This entry was posted on Thursday, April 26th, 2007 at 11:15 am.
Categories: Trailers.

Ratatouille1 SmallPixar is not only the best animation studio in the movie business today… they are the best movie studio period (yes yes yes… I know they’re owned by Disney now). Seriously, think about it for a moment. What other movie studio can you say is 7 for 7? A Bug’s Life, Toy Story, Toy Story 2, The Inscredibles, Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc, Cars… all solid solid films.

At first, I was nervous about the new Brad Bird (the man who won an Oscar for The Incredibles) project “Ratatouille“. Nothing about it jumped out at me… and when you compare the hype and buzz that other Pixar projects generated well in advance, you start to get the feeling Pixar wasn’t as confident in this project as they were in others.

But as I’ve started to see more and more, I’m getting won over. And this trailer pushed me over the edge. Visually the trailer is spectacular… but much more important than that is the characters seems charming and I’m legitimately interested in the story. I’m now officially excited to see this thing.

So if you want to see the Ratatouille trailer in Quicktime or High Def, just go here.

If you’re like me and have no patience, just watch it here:

Thanks to Joel for the heads up.

8 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Pineapplehead

    Already this has me more interested than in Cars. The main characters is cute and there were at least a couple of moments in the trailer that made me laugh out loud.

  2. Sarah

    This looks great, I have been wanting to see this for a while. Now I really can’t wait for it to come out.

  3. nautica

    high-def, stunning!! i really don’t know how pixar does it!

  4. Dan

    I’m sorry…. But didn’t this come out like… a month ago? I see that it was added to yesterday, but this same trailer has been on for at least a few weeks.

  5. clonetk422

    Cant wait

    It’s funny though how teaser trailers get you into a certain mindset as to what the movies about.

    The teaser just showed this whole thing about a rat in paris who preferred not to eat garbage and like to dine on the restaurant food of paris..

    So I was thinking it was going to be a movie about some adventure the rat has.. Not thinking it was going to be an adventure between a rat and a human. So I guess the teaser trailer did a good job about hiding the plot but I am loving it and looking forward to watching it

  6. NT

    “Now shut up and eat your garbage!” - Cute.
    I’ve liked a lot of Pixar products

  7. chris

    cool…glad patton oswald finally gets a break…he’s a great comedian….i reccommend “the comedians of comedy” to everyone…great comedy, great movie with some underrated comics out there….


  8. 1138

    Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can’t wait!!!!!!! Other than Cars which was the weakest of the bunch, Pixar is usually amazing!!! Hopefully this tryst with Disney will not destroy a great studio!! Long live Pixar!!

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