War Inc Trailer

I’m a huge fan of John Cusack. Have been ever since I first saw Grosse Pointe Blank almost 10 years ago (Oh my god has it really been that long ago already?!?!?!) and I’ve liked almost everyone of his films since (hell, I even really liked America’s Sweethearts).

A few months ago I caught wind of a new film he was doing with his sister Joan, where he was playing a hitman (does this sound familiar at all?) and I instantly thought it was a sequel to Grosse Pointe Blank. But nope, it’s War Inc. A totally unrelated movie with the same actor playing essentially the same part. I thought it was stupid… until I saw this new War Inc trailer from our good friends over at MoviesOnline:

Ok, I liked it. Mark me down as one of the guys who can’t wait to see this thing. Man, it looks like Ben Kingsley is FINALLY going to be be doing a decent movie again.

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  • 1. Tom Whitaker replies at 26th March 2007, 10:48 am :

    Bit of a missed opportunity to quote from Grosse Pointe Blank…



  • 2. John Campea replies at 26th March 2007, 10:50 am :

    HAHA!!! Good one Tom.

  • 3. Jay replies at 26th March 2007, 10:51 am :

    Did you not like Better Off Dead, or Say Anything, or One Crazy Summer, or The Grifters, or any of the many other movies he made before Grosse Point Blank?

    Dear God…
    Was Grosse Point Blank really the first John Cusack movie that made you a fan of the guy’s work?

    I’ve been a fan of this dude since Sixteen Candles, and that was 13 years before G.P.B.

  • 4. John Campea replies at 26th March 2007, 10:53 am :

    Hey Jay,

    Don’t confuse being a “Huge Fan” with “liking his movies”. Yes… I liked his stuff pre-G.P.B. But it was GPB that turned me into a full fleged huge fan of his.


  • 5. Jay replies at 26th March 2007, 11:02 am :

    I see what you mean.

    Better Off Dead turned me into a huge fan and I’ve been one ever since.

  • 6. Kurt replies at 26th March 2007, 11:28 am :

    Most underrated John Cusack movie: Tapeheads. It was “UHF” for the cool kids.

    And Kingsley has been in some fine films in the past couple years. - “SEXY BEAST” “HOUSE OF SAND AND FOG” and “SUSPECT ZERO” to name a few. But they were under more in the art-film world compared to something like “SOUND OF THUNDER”, “THUNDERBIRDS” and “BLOODRAYNE” - the unspoken message here is that Kingsley should stop starring in films with weather conditions in the title…

    I’m really looking forward to Transsiberian which is on its way too..

  • 7. John Campea replies at 26th March 2007, 11:35 am :

    Hey Kurt,

    Sexy Beast and Fog aren’t exactly “new” films. But… they’re not exactly old either… point taken.


    Did you just even suggest that Suspect Zero was even an OK movie?????

  • 8. Andrew Edmark replies at 26th March 2007, 11:37 am :

    Oh John Cusack. He makes me happy in ways only a woman should be able to…

    Wow, that sounded really gay.

  • 9. jimf replies at 26th March 2007, 11:57 am :

    Wow…that looks great…the best JC movie in years. He does the reluctant assasin very well!

  • 10. Kurt replies at 26th March 2007, 12:08 pm :

    Oh yes. Suspect Zero plays like a black satire of the whole ‘Serial Killer’ Genre. And is a very solid film in its own right (Aaron Eckhart, Carrie-Anne Moss and Kingsley are all good in it too). Perhaps underrated and misunderstood…but it may have been the inspiration or an influence on that cult serial killer who kills serial killers TV show “Dexter” (which I’ve not seen, but people who like it, like it a lot).

  • 11. Lou_Sytsma(sit sma) replies at 26th March 2007, 9:36 pm :

    Don’t forget he is in the upcoming adaptation of Stephen King’s - 1408.

  • 12. Kaneda979 replies at 26th March 2007, 10:48 pm :

    LOL, YES! This film looks great. Fun, funny, and smart. Can’t stand Hilary Duff, but hopefully she’s not in much of the film. Woot, can’t wait! :)

  • 13. hilary duff fan _18 replies at 30th March 2007, 12:17 am :

    i really am excited to watch this movie most specially the role of hilary duff……… i’ a huge #1 fan of hers…………hilary duff’s the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! luv u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 14. hannah ew, replies at 25th July 2007, 3:48 am :

    gosh,i hate hilary duff

    used to be:rated pg

    now:rated R

    i hate when celebs do that
    nobody likes you HILARY DUFF

  • 15. Chil replies at 3rd August 2007, 1:12 am :

    I heard that the movie was already well anticipated by the fact that Hilary Duff is changing her role as an actress here… Its because of her that this movie is gonna sell?? am a good fan of Cusack and I think if he called Duff up just to be in his movie… then Hilary Duff is good…

  • 16. rudy stone replies at 4th August 2007, 2:24 pm :

    omg!!!cant wait to see this movie most cause hilary duff she’z tha best of tha best plus her role looks super hot!!:}

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