The Bourne Ultimatum Trailer

The Bourne franchise has been an interesting one for me. I haven’t really loved either of the two films so far… but at the same time they’ve been pretty good, and I’ve always felt like there was a LOT of untapped potential in them that always had me looking forward to the next one. The Bourne Ultimatum is no different.

The first Bourne Ultimatum trailer is now here… and I gotta say it’s not bad for a first teaser. Take a look:

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  • 1. tedward replies at 29th March 2007, 1:09 pm :

    The trailer is pretty good. It doesn’t show too much, but that final shot of him jumping to the window is impressive.
    I loved the first 2, looking forward to this one as well.

  • 2. wolf replies at 29th March 2007, 1:43 pm :

    I digged the first two movies a lot. This trailer didn’t get me pumped, but I’m sure the movie will be great.

  • 3. Kevin C replies at 29th March 2007, 1:43 pm :

    I LOVE this series. I remember when the first one came out I thought “this is what I want a James Bond movie to be like” I thought the premise was great and it had that “grittiness” that Pierce Brosnans Bond movies lacked. The “shaky cam” fight scenes are a bit meh, but beyond that, this is one of the better series in recent years. I am psyched about this movie.

  • 4. Eric Stoller replies at 29th March 2007, 1:57 pm :

    Matt Damon is stellar! His talented Mr. Ripley/Jason Bourne stuff is gold! and, do you like apples? Brilliant!

  • 5. Kristina replies at 29th March 2007, 2:22 pm :

    Christ, I will be bankrupt by summer’s end if I go see all these damn movies coming out! I liked Identity, meh for Supremacy, but I’ll go see this….and Pirates 3..and Spidey 3…and Die Hard 4…… money left by August.

  • 6. BigHead replies at 29th March 2007, 3:18 pm :

    I love the series and hope this is not the last. Even if they can’t get Matt to be in them They can go at like the james bond movies and change the main actor every 3 or 4 movies.

  • 7. Jay replies at 29th March 2007, 4:02 pm :

    It’s pretty good for a teaser, but I was already eagerly anticipating this one because I love the other two. This one looks to be just as good.

  • 8. shane razey replies at 29th March 2007, 5:52 pm :

    2 bucks says Alfie will have some kind of problem with the trailer or the film. He’s grumpy.

  • 9. Jay replies at 29th March 2007, 6:15 pm :

    Sand in the weiner will do that to ya

  • 10. Jay replies at 29th March 2007, 6:31 pm :

    But you must take into account that he comes from a long line of grumpiness.

    His father was grumpy.
    His grandfather was grumpy.
    His great-grandfather came over on a steamship called the S.S. Grumpus… which, by the way, didnt sail across the ocean the way he would have liked it to.

    My point is, it’s in his blood.
    Passed down from generation to generation.
    Think of his grumpiness like an heirloom, except it’s not a watch or a pocketknife, it’s uncontrollable displeasure and annoyance at most things.

    C’mon, Alfie
    You know we love ya

  • 11. motherNature replies at 29th March 2007, 6:36 pm :

    Good use of music, i think thats a James Lavelle/UNKLE tune.

  • 12. S. A. replies at 29th March 2007, 6:52 pm :

    I hope they give Julia Styles more screen time in this one. Shes purty…

  • 13. shane razey replies at 29th March 2007, 7:09 pm :

    News Flash

    New York 1898
    Ellis Island:

    Immigrants in horror watched as the S.S. Grumpus just leaving the dock hitting a iceberg and sinking to the bottom of the harbor. One newcomer, just off the boat, a man named Alfonzio said, “I don’t care, the boat was cramped and smelled funny. I just came to this country to see them flickerin’ pictures. I haven’t seen one yet but I bet it is no good. Probably a waste of ma’ penny.”

    (PS Bourne trailer is cool, post is relevant.)

  • 14. Jay replies at 29th March 2007, 10:42 pm :

    “I dont care. The boat was cramped and smelled funny”

    Friggin classic, dude.

    Oh… right.
    The Bourne trailer… yeah, it was way cool.
    Post is relevant.

  • 15. FACE replies at 30th March 2007, 12:19 am :

    this series has me torn. on the one hand the movies are nothing like that books, but on the other, they’re pretty good movies. looking forward to 3rd one.

  • 16. Kaneda979 replies at 30th March 2007, 12:21 am :

    “I hope they give Julia Styles more screen time in this one. Shes purty…”

    Hehe, I’m with you one that one. >_”I hope they give Julia Styles more screen time in this one. Shes purty…”

    Hehe, I’m with you one that one. >_<

    Kick… ass… trailer. Looks like a hell of an action spy film. And much more intince then the first 2.

    I liked the first 2, they just both left me wanting allot more. I’m in for sure. Not like anything else good is coming out in August anyway.

  • 17. hx replies at 30th March 2007, 6:12 am :

    I hope the movie will be great!

  • 18. Nacho replies at 30th March 2007, 6:52 am :

    Since I saw the first Bourne flick I always thought Bourne is way more bad-ass than Bond . Anyone agrees?

  • 19. Master Replicas Props replies at 30th March 2007, 12:05 pm :

    Yes, yes, yes! The Bourne movies only getting better with repeat viewings, and, having just watched the Bourne Identity again recently, I can’t wait for Bourne 3.

  • 20. #007# replies at 30th March 2007, 12:39 pm :

    I guarantee this a hit. Bourne movies are badass…intelligent spy thriller… One of those great trilogies on the making. Pretty tough to do in these days.

  • 21. Lori Parault replies at 30th March 2007, 2:15 pm :

    I can’t wait for Ultimatum because I thoroughly enjoyed the first two films. I like the Borne series much, much more (and I know I’m gonna get a floggin’ for saying this) than Bond films.

  • 22. Alic replies at 1st April 2007, 2:42 am :

    You probably won’t believe me when I say this, but Julia Styles in my grand-daughter… Sorry for the off-topic comment…

    Anyways… I have yet to see this screener, I will leave another comment if I do get to see it, and I will let you all know what I think, being a movie critic, it is my job to have my opinions!


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