X-Files Sequel Actually Happening?

I think the phrase “jump the shark” was specifically created for the last couple of season of The X-Files. Robert Patrick did a pretty decent job picking up the slack left behind after David Duchovny walked off the show, but it just wasn’t enough. Add that to the fact that X-Files had one of the absolute WORST series finales I’ve ever seen.

The first X-Files movie was ok… but then the show made the mistake of just carrying on as if nothing happened in the movie. It was quite a let down. Now, as many of you know David Duchovny has been saying for YEARS that another X-Files movie was at hand… it was sooooo close… but much like Indiana Jones 4 it never actually happened. Well… it looks like things may be happening now, at least according to X-File co-star Gillian Anderson. The folks over at JoBlo quote her as saying:

“They’re starting to talk about doing a feature again. Every year or two they talk about it again, but it seems like it might be for real this time. Somehow it seems like somebody’s really serious about it. I know that Chris’ lawsuit with Fox is over, so maybe now it can be done.”

I’m not really sure how on earth you redeem the awful mess the last season of X-Files left, but I for one am curious to see the attempt. When X-Files was done right, it was DAMN fine television. Maybe they can re-spark some of that old magic. Maybe throw in a Gillian Anderson lesbian scene too… ya… that would be nice.

18 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Bishop

    You know I recently saw Gillian Anderson in “The Last King of Scotland” and although she was blonde, she still retained her hotness. Rawr.

    Call me Leper, Outcast, Unclean, but I still watched the X-files even after the departure of David Duchovny and I really didn’t find it jumped the shark as much as people constantly say it did. I still enjoyed watching it every Sunday night. I enjoyed the role reversal set upon Scully, and the movie wasn’t that phenomenal but still pretty good.

  2. shane razey

    Hum, naked Skully. Ahhhhhhh…….

  3. Kevin

    Agreed Bishop,

    I too watched till the bitter end, and enjoyed the movie. Would a sequel suck? most likely but i would still watch.

    Yes Gillian Anderson is hot

  4. Josh

    Actually show did not ignore the movie. The movie was the bridge between seasons 4 and 5 (or 5 and 6..cant remember), and the show continued to make several refferences to the movie (like the bee, the alien ship, skully being taken)

    As much as I like Robert Patrick (I mean, he played the frickin’ T-1000..and man was he creepy in that), his character was OK compared to Mulder, who I hated to see go..I remember wishing that was just a few episode stint and not pernament, boy was I disappointed!

    The last two seasons were so subprar. I mean, there were fun episodes (generally, the ones having nothing to do with plot of the show) but that last episode put them on the run, which kinda left me feeling unsatisfied because the story didn’t feel complete.

    Also, I must say that I really like the first movie. I’m sure most people who were fans of the show before seeing the movie disagree, but the movie was the thing that got me into the X-Files.

    I just hope they forget the last few seasons, or have the movie take place before those seasons and just do a Mulder and Skully movie. Forget all the other agents that showed up in the last couple seasons (or have very,very, very small cameos at most), and just make a good movie.

  5. gerard

    i was never a big fan of x-files, although i have seen several episodes and i’ve always thought scully was hot. i even have an action figure of her.

  6. Jay

    Naked Scully, indeed…

    Someone has said “I think it might be real this time” everytime the sequel gets brought up. It’s a meaningless phrase when partnered with news of an X-Files sequel.

    Dont get me wrong, I would love to see another X-Files movie, but how many times can they cry wolf? How many times do you believe someone when they say it’s actually happening this time and it doesnt before you start to look like a fool?

    File this one under “Believe It When I See It” for me.
    I refuse to get my hopes up yet again.

  7. PHIL

    Hey Josh, I agree 100% about the movie. The movie got me into the show. I thought it was a great movie and i hope they make another. And i agree with john that the series finale sucked ass. And yes yes… Gillian Anderson is hot.

  8. Kristina

    The show rocked until the last few seasons. The movie still rocks.

  9. Lou Sytsma

    John, now this franchise is the pinnacle - or would that be abyss? -of a dead franchise. Even worse, its a dead franchise that jumped the shark big time.

    Its only hope would be - surprise, surprise - a reboot. No real loss because the series never had a proper resolution anyhow.

  10. Rick King

    IIRC, the show’s creator, Chris Carter, was in a lawsuit with Fox studios. I believe Fox studios had not paid Chris Carter for his services during the last season of the X-Files. So, if there are talks it means A) the lawsuit was settled, B) the movie will be done without Chris Carter.

    John, I agree…WORST…ENDING…EVER.

    On a slightly different topic, was anyone else surprised that the Lone Gunmen were killed off? Anyone know the reason (tin foil hat theory time).

  11. “I think the phrase “jump the shark” was specifically created for the last couple of season of The X-Files.”

    Or “Jump the Shark” was coined after the episode of Happy Days when Fonzie jumps his motorcycle over a tank with a shark in it.

    Its often said that Happy Days was never the same from that episode on, so now when a show has set a downward spiral, people say it has Jumped the Shark.

    Just in case you didn’t already know that.

  12. darren j seeley

    I thought Jumping Shark had to do with Evil Kenevel, but in any case…

    I would not mind…no, I take that back…I would **applaud** an X-Files film if they started the film as if that finale really happened. A lot has happened in the world since the show went off the air (such as 9/11, the Iraq invasion) and so, just maybe some alien conspiracy was halted somehow. I’d like to see the two agents come in from where they are now.

    I would hate to find out that the last season was one of the following:

    * an extended mushroom cave trip;

    * stuck in the First Person Shooter game;

    * Bad Mulder dream during his disappearance.

    Skinner would have to be a major supporting character; maybe Amin Mueller Stahl’s character (who was never seen again since the film, mentioned once and is really the only one left from the council still alive?) I also would not mind Robert Patrick again as Doggett.
    I’d get the alien thing in briefly to bring folks up to speed, then go on with a creature-esque dude like Tooms. or an (re)introduction to “Monty Props”, a satanic serial killer (sort of like the Night Stalker) who was captured by Mulder just prior to taking on the X-Files.

    Just something other than UFO’s and conspiracies for awhile.

    See, I have to strongly disagree with the int’l friends on this. I do not want a gimmick that says ‘this and that’ didn’t happen. That cheapens things and cheats an audience. This isn’t freaking Highlander, y’know.

    It’s the X-Files.

  13. darren j seeley

    Oh, yeah. Slipped my mind…Gillian…well..you know…

  14. dave

    John specifically said, “I think the phrase “jump the shark” was specifically created”, meaning that the phrase was appropriate for the show, not that the show was the genesis of the phrase.

  15. Jay

    According to Moviehole.net, Gillian Anderson said that Carter’s lawsuit with Fox is settled.

    Maybe there is something happening this time.

  16. Alic

    Gillian is hot… That’s all I would see this movie for…

  17. shane razey

    Skully, I miss you.

  18. Viddy


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