The Movie Blog: Uncut - April 30th 2007

Posted by on 30. 04. 2007in Uncut Podcast

Hey there folks! Well, Doug and I are BOTH back from Los Angeles now (I walked off the plane like 4 hours ago) so that means it’s time for the triumphant return of the Monday Round Table! On todays show Doug, Darren and I discuss:

- The superior movie theater experience in Los Angeles

- Raimi never wanted Venom in Spider-Man 3

- Ridley Scott and Russell Crowe doing Notingham

- Crank 2

- The Condemned

- Next

- The Invisible

All this an a few things more!


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You can visit each member of the round tables sites here:

John Campea’s Site
Bruxy Cavey’s Site
Darren Conley’s Site
Doug Nagy’s Site

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15 Responses to “The Movie Blog: Uncut - April 30th 2007”

  1. venom4evr says:

    finally round table

  2. krazie835 says:

    It was no secret that Rami didn’t want Venom in any of the movies. I think he said before or immdiately after Spider-Man 2 that he didn’t like the Venom or Carnage villians. I think it would have been to include Venom to make fans happy but I think they should have waited until the 4th film. The ending prolly should have been some sort of cliffhanger with Brock turning into Venom and Park not realzing that Eddie Brock is Venom until the 4th movie.

  3. krazie835 says:

    Judo break falls are always nice to know in case you fall from 40,000 feet.

  4. Snoogans says:

    My AMC theatre in whitby ontario has its own butter dispenser, John what theatre chain do you usually attend?

  5. Blaze87 says:

    Nice talk with you guys in LA being treated like “royality”.

    You can’t have a movie that focuses on the villian, that was the mistake of Batman 89, they focused on Jack Nicholson’s Joker too much and not enough on Micheal Keaton’s Batman, who’s sabotes to be the central character of the friggin movie, but I still enjoy it.

    Nice Doug - A cop who fucks Robin Hood’s bitch.

    Nagy’s Crank 2, ain’t gonna happen, Doug, your movie would bomb opening weekend and I would laugh my ass off.


    WWE blows.

  6. Blaze87 says:

    I apologize for my reaction to John’s comment on Iron Man, it just kills me when John condemns every non-popular mainstream superhero ala Iron Man, Shazam, Robin, She-Hulk, Supergirl, and so on.

  7. Blaze87 says:

    and Superman’s Rogues.

  8. matt says:

    As great as the wed/fri shows are, they’re still a completely different show. I really missed the Round Table shows. It’s good to have everyone back!


  9. Phil Gee says:

    My favourite discussions you guys have are about the movie going experience so thank you……but you bastards always talk about popcorn and stuff and make me so hungry.

    Glad the roundtable is back.

  10. Vincent says:

    Hi John just drop this news here it’s been all over the net:

  11. Krintina says:

    YAY! Monday’s are worth waking up for again!

  12. Chris says:


    You guys don’t have butter dispensers in Canada? What kind of communist country are you? I’ve heard of that type of thing in New Jersey, but c’mon you’re Canada for crying out loud, not a third world country where you can’t make your own decisions. All joking aside though, every theatre we have here in the Philadelphia area allows us to dispense our own butter-like substance. I would love to have assigned seating though, that way you know that when you go to a movie with four or five people you won’t have to split up when the theatre is crowded.


  13. Spidey 3 for UN Secretary says:

    what is the obsession with Spidey 3 and how crap its gonna be?
    loads of people here are so worried about it and I don’t understand!

    Raimi is a great director and Spiderman is a great story great story + Great director = great film right?

    right? please someone agree with me now I’m getting scared!!

  14. Rafael says:

    My theater in San Mateo County dispenses real artificial butter


  15. Koko says:

    Lucky You with Eric Bana is opening up against Spiderman.

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