This entry was posted on Monday, April 23rd, 2007 at 2:39 pm.
Categories: News Chat | By John Campea

Hey there guys. Well, I finally got my grubby little hands on that Time Magazine issue that has us in it. Here are some of the images. You should really run out and grab a copy to give the whole article a read. It’s quite good and has some wonderful quotes from the guys over at Cinemablend, Joblo and AICN. Check it out.

This is just from the table of contents.

This is the front page of the article. HA! I look like a total tool don’t I… but I think it’s a cool pic anyway.

Just a quote I gave about the upcoming Transformers movie

Like I said, it’s a great little article about how fanboys like you and me are slowly gaining influence in the movie world. It’s a great read. Check it out when you have the chance. Ha… I just think it’s cool that I got quoted in the same article with Kevin Smtih (man I please easy).

41 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Alex

    Wow. Time Magazine. Congratulations to you guys. This should do wonders for the website. Let’s hope that with all the kind words you’ve had for Transformers, they send you a nice big prop from the film.

  2. Chisox

    This is great stuff man. It must feel good to reap the rewards after all that hard work. Did you take these shots out in Cali or is it photoshop?

  3. Chisox

    So John when is Paramount having the test screening for Transformers? I know your invited.

  4. Hey there Chisox,

    The pics were taken here in LA. They had me go down for a 6 hour photo shoot. It was a lot of fun.

    So how many jedi’s do you see wearing Blue Jeans under their robes? LOL… I’m such a loser.

  5. alfie

    anyone ready to take bets that campea gets to go to the transformers premiere??

    nice work campea…can’t wait to read it……

  6. Nick Paramonte

    Well Congrats John, I guess I’m going to have to buy this issue now that you guys are getting noticed by the industry.

  7. shane razey

    I’ll buy a copy too. This is really cool deal guys. I hope things keep going up for you.

  8. Jonathan

    Dude, John, you’re like… famous or something.

  9. Lee

    great shots, congrats

  10. TheSnowLeopard

    Hey John

    Check out the Cinematical blog. This Time article is discussed and some nice words said about you.




    Tis the fucking greatest man, i am going out right now and finding this book. i am going to get it and have you guys sign it one day. hear ya later man,


  12. gerard

    john, now aren’t you glad you didn’t just say f*ck this and shut down tmb? keep up the great work to you and the rest of the crew!

  13. gerard

    dude, you have 2 lightsabers! one that you are holding and the other on your belt. that’s awesome!

  14. Viddy

    Congrats, John, you’re making it big. Just don’t forget about us! :)

  15. Kristina

    Telling you, major league pussy is in Johnny’s future……….

  16. Pat


  17. alfie

    just read the whole article on the time website…..nice work john…

    but stay on the outside….don’t start going to premieres and all that jive…be don’t want a harry knowles at the the godzilla premiere situation to happen to you…..

  18. AjaxLou

    Kristina really! Control yourself!

    Man John, be prepared to upgrade everything! The Movie Blog is going to get hammered now.

    Great inside cover shot with the film strip. Love the framing with breast feeding on one side and J.R.R. Tolkien’s new book on the other!

  19. Adam Taran


  20. Joey

    I think it’s more than a coincidence that they placed the mass killers blurb next to John’s picture.

  21. shane razey


    Will you still talk with us at all when you finish making it big time? Will you “Keep it real”, and still write to us? What about Doug, will he forget us international friends?

  22. PHIL from LI NY

    You shoulda kept the Jedi robe and lightsaber! Now all you guys need is a fan mail address so I can send a copy of this to you and get it signed. Or you can sell signed copys of you and the crew and make a few bucks for the blog.

  23. wolf

    Hahaha looks awesome. I gotta pick me up one. Congrats!

  24. Jarek

    It looks like Campea is measuring a breast right after you read the headline.

  25. Jose

    Congrats on the article John! You should feal like a celebrity!! Hehehe, this will most definitely give this interesting little(now kinda big :P) blog some attention. Good luck and keep up the good work!

  26. Patcher

    Awesome John. I learned about the article on Kevin Smith’s forum and was extremely excited when I read your name on it. This is the first time I comment but have been listening to the podcast for years. Keep up the great work!

  27. TONY


    i’m happy to see this site getting that kind of attention :)

  28. Phil Gee

    It’s a great start but i won’t die happy until one of those promo shots of all four of the guys is on the cover of Time.

    I can’t wait until John spits out “I was on the contents page of Time magazine bitch, what have you done?” to one of his enemies.

  29. DarkKinger

    This summer… Campea and The Movie Blog is gonna kick ass!

  30. naught

    John you look so good on the front page of the article!

    Such a touching moment for TMB.. I’m like, tearing up. Now you gotta take everyone who’s ever a part of TMB, take them out and buy ‘em some really booze.

  31. naught

    Er. Some really good booze I mean.

  32. Vix

    Congrats! Time magazine. That ought to get more eyeballs to the movie blog. I’ll be on the look out for it on the news stands.

  33. Sean T.

    Hey John, glad to see our pictures finally. You look great! Great article. They got a nice shot of my backside! Cheers!

  34. Kevin C

    Congrats John, you guys deserve everything you get, nice work.

  35. dani

    awesome! you guys deserved to be recognized!

    and I just find it hilarious that the breast article heading is on top of you

  36. Hey “BegToDiffer” / “Lynn” (Same person… what, you didn’t think I knew how to look up pinged IP address even though you rotate them?)

    Your comments broke the rules. I’ve told you before, if you want to discuss it, email me. Or, continuing proving you’re a troll. It’s up to you.

    I would have just emailed this to you personally, but once again you’re too gutless to provide an email address.

  37. bond, james bond

    congratulations on this. its very cool.

  38. Washington

    Congrats. What an awesome thing to tell people - “Dude, I’m in Time Magazine this week!”.

  39. Eric Stoller

    This is amazing. Your nerd points have truly reached a zenith!

    Next up: Doug Nagy in Newsweek ;-)

  40. Gruff

    Congratulations on all this congratulations.

    Your a hero John, be proud.

  41. Al

    Congrats, the exposure on the Time magazine will certainly boast your hit-counts rating.

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