Shrek vs Spider-Man vs Pirates

We’ve been talking for a while now about the summer of 2007. It’s shaping up to be one of the best summers in history as far as the popcorn blockbuster film fan go. The list is huge and seemingly endless. But what’s really interesting is the 3 of the MAJOR heavyweights of the summer are all going to be slugging it out at the same time in May alone.

Shrek 3, Spider-Man 3 and Pirates of the Caribbean 3 are all coming out in May, which means there are going to be weeks where all 3 will be in theater at the exact same time battling for the lion’s share of the audience (and let’s face it, fighting for the audience is what summer blockbusters are really all about as far as the studios are concerned.

All 3 of these films are going to do impressive business… no doubt… but… all being in the theaters at the same time is going to hurt all of them. There really isn’t any disputing that. I think almost everyone will see all of these films once… but the issue of REPEAT business comes into question with 3 major blockbusters in theaters at once.

So here are 2 questions for you:

1) Which of these 3 films will come out on top?

2) Which of these 3 do you THINK you’ll see more in theaters?

(As a side note, all 3 of these films being in May bodes VERY WELL for Transformers all the way out in July)

33 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. brian

    pirates 1
    spiderman 2
    shrek 3

    thats what its gunna be


  2. rafael

    1. pirates
    2. spiderman
    3. shrek

    They need to make another star wars movie to wrap things up - NOT!!

  3. spidey1703

    Fuck Transformers!

    Pirates will probably take in the most cash regardless of how good/bad it is.

    I’ll be seeing Spider-Man 3 a few times though.

    Couldn’t give a toss about Shrek 3.

  4. Clarkehead

    1. Spider-Man 3
    2. Pirates 3
    3. Shrek the Turd

  5. Alex Billington

    I was told by my manager at a theater that he’s getting on opening day:

    7 screens of Spider-Man 3
    4 screens of Shrek 3
    7 screens of Pirates 3

    Shrek is going to be the quieter one… And depending on how good they are, all the movies will stay strong with 4 screens throughout most of May and early June.

  6. The Jim Walker

    My thoughts:

    Pirates at Number 1 (Release May 25th)
    Spidey at Number 2 (Release May 4th)
    Shrek at Number 3 (Release May 18th )

    And, i feel that they will MOVE one of these films to mid June. I know they usually dont move films this close to release dates, but i am betting they will. Maybe around June 8th. Just an off the wall guess. Summer is a tight squeeze for all of those films. (You also have Die Hard 4, Ocean’s 13, Fan Four 2, Harry Potter 5, etc.)

  7. Kneon Transitt

    Pirates and Spidey for sure. Shrek on DVD.

    Transformers’ biggest competitor will be Harry Potter 5 (July 13), which will get a definite boost from the hype surrounding the seventh book (due July 21) as it is quite possibly the single most anticipated work of fiction in history.

  8. Ross

    I think Spiderman 3 will come out on top this time round. Pirates 2 did last year but there hasn’t been enough marketing and advertising, the only reason people are going to see this won is for the sake of just seeing it. Millions of people are highly anticipating seeing Venom so I think Spidey will top the 3. Not too sure about Shrek 3, I for one certainly have had it with Shrek, the franchise died at the credits of the first one.

  9. Nick


    There are too many kids that will make their parents bring them to see Shrek more than once for Spiderman and Pirates to hold it off. I think it is a real big mistake for Pirates to come out only one week after Shrek.

  10. NT

    1) Spiderman
    2) Shrek
    3) Pirates

    I’m definitely going out to see Spiderman…Shrek maybe.. Pirates…I’m undecided about that one. I don’t want another disappointment.

  11. tedward

    Spiderman opens the first week of May and will have 2 whole weeks of no competition until Shrek opens. Shrek will have only one week until Pirates opens in the final week of May.

    It’s unprecedented to have 3 huge blockbusters open the same month, but I think they’ll each have enough space to make a shitload of cash.

    Spiderman will suffer somewhat because it won’t hold off both Shrek and Pirates when it’s in it’s 3rd & 4th week of release.

    Shrek & Pirates have no real competiotion for a few weeks until Surfs Up opens the 2nd week of June, which will mainly hurt Shrek, and then F4 the 3rd week of June, which will mainly hurt Pirates.

    I believe Shrek & Pirates will have longer staying power than Spiderman.

    Shrek & Pirates will probably come out on top of Spiderman by the time all is said and done, but I don’t believe any of them are going to really hurt the other.

    All 3 will be considered huge hits. I don’t think any of them are going to hurt the other because there is SOME space (albeit, not a lot) for all of them to succeed.

    I say;
    Spiderman: 350 - 375 million
    Shrek: 400 - 425 million
    Pirates: 400 - 425 million

  12. Phil Gee

    I asked you this very question on one of the live shows. I think Shrek 3 is going to underperform actually. It just looks like more of the same and people might be sick of it. One of the main reasons Shrek 2 did so well is because it was competing against lacklustre films like Van Helsing and Troy.

    I think Pirates 3 will beat Spidey 3 but by a very close margin. But i think Spidey will have the bigger opening weekend, again, by a very close margin.

  13. Simick

    1) Pirates
    2) Spiderman
    3) Shrek

    I’ll be seeing Spidey several times though. Shrek and Pirates can suck it (Pirates 2 blew)

  14. Mkfreak2

    Spidey- 380 Million domestic
    Pirates- 325 Million domestic
    Shrek- 210 Million domestic

  15. Don

    Spidey will definitely be #3. It may challenge Shrek a BIT at the boxoffice, but Shrek’s dvd sales will be far higher than both the other movies.

    I hate that stupid OVEREXPOSED Johnny Depp, but Pirates will probably be #1 overall based entirely upon the dumb GIMMICK of “Pirates vs. Ninjas!”. UGH. I hope Shrek 3 steals as much business from the evil Disney empire as possible, but the Disney conspiracy and brainwashing is so deeply entrenched into our culture, I can’t see them losing. Ever. :(

  16. miles

    pirates for the win.

  17. @spence

    POTC 3
    spidey 3
    shrek 3

  18. will

    pirates 3 will underperform because a lot of people were dissapointed with 2. spidey 3 closely followed by shrek 3 then pirstes 3 in third.


  19. Chris Lammers

    1. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End
    2. Spider-Man 3
    3. Shrek 3

    1. Spider-Man 3
    2. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End
    3. Shrek 3

  20. will

    shrek 3 will have huge staying power. im not sure why everyone seems to be so sure it will come in last or underporform. im thinking it will be second behind spiderman 3, but really it could be first. im going all 3 over 300 mil, none over 400 mil because they will take away from each other and this summer is too packed

  21. Terry

    Question 1
    1) Pirates
    2) Spiderman
    3) Shrek

    Question 2
    1) Definitely Pirates!!! I saw dead man’s chest 10 times in theatres and I know I will be giving Pirates 3 repeat business too.
    2) I may or may not see Spidey in theatres
    3) I will not see Sherk in theatres period, I didn’t see the second one and I have no desire to see this one either.

  22. Clarkehead

    10 times? That’s some serious coin in this day and age.

  23. junalt

    Spider-Man will have the bigger opening, followed by Pirates then Shrek. I think that that Pirates will rule the summer box office, followed closely by Spider-Man. i agree with Kneon Transitt in saying that the better selling DVD will be Shrek.

  24. Kaneda979

    I wanna say:

    Spidey 3
    Pirates 3
    Shrek 3
    (lol, battle of the 3rds)


    I’m all about Spidey 3 winning. I would really like to see this series bring it all back around again to how well this series did money wise in the begining.

    Sadly though scense Pirates does appeal to everyone more so then Spidey, it just might win the fight. But the marketing for Pirates 3 has sucked ass. I mean I know everyone knew there was going to be a part 3, just not coming out so soon. We just now got a trailer and I havn’t seen any of the posters, except on the internet.

    Matrix series played it smart by showing a preveiw of part 3 at the end of Reloaded. Half the people I’ve talked to really didn’t think Pirates 3 was coming til atleast next year. Also so many people seem to be disappointed with part 2. Although you know most of them are still gonna see 3 anyway.

    Everyone I know wants to see Spidey 3 and most of all, not only Spidey taking on 3 diffrent villians and all the crap these 3 are coming to put him threw, but the insainly badass Venom most of all. I’m seeing Spidey 3 atleast 3-5 times if, if not more and most my friends feel the same way.

    The main draw for me with Pirates is to see the Jack and Davy Jones fight and it’s fun to watch Depp play Sparrow. But I’ll see it most likly just once, maybe twice if someone wants me to go with them that didn’t go with me the first time. Most of this series is just eye candy. And for that I fear eye candy will win out over complex story telling and good drama.

    Shrek 3, I don’t know. I’m starting to not care much about it other then when the DVD hits. I’m sure theres some families that are going to make it allot of money. But I don’t know anyone that wants to see it more then Spidey or Pirates. Not even my all friend’s kids.

  25. Kristina

    PIRATES BY FAR. Did Spidey make a billion bucks worldwide? NO. Pirates has the teen girl fanbase, and don’t underestimate those bitches. They MADE Titanic, they MADE Dead Man’s Chest, and they WILL MAKE World’s End. Spidey 3 and Shrek 3 will be bringing up the rear. I’ll bet my rear on it.

  26. JCIW

    John, you have no idea what you’re talking about, once again. Please explain to me how having these movies out at the same time means that they’ll hurt each other’s box office potential?

  27. Sean

    Oh my God. Is JCIW really that stupid? Are you seriously asking how 3 major movies being out at the same time will potentially hurt each films earning potential?

    Ok, I’ll make this simple for you. 99% of people won’t go see 3 movies in a month. Look up any study on the topic. You put 3 movies in theaters at the same time, most people will pick one or maybe 2. Whereas is they were spread out more, they might have seen all three.

    DVD sales will still be brisk.

    They’ll each make a ton of money no doubt, just not as much as they could have.

  28. Kristina

    Sean, people don’t go see that many movies per month because there are never three good movies released in one month. You better believe the theaters will explode come May, and I honestly will do my best to stay away. The big crowds=major league assholes who yap through the movie. Going to see spidey 3 in IMAX where the massive sound system will drown the fuckers out.

  29. Kristina

    And Shrek is BEYOND played out. Ugh, FUCK that big green turd.

  30. chelsey

    pirates will win,

    pirates has about a month before another big film comes out, so it will probably be at #1 for that month and will rake in the big bucks. spidey olny has 2 weeks before shrek comes out, so shrek will knock spidey from the #1 spot, spidey will drop over half of what it earned in its opening weekend and will probably only make 60 million this weekend, then shrek 3 will come out and it will probably drop to about 10 million, while shrek will probably open to about 70 million, shrek will lose out the most, coz instead of dropping to half the amount it will probably drop to only makinfg 20 million its following weekend, coz pirates will open and will probably open to about 160 million or there about. like i said pirates has about a month before another big film comes along, and coz of how long it would have been out by then pirates wont lose any money coz by then it will probably have dropped to about 10 million on its own. films always drop 50% each weeknd its been out, then it will start to rake in about 5 million a weekend until its not making hardly any money.

    pirates will make 1.1 billion dollers
    spidey will make 900 million dolllers
    shrek will make 500-550 million dollers.

  31. Brittney

    I think pirates will come out on top! I loved 1+2! I saw Spider man 3 in theaters and it was dissapointing. I dont really care for Shrek 3.

    1. Pirates 3
    2. Spider man 3
    3. Shrek 3

  32. jack swallows

    I like boobies.

  33. EEK! the cat

    I concur on the boobies comment. But what is the deal with all these trilogy’s all of a sudden? Pirates 1. Spidey 2. Shrek 3.
    Go Yankees!!!

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