The Movie Blog:Uncut On Facebook

Hey there guys. Just wanted to give you the heads up that The Movie Blog: Uncut group on Facebook that Darren started yesterday is up and running with over 100 people already in the group. Post your thoughts, join the discussion forums and connect with us and other Uncut listeners and Movie Blog readers. We’re all in there every day posting stuff and responding to your stuff too. Oh, and when you join the group, make sure you let us know what your handle on The Movie Blog is so we know who you are!

The Movie Blog: Uncut Facebook group can be found here.


  • 1. wolf replies at 27th March 2007, 8:21 pm :

    Love facebook. Had to join it. You accepted me as a friend(Robert O Doherty). The uploading of pics is way better then myspace. I’m still trying to figure out who to upload videos.

  • 2. jon:16 replies at 27th March 2007, 9:52 pm :

    i’ll give it a shot mabey it might be something new to look foward to. :) by the way you guys look like you blong in a rock band. you know one of the rock and roll magazines. :)jon the lead singer, darrn on bass, doug on guitar, and bruxy on drums. :)

  • 3. Kristina replies at 27th March 2007, 10:18 pm :

    What a bunch of sex gods:)

  • 4. Terry Letourneau replies at 27th March 2007, 10:37 pm :

    Hey, it’s a pic of the New Kids on the Blog ;).

    Just signed up today and already got a message from someone I haven’t seen in 14 years. Just hope I don’t have any demon spawn.

  • 5. Koko replies at 27th March 2007, 11:54 pm :

    Dammit, somebody has already referenced the fact that you look like a boy band. I’m gonna say you look like TAKE THAT.

    With the exception of Doug who looks Johnny Cash having withdrawal symptoms.

    Unfortunately I can’t access Facebook or Myspace from my computer here, damn Australian Government has blocked the community websites!

  • 6. SaraBean replies at 28th March 2007, 12:13 am :

    Boy band or not, you guys are fucking hot. Where can I get you to autograph? ;)

  • 7. alfie replies at 28th March 2007, 1:18 am :

    do you guys play any ac/dc covers?

  • 8. louman replies at 28th March 2007, 1:35 am :

    i thought facebook only for college students.

  • 9. Devon replies at 28th March 2007, 1:56 am :

    you guys are so Hollywood. And I have joined the book of face group.

  • 10. Henrik replies at 28th March 2007, 6:52 am :

    It’s a new christian rock band! They even have the one guy (Doug) looking off in the distance as if to suggest carelessness and depth of contemplation when it comes to the big issues.

  • 11. Krintina replies at 28th March 2007, 7:00 am :

    You guys look yummy!

  • 12. medavidson replies at 28th March 2007, 7:46 am :

    LOL! Good ones:

    “Doug who looks Johnny Cash having withdrawal symptoms”


    “They even have the one guy (Doug) looking off in the distance as if to suggest carelessness and depth of contemplation when it comes to the big issues.”

    we need to add in “dude who’s going bald but decides its a good idea to try to grow it long anyway to take focus away from the obvious”.


  • 13. Daniel O. replies at 28th March 2007, 7:52 am :

    Heh. I gotta join facebook sometime.

    and doug, you look like you’re going to kill someone off camera.

  • 14. Gordon Shumway replies at 28th March 2007, 8:06 am :

    Only just joined it weeks ago and already have a fledgling society around me. Its disturbing really. Just joined the group

  • 15. Kevin replies at 28th March 2007, 8:52 am :

    I would say it looks more like Doug is trying to fight off a shit

  • 16. Kristina replies at 28th March 2007, 9:21 am :

    Doug looks like a kid about to get the Michael Jackson treatment.

  • 17. Doug Nagy replies at 28th March 2007, 10:37 am :

    “points to swimsuit area on a doll”

  • 18. shane razey replies at 28th March 2007, 10:38 am :

    Good photo guys.

  • 19. @spence replies at 28th March 2007, 12:02 pm :

    hey louman, facebook was only for college students, but it went public a couple of months ago….alot of students where pissed about it, but i didnt care, more of my friends who aren’t in college joined, and some that already graduated joined….so i was glad they made it for everyone…

  • 20. GODFATHER replies at 28th March 2007, 12:52 pm :

    Terry - New Kids on the Blog! is as awesome f*cking reference!

    Doug - go take that sh*t now…

    Cheers guys! “Book-It!”

  • 21. Marina replies at 28th March 2007, 3:15 pm :

    Oh my. I joined and the next thing you know I’d been on there for an hour.

    Deadly but cool.

  • 22. Nord replies at 28th March 2007, 3:25 pm :

    WTF?!?! all funny comments aside, the Austrailian government blocks community websites? I say again, WTF!?!?!

    The World Wide Web is being sliced and diced and we’re all just sitting back and watching it happen? is there no movement to stop this? (and I do not mean Doug’s impending movement)

    Seriously, the States blocking people from the outside viewing, other coutries blocking their own people from seeing the outside, this is getting out of hand, thankfully TheMovieBlog is home grown Canadian content, so I have no fears, unless my worst fears are realized and Hamilton separates from the rest of Canada.



  • 23. Rafael replies at 28th March 2007, 3:38 pm :

    I get it. This is a pic of the new tv show called 40something. :)

  • 24. bunnyhero replies at 28th March 2007, 5:20 pm :

    about the director name thing bruxy mentions in this episode: the name is “alan smithee”. interesting article on wikipedia about it, which says that they no longer use that name.

  • 25. doug nagy replies at 29th March 2007, 10:43 am :

    Nord did you just say Australia is blocking internet websites?

    FUCK THAT SHIT!!!!!!

    It is the international nature of the internet that makes it so exciting. The people of the world are shaking hands and swearing at each other for recreation - that is cause for celebration.

  • 26. shane razey replies at 29th March 2007, 2:37 pm :

    The site blocked me saying I was too old, and to get my pervert old ass elsewhere.

  • 27. James McNally replies at 29th March 2007, 11:13 pm :

    Hey, just found you. Joined group, etc. I’m in Toronto and have even attended The Meeting House at Yorkdale a dozen times or so (strange and wonderful attending church in a cinema, of all places!). I have a new film blog called Toronto Screen Shots ( which will mostly cover festivals but also some other film stuff, too. Looking forward to learning from you guys, especially your podcasts. Cheers! Oh yeah, your documentary looks fascinating.

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