Worst Trailer In History - Are We Done Yet

The other day I was sitting in the theater getting ready to watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and the trailers came on first. What happened next has scared me in an emotional way that no simple trailer ever has before. I can now say with certainty that I have bore witness to the more horrible wretched trailer ever made.

The trailer is for the new Ice Cube film “Are We Done Yet“. Look, I’m not saying Ice Cube is bad, or even that the movie itself is bad… but this trailer and whoever put it together needs to be burned in purifying fire. It has every single stereotypical trailer hook imaginable, and represents everything wrong with trailers. No… really… it’s that bad. Take a look… if you dare.

Oh my goodness, Raul just reminded me of this. Watch the “Are We Done Yet” trailer first… then watch this:

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  • 1. wolf replies at 29th March 2007, 1:20 pm :

    Are We There Yet was wrose. While some parts in this trailer made me giggle, the last ”Are We” left a serious expression on my face.

  • 2. darren j seeley replies at 29th March 2007, 1:34 pm :

    Cube may be an alright producer and sometime okay director, but as an “actor” he stinks. Not in a bad actor sort of way, but rather something worse: a rap star who calls himself an actor, but refuses to act in a diversity of roles. In other words, he’s Ice Cube playing a version of Ice Cube:

    *The Snarl

    *The Mean Stare with the snarl.

    *F bombs, mean stare and a snarl.

    *Gangsta lifestyle, F bombs, mean stare and a snarl.

    *Ice Cube will never run from trouble; thus the character he plays who has come from a gangsta lifestyle, used to run F bombs, has a confused stare and gives a snarl will likewise not run and hide.

  • 3. hanscombe replies at 29th March 2007, 1:35 pm :

    i think i heard the Wilhelm scream in there

  • 4. Glasseyerod replies at 29th March 2007, 1:48 pm :

    Didn’t Tom Hanks and Shelly Long do this movie?

  • 5. Kristina replies at 29th March 2007, 2:09 pm :

    But guess what Campea? I’ll bet you ANYTHING that it opens at number one with at least 25 million dollars. Bank on it baby!!!!

  • 6. Not Grandpa Reno replies at 29th March 2007, 2:53 pm :

    The only reason to see this movie is for Dr. Cox from Scrubs. In fact, I bought my tickets already. Just for him. Fragmented sentence.

  • 7. Phil Gee replies at 29th March 2007, 3:21 pm :

    The Rush Hour 3 teaser is just about worse than this if you ask me. But that would be a great topic for Friday’s show; the worst trailers we’ve ever seen and trailer cliches you hate. Go for it.

  • 8. Jay replies at 29th March 2007, 4:12 pm :

    I agree Kristina,

    As shitty as we think it looks, and as shitty as it will probably be, it will still open at #1.

  • 9. @spence replies at 29th March 2007, 4:14 pm :

    serisouly, i dont mind Ice Cube as an actor,i mean i like the friday movies, i liked any of the movies he did with mike epps….but Are we there yet, and this one…….makes me sick, they are so f**kin stupid, both of these movies………

    and this is with out a doubt a horrible trailer, i saw it the other day and i wanted to stab myself in the eye with a hot french fry……

  • 10. Raul replies at 29th March 2007, 4:29 pm :

    I know exactly what you’re talking about John.
    And of course, no one puts it better than South Park.
    you should see this… Really.


  • 11. Clarkehead replies at 29th March 2007, 4:37 pm :

    Could it be that the trailer is bad, or the movie is just a big turd?

  • 12. Kristina replies at 29th March 2007, 4:59 pm :

    OMG the South Park thing was HILARIOUS! Schneider SUCKS so hard, it’s not even funny.

  • 13. Mozzerino replies at 29th March 2007, 5:35 pm :

    Man, that “South Park - Rob Schneider thing” is hilarious!
    Worst trailer ever? Hmmm……
    I glad to forget most of the crappy trailers as soon as they’re done, but there are seriously some who bore me so much that I’m thinking: Well, I can’t even stand watching it for 2 minutes, no way in hell will I see this movie!”

  • 14. wolf replies at 29th March 2007, 5:53 pm :

    Durp de dur

  • 15. SamF replies at 29th March 2007, 6:12 pm :

    2 things jumped out at me…

    1) what the hell is that spinning cube cut thing all about.. dear god no!!!

    2) has anyone seen that south park where the guy with the record player keeps doing the film-trailer ripoffs (can’t remember any more).. stan gets his bike impounded or something. Anyway, the voice over is identical in both voice and structure and content.. it is actually scary

  • 16. SamF replies at 29th March 2007, 6:14 pm :

    just noticed someone chucked the clip up .. pure class

  • 17. S. A. replies at 29th March 2007, 6:47 pm :

    This movie is going to suck but Cubes face in the part where he picks up the chipmunk and then a hawk takes it is priceless

  • 18. wolf replies at 29th March 2007, 7:02 pm :

    I can imgaine another 10 sequels to this- THIS IS FRANCHISE DONE YET

  • 19. peter replies at 29th March 2007, 7:39 pm :

    the fuck was that :S

  • 20. Kristina replies at 29th March 2007, 7:55 pm :

    My God, I’m watching TV right now, and the commercial for that shit came on. You wanna know when this movie comes out? WEDNESDAY. I’d never even heard of this movie until today. My Lord.

  • 21. skaught replies at 29th March 2007, 10:59 pm :

    ice cube is the biggest fucking sell-out. what happened to your “attitude”?

  • 22. Kaneda979 replies at 30th March 2007, 1:35 am :

    LOL, I couldn’t even finish the “Are We Done Yet” trailer. Didn’t laugh once and it was starting to make my head hirt cuz I wanted something in it to make me laugh, but just never happened.

    And yup, thats a pretty badly put together preview. I’ve seen bad ones like that before, but it’s been a long time. Like mid 90’s long time.
    Really though, is it really the trailer thats bad or is it the film? My bet is that those were the best parts in the whole movie used for the trailer.

    I’m suprised they made a sequel, but some how the first one did well. So ofcorse they made a pointless 2nd one and Ice Cube said, “What, more money? Why sure I’ll do another one of these stupid movies”.

    Sadly the South Park thing had been taken down, so I never got to see it. :( Think I’ve seen that episode though, but not for sure.

  • 23. JonO replies at 30th March 2007, 8:30 am :

    There was a time when I respected Ice Cube as an actor. Aww, who the fuck am i kidding? He’s a hack.

  • 24. aidan replies at 30th March 2007, 11:49 am :

    why are the remaking the money pit.that was the wilhelm and also what was in the south park clipsits no longer availbe

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