This entry was posted on Thursday, April 26th, 2007 at 7:03 pm.
Categories: News Chat.

Already we get a lot of good news about Hulk2, or rather the Hulk remake, sorta. Well whatever it is. So far, we know that Edward Norton is going to play Banner, that he is going to be GREEN, and he will smash. HULK SMASH!

Recently MoviesOnline says:

We had a chance to catchup with Avi Arad to talk to him about the upcoming Hulk 2 movie. We sat down with him to talk SpiderMan 3 but before we got into that he spilled the beans on Hulk 2

He doesn’t say much as the interview returns to its original purpose of Spiderman 3, but one thing I like that Avi does is defend the original Hulk.

I agree that the original Hulk was a different type of superhero movie than what people were expecting, but I have to say I liked it. The interviewer starts right off talking about the “bomb” that was the first Hulk, and Arad shoots down that notion.

Click here to read the start of the interview.

5 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Ethan

    wow they did not say much about the new Hulk on those interviews.

    Still syked as ever!!!

  2. Rodney

    The interviewer admitted that they were meeting to discuss Spidey 3 when briefly they talked about Hulk2.

    It wasnt meant to be a lot.

  3. alfie

    you can make money and still be a bomb….lets face it it really was a bomb in the court of public opinion…wasn’t it like one of the biggest second week drop off’s of all time in terms of box office numbers??

    Hulk was hugely disappointing.

    I am sorry but they were all just taking so fucking seriously….even those stupid dogs were meant to be serious….if someone ….someone looked as if they were enjoying themsleves it might not have been so bad but dear god they all looke like they were in the most serious film of all time and had giant sticks up their asses…..taking things seriously isn’t a bad thing but it is when the thing you are being serious about with no trace of irony whatsoever is a giant grenn blob of CG. I just couldn’t take it seriously….

    nolte was fucking awesome though…..i would watch nolte read a fucking phone book though……

  4. Darnell

    I love the first hulk movie and defend it b/c it wasn’t about being a superhero. Personally I will not go see Hulk 2 if Banner is played by Norton…I think some actors shouldn’t play roles that they don’t fit. If they can keep Eric Bana as Banner….then you got a movie.

    I think the director will make a huge mistake. Please someone talk to the Avi.

  5. Rodney

    Norton is a fabulous actor and I have no problem with him playing Banner at all. And clearly since this “sequel” is more of a Redux, putting the same actor in a role that you want to reinvent just makes little sense.

    I feel that Norton fits just about anything he wants to do.

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