First Early Transformers Review

Hey there guys. I’m actually at the studio here at NowLive waiting for Neveldine and Taylor to show up, and about 18 of you guys emailed to to let me know about the first review to go up about the new Transformers movie.

With great trepidation I opened the review (I’m so scared of this movie sucking… it is my all time most anticipated movie ever (aside from the new star wars movies before they came out). So very cautiously I started reading the review. I’m NOT disappointed!!!

There are a couple of bits in the review that could be considered spoilers, so I’m not putting it up here… but I will excerpt a bit from the end of it that doesn’t really give anything away:


So to sum this all up: This is a Michael Bay movie. Make no mistake about it. You can see influences from Spielberg and a conscious effort to make this not just a blow em up bang bang movie (although I would have been fine with that). The last 30 minutes is non-stop robot destruction- I honestly couldn’t tell you everything that happened because it was just so damn awesome I had a hard time even keeping up- i almost wish I hadn’t seen it….because now I have to wait TWO MORE FUCKING MONTHS TO SEE IT AGAIN…explosions, destruction, robots flying through the air, shooting missiles and rockets from their arms- absolute insanity on city streets. This is what I wanted to see out of this movie. There are some things that you may shake your head at or roll your eyes during, but when you see the goods, the stuff WE ALL want to see, you let the other stuff slide.

Yay!. Now… for those of you who are as happy to read that as I am… PLEASE KEEP THIS IN MIND… this is just the opinion of one guy. Just one guy. It’s good news that he loved it for sure… but it’s still just one guy. Let’s not get our expectations or hopes up too high just yet. But yes… all other things being equal… this is good news.

You can read the whole review if you’d like over here.

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