Eddie Brock Transforming Into Venom

Everyone is excited about Spider-Man 3, and would still be even it Venom wasn’t in it. But Venom is in it… and that’s the biggest thing that everyone is talking about really. No one gives a rip about “How are Peter and MJ doing in their relationship”. No one gives a rats ass about “who wactually killed Peter’s Uncle Ben?”.

Yes, there is some interest in Sandman, and in Harry becoming the Goblin… but the big ticket… the main event is hands down Venom. People have been itching to see how well he plays on screen and if he’ll look as amazing as we all hope.

Well… earlier this morning Jason was kind enough to send me a link to a Spider-Man 3 clip showing Eddie Brock truing into Venom for the first time… and I must tell you it looks pretty darn good for my money. No, it’s not the most revolutionary thing you’ve ever seen… but it’s still pretty damn cool.

You can see the Eddie Brock turning into Venom video clip here.

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  • 1. Nord replies at 26th April 2007, 12:48 pm :


    If you are at work DO NOT click on the link provided!!!!!!

    The website has anti-hotlinking software so you wont get the clip, and as a bonus there is PORN all over the page.

    I will be expecting a call from IT Security in the near future!!!!!!


  • 2. Jason replies at 26th April 2007, 12:52 pm :

    it also can be found here




  • 3. Viddy replies at 26th April 2007, 12:52 pm :

    I’m at work, but the reason I didn’t flat out click on the link is because I wanna see Venom transforming on a huge theather screen, not this 15-16″ monitor!

    But thanks for the heads up Nord ;)

  • 4. jordi replies at 26th April 2007, 12:53 pm :

    There are two possible sensations after you see the movie:

    a) If you go to the movie as a movie and comic book lover, you will be happy.
    b) If you go to the movie as a Venom’s fan (even is possible that Venom’s fans are much more than Spidy ones), you will be severely disappointed. Why?
    • Venom is just seen in the very last 30 minutes of the movie
    • Raimi Venom is nothing compared with the look of the Venom in comics. One or two scenes worth it nothing else.
    • Venom has a very unworthy ending.

    We knew Sam Raimi didn’t want to include Venom in his very own movie, but his revenge against Avi Arad for the imposition, became the most important Spiderman’s foe into a second hand villain.

  • 5. Nord replies at 26th April 2007, 1:02 pm :

    Sigh JORDI, not sure how you know this stuff, but you are confirming my worst fears. I too am a pretty big Venom fan, and when I initially heard Venom would be in Spidey 3, I hoped and prayed it would be some kind of lead in for Spidey 4, 5 and 6, as I personally think the whole Venom story could (and should) be done over 3 movies, I mean, he’s only Spider-Mans greatest nemesis….30 minutes of screen time…blah.

    I’ll still see S3 ofcourse, but Im not as hyped as I am to see 28 weeks Later on May 11th, I saw an extended preview on Spike TV and it looks BADASS!!!!!!


  • 6. Lars replies at 26th April 2007, 1:16 pm :

    I have to agree with Jordi and add this.

    Sandman (especially when he is “born”) effects are way better than Venom.
    Venom is not a cool bad ass villain or anything. Its just in the movie, nothing else. It’s too much for one movie. Sandman and new goblin are enough but its too late now :(

  • 7. Kristina replies at 26th April 2007, 1:17 pm :

    That looked okay, I guess. I’m glad I’m not familiar with the comic, because those people who are seem to be really pissed about this. I got my IMAX ticket for this today, so here’s hoping it’s worth my 10.95(thank God for student discounts).

  • 8. shane razey replies at 26th April 2007, 1:28 pm :

    My work blocked it too. For the same reason. Wish I read the posts first.

  • 9. Mike G replies at 26th April 2007, 2:27 pm :

    Well I never liked my job anyhow.

  • 10. Scott replies at 26th April 2007, 2:56 pm :

    It was good not great but good. But to me it was more interesting watching Peter try to get the symbiot off.

  • 11. Robert(wolf) replies at 26th April 2007, 5:25 pm :

    Well aleast we are getting Venom for 30mins, remember when production started Raimi said only 10mins. Also Doc Ock had roughly over a half an hour also in Spider-Man 2. I will be seeing Spider-man 3 this wed if our managers at the cinema let us have a showing. Stock had been stolen so our advance showings are on the freeze at the moment >:(

  • 12. Kristina replies at 26th April 2007, 5:39 pm :

    Can you imagine how hardcore it would have been if MJ died in Spidey 2 so we could have more Venom? Here’s my pitch: Kill MJ off, and have 3 be about Spidey dealing with the guilt and anger of MJ’s death. The symbiote is attracted to Peter’s newfound anger and aggression, and Peter uses the black suit to go apeshit on the criminals of New York,Taking his hate out on them, but the suit turns him into a dick and he starts beating up innocent folk as well. After the symbiote pushes him to murder Harry in a BRUTAL fight, he recognizes that he’s fucking up,and tears the suit off like in that church scene, resulting in Eddie becoming Venom. Now, the last hour of the movie is Spidey getting over MJ, and avenging Harry’s death at the symbiote’s hands by beating down on Venom. No Gwen Stacy at all. All females in action movies eat up time that could be devoted to ass-kicking action. How’s that?

  • 13. John Campea replies at 26th April 2007, 5:41 pm :


    is it wrong to want to have sex with you right now? That was brilliant!

  • 14. Kristina replies at 26th April 2007, 5:47 pm :

    Sex ain’t wrong! It’s NATURAL!!!

    Thanks honey:) And fuck those haters at Fox!

  • 15. Jay replies at 26th April 2007, 5:52 pm :


    Why all the girl-hate?
    Are you a self-loathing girl hater?
    Or are you a tom-boy that has never gotten along with other females?
    I’m not trying to be insulting, I’m just trying to figure you out.

    So dont get mad, ’cause I mean no disrespect.

    I will say, however, that our opinions regarding the need for Gwen Stacy are vastly different. Bryce looks the bee’s knees as Gwen and I cant wait to see her in the flick.

    Other than all the girl-hate, I really like what your ideas.

  • 16. Jay replies at 26th April 2007, 5:54 pm :

    I dont know where the “what” came from.

    It should have read “I really like your ideas”.

    stupid fingers…

  • 17. Kristina replies at 26th April 2007, 5:55 pm :

    I’m not mad, and I don’t hate GIRLS, I hate what Hollywood does with girls in movies. They aren’t fleshed out, they are just there to bare their flesh. I don’t want to see that shit. Unless you’re gonna serve a purpose and ADD TO THE PLOT, you shouldn’t be there. I LOVE the Queen in 300, LOVE Linda Hamilton in T2, but other than that, females in action movies serve no real purpose. The Spidey flicks would have been much better without the token chick getting kidnapped all of the fucking time. If she had a purpose, I’d have no prob with her, but she doesn’t have a point.

  • 18. Kristina replies at 26th April 2007, 5:58 pm :

    And Bryce is GORGEOUS, but Spidey 3 looks so crowded, I’m willing to bet my ass that you’ll walk out of it next week thinking that the movie as a whole would have been better if they hadn’t tried to shoehorn Gwen Stacy into the movie. This movie has way too much going on, way too many storylines, and it’s gonna be a clusterfuck. They should have cut the fat in Spidey 2 by killing MJ and thus, killing off that story thread so we could focus more on action and on Spidey, not with him slobbering all over MJ.

  • 19. chris replies at 27th April 2007, 12:32 am :

    wow….a chick that says chicks in action movies need to leave and make room for more ass-kicking….(crosses legs) good ideas but, i would’ve like to see doc oc or goblin kill off MJ. it would be even better if harry killed MJ the same way goblin did gwen in the books, but by accident. i like the addition of gwen in the third one, but I FUCKIN HATE dunst as MJ…..she’s supposed to be extremely hot….not the girl next door type.

    you’re right kristina, it does seem like they’re just too many characters. oh and the queen in 300 was amazing….”this wont be pleasant, i am not your queen” the sexiest woman on screen in a long time. NOTE: WOMAN, not hot chick, not hot girl,, but SEXY WOMAN….huge difference. sorry rant over thanks for the boner kristina and i hope spidey 3 turns out to be a good as i hope…..

    oh and please give me big-screen lizard or scorpion….come on sam stop teasing us with conners!!

  • 20. #007# replies at 27th April 2007, 11:49 am :

    Hey Kristina,

    Don’t forget about Ripley of ALIEN fame…my ultimate favorite ass-kicking bitch (in a nice way :).

  • 21. Alex replies at 27th April 2007, 10:29 pm :

    Did anyone notice that Eddie had on a hoodie, but when the symbiote dropped on him, he was wearing the t-shirt only?

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