could be doing a million other things.

    You wanna know who the bad guys are, as much of a cliche as it is, the fucking studios, they are the flip floppers. Peter Jackson is entirely motivated by enthusiasm for a project, friendships, and making a good damn movie. The studios will never be able to lay claim to that.

  5. darkbhudda

    So the morale of the story is fat people are cool. Muesli loving hippies, which is what Peter Jackson has turned into, are jackasses. Or did he start going off the rails before losing weight?

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