The Movie Blog: Uncut - April 27th 2007

Posted by on 27. 04. 2007in Uncut Podcast

Hey there guys. Here is the recorded version of the LIVE “The Moive Blog: Uncut” episode that was originally aired Friday April 27th 2007. This was a very special installment of the show as I was joined by the Writers and Directors of the hit film “Crank”, Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor. These guys are just amazing and were fantastic guests… and I think we did 11 beers between the 3 of us during the show!

Oh… and here’s a hint… they spill the beans in this episode… THERE IS GOING TO BE A CRANK 2.. and it’s not a sequel. It apparently picks up RIGHT where Crank 1 left off. Listen to the show to find out more.



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4 Responses to “The Movie Blog: Uncut - April 27th 2007”

  1. Jonathan says:

    Cheers, mates. Keep up the good work.

  2. Darth-T says:

    Awesome show guys. I listened live and to the podcast here. Brian and Mark seems like great guys. You really should have them on again sometime.

    Maybe next time, just do a reagular show and let them participate as regular guests. I’d love to hear them that way.

  3. Dexceus says:

    Is there a way to subscribe to the podcast in iTunes? I have tried several different URLs and none of them seem to work.

  4. Leeanne says:

    So John…how drunk were you by the end? :)
    Since you’re a big drinker and all!
    Great show, it was good to hear from them and the idea of Crank 2 picking up where the first one left off is going to be really interesting!

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