There Is Going To Be A Crank 2

For those of you who listened to the live Uncut episode earlier today, or listened to the show below, this will be old news. But for the rest of you, this will be pretty cool:

Earlier today I had Brian Taylor and Mark Neveldine (Writers and Directors of Crank and Writers and Producers of the upcoming “Pathology” which starts filming next week) and one of the listeners asked if there was going to be another Crank movie. Brian answered straight up:

“There will be a sequel to Crank yes. Prepare to Crank again. And you know the “is it a sequel or prequel” question… IT’S A SEQUEL. We’re not selling out and going prequel. We are picking up where the last movie left off.”

Now if you’re like me… 1) You’re thrilled to hear this news. But also 2) you’re stretching your head a little bit trying to figure out how the hell they can do a direct sequel right where the first one left off (if you saw Crank, you know what I’m talking about). I decided not to push them on it… because it was already very cool of them to dish that much (and they probably wouldn’t have told me even if I asked).

So there you have it folks. Right from the horses mouth. There is going to be a Crank 2… and it is going to be a sequel right where the first film left off. I’d love to hear your theories on how they’re going to pull that off.

20 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. darren j seeley

    I hated Crank.
    I hated Crank.
    I hated Crank.

    But the question is: how. I hated Crank, but I’ll play ball. Possibiliies:

    1) Amy Smart’s character gets cranked;

    2) Jason Statham’s character survives fall [tis over the top action, after all] and is cured. Sadly, Amy Smart’s character is cranked and they have to find the new cure together, giving a whole new definition to backseat action;

    3) sequel in name only;

    4) New film has Jason Statham’s character’s god guy twin brother get cranked, [think John Woo’s Better Tommorow 1 & 2, where Chow Yun Fat comes back as a character’s brother that was killed off in first film]

  2. Rodney

    Maybe the movie will deal more with the aftermath of the swath of destruction Statham left.

    Telling more about who he was, and how those on “his side” might react to this whole thing.

  3. chris

    meh…the firts one was disappointing….all that flashy editing for nothing…….action scenes were pretty good, but everything else was forced when they tried to too hard to make it exciting…..

  4. Eaglewing

    I liked Crank for a fun all out action flick, but a sequel how? Um…Dwight Yoakam pops the Beijing cocktail to avenge the death of his prized medical marvel. He goes around town killing people with a guitar while singing “Fast As You” faster and faster to keep his adrenaline up. The movie ends when he plays the song at a million beats per minute causing the guitar string to snap and fly back garroting him during a final onstage guitar jam. For some reason, Amy Smart is there and with the massive blood spray she accidentally gets some in her mouth and swallows it infecting her blood stream and - Voila! Crank 3 is born & I will await the forthcoming DVD box set trilogy…

  5. SaraBean

    I loved Crank. Haven’t listened to that podcast yet. But yeah, I don’t get how theycould do a Crank 2 at all. It certainly couldn’t have Chev back could it? And could you really make a Crank 2 without Jason?

  6. Mr Stay Puft

    I didn’t like Crank. Statham needs to move on to better projects. He should be a household name like Bruce Willis.

  7. blf

    well if you remember at the very end of the film when he falls to the ground from the plane you think he’s dead but you hear a heartbeat which is obviosly what the writers intended to do in the event they would like to return and continue with a sequel. i think its a strech of reality but so was the whole film but thats what made it great. there would need to be another twist in crank 2 than just him getting cranked, maybe amy smart getting it or possibly him saving her in order for her not to while he is.

  8. Campbell's Soup kid



    He also blinks.

    Did any of you watch the end of Crank? Apparently not. Chev is alive and well.

  9. Campbell's Soup kid

    Well, I tried to put A HUGE SPACE between **SPOILER** and the actual spoiler itself in the above comment. Apparently it didn’t take. It might be a good idea to remove the above comment.

  10. Reality

    Sequel is a bad idea. I loved Crank for what it was, action with a semi-original twist. A sequel would serve no justice to the ending of the first.

  11. Nathan Happy Pants

    This is fucking wicked news! I loved Crank. The ending was perfect and we all knew there had to be a Crank 2 with the way it finished. Statham rules!

    So when will Crank 2 come out?

  12. JaySmack

    I agree with Mr Stay Puff -to an extent. Statham should be a bigger star all right, but Bruce Willis he AIN’T.

    I thought Crank was serviceable for what it was. If you like the now classic genre of the grimy, LA bottom-feeder kill-fests with the grunge-esque hero versus a coterie of eclectic, weird and psychotic villains, with tons of lengthy yet snappy dialogue scenes, then this flick’s for you.

    I admire any filmmakers who can do a movie for under ten million in this day and age, especially one as entertaining as Crank. And Crank was a genuine attempt to do something orginal and different and do it with some semblance of skill.

    Maybe it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, and I get that, but it’s not shit either.

  13. _ram-jaane'

    Maybe Amy Smart is so distraught she cranks herself & gets together a team to take out all of the crime syndicates in the world … not vengeance .. PUNISHMENT :P

  14. Tommy

    Possible Crank Theories i have been thinking off since i first watched Crank. Since he opened his eyes at the end, with fall and mixtures of shit he took throughout the movie to pump his adrenaline to live. he somehow survives the HARDCORE FALL and is maybe in a catatonic state for a while Kill Bill Vol. 1 kinda thing. then he wakes up and BAM Crank 2 begins with whatever story they have planned. my 2 cents.

  15. Carlos Allende

    I don’t care if the guy blinked. It was a death blink as far as I’m concerned. HE’S DEAD. You don’t fall 5000 feet and slam on the top of a car and then onto the street and not break every bone in your body. But I guess money talks in sequel-ville

  16. AT

    How on earth did the first movie make enough to even consider making a sequel?!? I absolutely hated this movie and I’m a HUGE Statham fan! He needs to get out of the action first, story second types of movies.

  17. Gizmo-G

    Holy Crap, that is awesome news. I loved Crank and all other movies that Jason Statham starred in. (Except in Jet Lee’s “The One”) That’s the first time I saw him in a movie, I never expected that he could fight so well. And in that movie Lee just whooped his a**. There should be another movie where he brings some of his own can of whoopas to Jet. (I hate Jet Lee’s “The One”, but I do like him though) Still, Tony Jaa is the best. Oh, kinda drifting off from the topic here… Anyways, yeah Crank 2 will definitely be awesome. I certainly won that bet with my friend. (Cuz he kept insisting that Chev was dead. Thanks guys.

  18. fiona

    like the doctor said he could give him a dream and the ending could have being a dream so he didnt actually fall he could have dreamed then goes into a coma and in the next one wake up out of the coma

  19. SecretSQ5

    In the directors commentary, it is mentioned the hallucinatory effects of the “plant shit” Chev drinks in the cab hint at possibly making the end of the movie nothing more than a hallucination. My opinion about the sequel is that Crank 2 picks up with Chev in the cab after he DREAMS he has fallen out of helicopter.

  20. Mcarey

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so) I thought the first movie was awesome!!! And I say bring it on baby!!!!! I am EXCITED!!!!!!

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