This entry was posted on Monday, April 30th, 2007 at 4:28 am.
Categories: Trailers | By John Campea

Superman-DoomsdayThe first (or at least to my knowledge) Superman Doomsday trailer has hit the web… and it’s nothing special really. The Superman vs Doomsday issues that lead up to “The Death of Superman” were some of the best comic battle story telling I’ve read. Very dramatic, and very well done.

The thing is, I really wanted this particular story line to be done in the live action environment. Deep deep down I was really hoping that Doomsday would be the next big bad guy to fight Superman… you know… a guy who’s ultimate goal was real estate claims and property values (not that I don’t love Lex Luthor as a bad guy).

So I guess we’ll have to settle with the first movie vision of Doomsday being a straight to DVD animated film. My blood isn’t exactly pumping with excitement here folks. Youtube has the Superman Doomsday trailer up… and here it is for you now:

13 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Omar

    Why is this movie only 70min, I think the comic was 400+ pages, they could flesh this out for at least two 90min movies. I mean come on.

  2. Jeremy

    Omar, if I’m not mistaken, it said 70 minutes of extra features. I’m not sure if they said how long the movie itself was…

  3. Mark

    IMDB puts the length at 75 minutes.

    This would have been a great live-action storyline!

  4. R. Jackson

    I’m apparently the only adult who stopped reading comic books when he was 8.

  5. Blaze87

    And I it seems like I’m the only one here who knows that there are other Superman villians other then the “general public popular villian” that Campea keeps saying everytime I bring up the topic of villians. BRAINIAC IS GOING TO BE THE VILLIAN.

  6. Blaze87

    in the sequel Superman: The Man of Steel

  7. Mozzerino

    Blaze87, I wouldn’t count on it. No information has been given about the Man of Steel so far (except that they want to go “Wrath of Khan” on it), but I doubt there even is a script yet.
    I think they will treat the animated and live-action projects as totally different arenas, which means there could be a live action Doomsday at some point. I really don’t see why it wouldn’t work.
    As for this flick: Nothing to be impressed about, the animation looks disappointingly mediocre. Won’t spend money on this.

  8. Blaze87

    Campea is wrong. period. The majority of Superman’s rogues have been used in other media - Superfriends, Superman: The Animated Series, and Justice League.

    From the creation of New Krypton, it’s a pretty obivious a hint of Brainiac, the version from Superman TAS and Smallville, the A.I. from Krypton, who’s a great foe for Kal-EL physically and extremely mentalially.

    Doomsday is just a “smashem up” villian that Campea “praises” as a villian for the sequel and the other majority of villians that have’nt been used yet he just condemns them. When he said on the NowLive “maybe another DC popular villian” I was thinking “WHAT THE HELL DO YOU KNOW, CAMPEA?!”

    The war with Campea continues.

  9. chris

    if the movie’s done by the same people who did justice league i’ll be happy….they made of the best american cartoons ever….it was mature and didn’t try too hard to appeal to kids, it just wanted to tell a good story with violence and even death….the death of superman is a very detailed and intricate story, sso i doubt they can put it all in a 75min movie…..i wouldn’t pay for it so im hoping it’ll come on cartoon network

  10. Christian

    I wanted to see a live-action version as well. It would have been great to see this battle in the theatres.

  11. R. Jackson

    Heh…I got to visit the DC offices back in ‘99 with a friend of mine who works there. I was really jazzed about being given a Green Lantern ring because I’d been a big fan of the comic when I was a kid. I don’t know anything about comics anymore, though. I’m like, “Hal Jordan…groovy.” and they’re like, “Well…he was one of the Green Lanterns…” No…he’s Green Lantern. The rest of that crap is stuff that came along after I got a go-kart. ;-)

  12. DarkKinger

    I would be nice to see this in live action, but hopefully this would still be good on its own. Maybe money is being saved for a Batman/Superman project. Does anyone know how much it would take to get BOTH on a single movie? God bless the studio for even going for Justice League.

  13. Kaneda979

    R. Jackson,

    Ya well, I’m sorry your love for creative story telling combined with amazing art work dyed out so long ago for you. Insted you seemed to of replaced it with pontless thread trolling. *shrugs* To each his own.

    But anyway. Agreed this is a story better suited for the big screen as a live action film. It’s only one of biggest comic book moments in history, if not the most. I’m not even that big of a Supes fan, but I do understand the importance of this story and what it ment to so many people around the world. Doomsday would so rule on the big screen. I still don’t know if they’ll be brave enuff to kill Superman off though. Maybe we’ll get lucky on the 3rd Return of Superman film with a much darker and more dramatic tone. Us Spidy fans finaly got lucky with Spider-Man 3.

    Anyway. The trailer for this animated version looks ok, not great, but ok, but I’m not passing judgment just yet. I’ve knowdest, for myself anyway, that most of the strait to DVD DC comics animated films and all they’re TV stuff actualy turns out pretty damn good most the time. The JLA series is simply amazing. And most of the trailers still suck for these films and shows. If this thing is half as good as the JLA animated series or Teen Titans, it’ll be a pretty cool little film. While I can’t say I’m dying to see it, I am for sure keeping it in mind.

    I want it to be atleast 90mins or longer, but sadly it probly wont be. Still though, as long as people have been wanting to see this story put out in some type of film format, we’re pretty lucky to finaly get somthing at all after all this time. :)

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