3 Minutes of New Rambo Footage

I’m not thrilled with the idea of a new Rambo movie at all. Personally I think Stallone should take his sweet victory of Rocky 6 (which I also didn’t think was a good idea and it ended up being a brilliant film). So no, I don’t think Sylvester doing another Rambo is a good idea. HOWEVER…

The folks over at AICN have just posted up over 3 minutes of footage from the new Rambo movie… and some of it is SWEEEETTTT. Be warned here folks… some of the footage is just NASTY gory. Actually… the very best shot of a guy getting blown away by a machine gun I’ve ever seen. Well… you’ll see what I mean.

Some of the stuff looks pretty weak to me… but give this clip it’s due… some of the stuff looks down right killer.

Check the video out here.

Tip of the hat to Josh for the heads up.

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  • 1. JaySmack replies at 19th May 2007, 2:13 pm :

    Kicking ass, blowing people away. This is what Rambo’s all about. Classic 80’s hyper-violence. Hopefully there’s a good story to go along with all the carnage.

  • 2. melbye replies at 19th May 2007, 2:15 pm :

    I think they showed too much

  • 3. AjaxLou replies at 19th May 2007, 2:48 pm :

    Too much violence or too much of the movie? Hard to believe all the gore is going to be in the final cut. I’ll hold on judgment - Sly has earned that after Rocky VI.

  • 4. PHIL from LI NY replies at 19th May 2007, 3:03 pm :

    That was actually pretty cool, i’m not that pumped for it, but i will def. check this out

  • 5. bigsampson replies at 19th May 2007, 3:17 pm :

    rambo is so leet!
    ya no john after you introduced me to the last rocky i have to save…..im really excited that stallone at his age(and size….freaking huge) he is still kicking ass!

  • 6. louman2 replies at 19th May 2007, 3:23 pm :

    I never saw any of the Rambo movies (because they looked boring to me), but this trailer didn’t interest me at all. It looks really uninteresting, and the action in it was uncreative and shot with no style. I don’t see this movie doing well box office-wise, because it looks very old and outdated. And i even thought everything in the trailer looked definately cheap and a bit fakey.

  • 7. Brandon replies at 19th May 2007, 3:25 pm :

    Well, I haven’t seen the other Rambo movies. I was just wondering if they are all as insanly gorey as that. My jaw almost hit the floor and he over-killed that dude in the jeep.

  • 8. AjaxLou replies at 19th May 2007, 3:54 pm :

    Never judge a book by its cover. The first one is a damn good movie.

  • 9. haole replies at 19th May 2007, 4:46 pm :

    I don’t know, just based on this trailer (and I’m sure there’ll be better ones later) I would probably watch this movie. And I agree that was the greatest scene of a guy shot by a machine gun.

  • 10. finaljoe replies at 19th May 2007, 4:54 pm :

    This trailer alone has owned TRANSFORMERS’ ass.

    Go Sly!

  • 11. miles replies at 19th May 2007, 5:12 pm :

    that was pretty sweet.

    i really liked the feel…very 80s action film in some ways but very modern too.

    plus, it had a guy getting his throat ripped out by fucking rambo.


  • 12. Terry Letourneau replies at 19th May 2007, 5:41 pm :

    Holy ?&%#, that jeep scene was like something from a Paul Verhoeven movie. I wonder what the MPAA will do after seeing that.

  • 13. joone replies at 19th May 2007, 5:56 pm :

    that. was. awesome.

  • 14. Mike replies at 19th May 2007, 6:14 pm :

    Wow! Blows shit out of Transformers trailer, and this is only an internet promo.

  • 15. jason presti replies at 19th May 2007, 6:26 pm :

    Oh Man! I was so wrong. I thought this was going to be the next in a long line of corporate, sanitized, Hollywoodized retreads we have been seeing recently, but this film looks like the Dirty, nasty, angry war movie that needs to be made.

    I am tired of all the goody-goody, holier than thou, preachy war movies where the heroes are the living embodiment of the Geneva Convention and ball-less pacifists.

    We need a war movie with heroes who are pissed off at the villains and the atrocities they commit and who will do ANYTHING to defeat them no matter how sick and dirty it is. RAMBO will be a “real world” action/war movie where really bad things happen to good people and the survivors make the villains pay and pay Good!

  • 16. jason presti replies at 19th May 2007, 6:33 pm :

    Also, TO all who worry about the Gore!

    There is a possibility that this leaked footage is a pre final cut edit made before it was submitted to the MPAA.

    I could be wrong here, but much of this gore could be cut out prior to release, UNLESS they are going for a “real world Saving Private Ryan feel” and are trying to bring to light the plight of the people in Burma.

    If that is the case I think this gore will all make it into the final film.

    For those that didn’t know, Sylvester Stallone had a hard time coming up with a premise for this film. He could not figure out a place to set the movie that would not be controversial, such as the Middle East or Africa.
    Out of desperation he called up the Publisher/Editor of Soldier of Forune magazine and asked him where in the world the worse attrocities are being committed against it’s own people right now.
    They told him BURMA and that is where they decided to set the film.
    I don’t know much about Burma but aparently it is Really bad there right now.

  • 17. kc replies at 19th May 2007, 8:24 pm :


    Loved First Blood, hated the other two… this one looks to have the same kind of tone as First Blood. Count me in!

  • 18. Darren j Seeley replies at 19th May 2007, 8:52 pm :

    Loved First Blood.
    Liked Rambo First Blood II, in spite of sillyness and campy moments
    Rambo III was a guilty pleasure (liked the idea of Rambo teaming up with his mentor)

    So this one will most likely fall in the like not love area.

  • 19. Koko replies at 19th May 2007, 10:05 pm :

    YES! .. YES YES YES YES!!!

    SLY is BACK!!!!

    This movie is exactly what Rambo is and should be. It doesn’t look like he’s tried to change it at all, which is great! It’s been modernized, as Rambo’s age shows too.

    The only thing that bugs that absolute shit out of me is the title. I was having a blast for about 3 minutes until the title came up. Had it have just said RAMBO … I woulda been fuckin pleased as a pig in shit… But come … JOHN RAMBO???


    … RAMBO BALBOA?????

  • 20. DevonRoy replies at 19th May 2007, 11:55 pm :

    Rocky 6 was brilliant film? That…that was the funniest thing I heard all day.

  • 21. louman2 replies at 19th May 2007, 11:56 pm :

    I hope this movie flops hard on its face.

  • 22. Doug F. replies at 20th May 2007, 12:58 am :

    I have to say this film looks insane. I can’t wait to see more.

  • 23. Matt Holmes replies at 20th May 2007, 1:52 am :

    I love the second half of the trailer, with all the bloody action. I would just be a little worried that the first half of the film might be too political. And too much “depressing nostalgia” which Rocky Balboa had far too much of.

  • 24. Mozzerino replies at 20th May 2007, 5:30 am :

    Fuck me, now that really looks badass as hell!!!
    Sly really rocks the shit in that trailer.
    Didn’t have any interest whatsoever in this before, but I gotta say, if reviews are good, I will see it.
    Let’s just hope they don’t tone down the violence. This should be a downright bloody, gritty brutal mess and I hope it stays that way.
    R-Rated movies can be very successful, “300″ proved that.

  • 25. 1138 replies at 20th May 2007, 10:59 am :

    That was freak’in sweet!!! You were right John that machine gun scene was awesome!! The clips look good and I have to admit this mini trailer has me pumped! I like the first Rambo but thought the one’s that followed began to get a little cheesy…looks like this one returned to the original in scope and feeling. Would definitely be into seeing this one!

  • 26. Omar replies at 20th May 2007, 2:38 pm :

    If all the violence stays in the movie I will be there on opening day. That was the greatest trailer I’ve ever seen. War is hell and I’m glad that Sly is showing it. Make more movies like this, the ones only adults can see, not that soft weak garbage they’ve been making lately.

  • 27. movie replicas replies at 21st May 2007, 8:41 am :

    i didn’t know what to think of that trailer?! i’m a rambo fan, it has the feel of the 80’s but maybe the image of rambo machine gunning the dude to pieces left me a little turned off. it reminded me of movies like hostel. i’ll still see the movie.

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