Doug Reviews Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World’s End

I will not lie to you folks. Going into Pirates 3, I was expecting it to suck. I had a strong dislike for Pirates 2 and was not really expecting much from this one either. I have been wrong before, so I tried my best to remain a neutral observer.

Let me focus first on the things I enjoyed about this film. First off this film has jaw dropping, fantastic special effects. I could not believe how awesome everything looked. The crustacean crew looked awesome and no effect stood out to me as “fake.” This is important for me to stay “immersed” in the film and I have to nod my hat to the people that did the effects, they were superb and easily the best part of the film.

The sets were also fantastic and the costuming was delightful. Something that was surprisingly good was the cameo by Keith Richards. Richards did a fantastic job as the father of Capt. Jack. I thought that this would come off as pure unfiltered cheese, but it was a great cameo and was probably the highlight of the film for me.

Now onto the things I disliked about the film. This movie is long, way too long and yet somehow managed to be bloated. It is so crammed full of shit for a 3 hour film, it is astounding. There is so much time spent on various alliances, double crosses, and deal negotiations that you lose track of who is on whose side, and sadly you don’t care.

For an action/adventure film there is not a lot of action and/or adventure. There is lots of gums flapping, lots of boats chasing boats and lots of people sulking about their failing relationships. For a film with so much in it, I was terribly, terribly bored.

By the end battle I was apathetic, lots was happening and yet I didn’t care. Things tied up for some characters; for others you are left thinking “where did they go?” The series that once focused on Jack Sparrow instead seemed to change gears and focus on everyone else, and the movie suffered for it. This movie is the best looking, unenjoyable film I have ever seen. This summer’s blockbusters continue to let me down like a Mormon prom date.

On a scale of No, Go or Routh - I give it a No.

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  • 1. Chris replies at 28th May 2007, 3:40 pm :

    You didn’t find it at all exciting?

    I totally felt the opposite. It was so contrasting to Pirates, where things are constantly happening and it takes no time to jump right into the action. Its much funnier then then the second one and I found it loads more entertaining. Captain jack is still hilarious, witty and a great character acted greatly.

    Yes Orlando is still flat as a board, but most of the cast makes up for it.

    It’s the style of the movies to have backhanded deals going every which way and to double cross each other, its how the movies are so successful, because you’re never 100% sure what someone is going to do. Like say making Elizabeth King or having *spoiler* Will stabbed by Davy Jones.

    At least we both agree on the visual effects. It looks absolutely stunning from beginning to end, especially Davy Jones crew and Davy Jones himself when it transforms from the real man to the tentacles. It all looked so incredibly real.

  • 2. spidey1703 replies at 28th May 2007, 4:24 pm :

    You pretty much summed up my exact feelings towards the film Doug. You know what they say, “great minds….” etc, etc, etc!

  • 3. AjaxLou replies at 28th May 2007, 7:46 pm :

    I already made my mind shortly into P2 to skip P3. Thanks for the confirming my decision.

  • 4. jason presti replies at 28th May 2007, 8:43 pm :

    Although I agree with Doug about the film being Way too over-bloated I did enjoy it a lot and thought it was better than Pirates 2.

    I understand that the creators wanted to reward the actors/characters that made it through all 3 films by giving them ALL a good amount of screen time but at some point you have to draw a line.
    Did Every character in the film have to have their own backstory and subplot?!
    Look, i liked all the secondary characters in the film but their constant one-liners and facial reactions were about as useful and entertaining as the endless crowd shots in Spiderman 3.

    the film is complex and you have to play attention to follow it but I don’t necessarily see that as a bad thing.

    I think there was quite a bit of action in the film and I think it was done very well. The only problem is that with so many characters getting individual attention the action scenes tended to run a little long.

    the main thing I did like about the film is that Pirates 3 was a much more mature, serious movie than 2. I was glad to see them cut down on the goofball antics.

    Unlike Spiderman 3 there really isn’t much that can be done to fix the film’s over-bloated running time. The producers painted themselves in a corner making Pirates 2 so complex and so open-ended.

    The problem is Pirates 3 is way too long a movie but it had to be to properly tie up all the loose ends.

    One last thing: I don’t know whose idea it was to incorporate Johnny Depp’s hallucination/dream sequences into the film but they should be shot.
    Those scenes made NO sense and added Nothing to the film. They were very jarring against the rest of the movie and could have been cut out to reduce the running time.

  • 5. Frances replies at 29th May 2007, 6:05 am :

    I’m not sure why my comment was deleted. I didn’t leave a spoiler. I was just saying that the ending was pathetic, weak and mindless. Oh well, won’t bother commenting anymore ^_-

    I think you guys need to be less comment deletion happy, this isn’t the first time my comment has been removed.

  • 6. Adam replies at 29th May 2007, 6:56 am :

    Completely agree with the review - pretty much spot on. The first ‘Pirates’ was good popcorn fun with enjoyable characters, ‘Dead Mans Chest’ though was not a good ride and the plot tried to get too clever for itself, and NOW, what the hell is going on??!

    The ‘jokes’ have become predictable and not enjoyable and detract greatly from what is going on, the plot is all over the show and there doesn’t even seem to be a central character that we can focus our attentions on. Even the character of Jack Sparrow just seemed to be in the background for light relief and decent acting. What was with the boat battle around the whirlpool? It lasted 20 minutes and nothing really happened - it didn’t progress the story and just became so repetative - did the Black Pearl suffer no damage at all?!

    I don’t think there’s enough room here to express how disappointing the film was and what a massive let down the franchise has become - no more please.

    One saving grace was the last five minutes with Jack and 2 ladies losing his ship again - a brief flash back to how light and watchable his character was in the first movie!

  • 7. ScreenwriterJ replies at 31st May 2007, 8:31 am :

    I wish I could trash this movie, but I loved it. I’m tired of seeing action movies without character development. And while they could have trimmed some of the dialog, I was happy they tried to give the plot a little extra punch. At least they didn’t have all the men crying like in Spider-Man. Please. I thought the days of wimpy dudes ended with the 80s. Why are we back here?

  • 8. Anonymous replies at 2nd June 2007, 9:59 pm :

    I would have to disagree with doug because I thought it was enjoyable. Even if it was long you still were interested with what all was going on. The only thing I would have to complain about is how they dont have Elizabeth and Will actually together.

  • 9. Bonny replies at 4th June 2007, 9:12 am :

    I’ve never commented on this site before, but I just had to put my two-cents worth in on this. I absolutely LOVED the movie - I thought that the writers did a fabulous job on this one, not to mention the choreographers. Sure, it was a bit long and hectic, and at times you got lost for a moment - but it still kept your attention throughout the film, and isn’t that the point? These movies were made to be a visual thrill ride, and they have accomplished that, alongside becoming a ‘mental’ thrill ride, if you’ll pardon the term. What I mean by that, is that the plot keeps you guessing. Almost every single one of the characters in the ‘Pirates’ trilogy are highly developed and unique - and that, my friends, is a rare thing to come by in movies like this, where there are so characters.

    As for the lack of Jack, it wasn’t too incredibly noticable, if you ask me. They still had him in there QUITE a bit, he just wasn’t the one pulling all the strings this time. I liked that they shared the spotlight this time around, and I beleive it made the movie quite entertaining. That said, I must also confess that I’m a very plot-oriented movie-goer, so I suppose that coming from me, that doesn’t mean an awful lot.

    So the movie wasn’t perfect - this, I confess. But truly, what movie is? … On the other hand, don’t answer that. The point is, that even with its quirks, it still has that same Pirate-y charm we have all come to love, and it’s infinitely better than the second one.

    Plus, they brought Barbossa back! What more could you ask for? :D … Ok, I’m going to just end this reply now, before I tottally squash the validity of this comment single-handedly…

  • 10. replies at 11th June 2007, 8:40 pm :

    Crazy fans LOL!! I was in the theater full of hardcore fans in costumes, all dressed up and everything.. some even looked more like gypsies than pirates… or are they one and the same? who the hell cares!:)

    ‘Pirates’ 3 if I may call it so.. does a good job of making all the heroes look really cool.

    the shots taken at many peculiar angles and the energy of its original score music make all the more justifiable for the applauding fans to make idols and icons out of Jack Sparrow, Bill Turner, and Elizabeth Swan.

    This is a movie just for the fans

    and have I mentioned that this movie’s visual effects are nothing short of amazing… I think it can win Oscar again for that category.

    I for one am a bit disappointed in the fact that Chow Yun Fat didn’t get in many sword- fighting scenes other than the beginning part.

    You gotta hand it to producer Jerry Bruckheimer though who always knows how to bank money through summer blockbuster.

    now back to the movie.. I think it’s too long.. it’s terribly long.. it has enough comic relief and punch lines along the way to keep you from daydreaming or bored, but still,.. it’s too damn long.

    for more…

  • 11. David C replies at 10th July 2007, 1:19 am :

    I would say i have to disagree. I loved Pirates 3. Unlike many I wasn’t just watching because Depp is in it. Even though his role seemed to be more limited, i enjoyed watching the various escapades the other characters underwent. As for the Pirates 2 ending……I liked it. It wasn’t the best cliffhanger but the return of Barbossa left me smiling, and ready for the next. Although I think the third came on too quickly. 2 years passed between one and two, but less than a year between two and three.

    Most likely everyon hates my opinion. :(

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