New Supergirl Movie?

Posted by on 26. 03. 2007in News Chat

There have been whispers and rumors about a possible Supergirl movie ever since it was announced that Superman Returns was coming to the big screen. Who can forget the mess of a movie from 1984? If any movie NEEDS re-doing it’s that one.

Personally, I’ve always hated the notion of Supergirl… for the same reasons I don’t like Superboy, or Kid Flash, or Green Lantern Jr. or any other directly related pseudo knock off characters. Kal El is the LAST SURVIVOR of Krypton… oh… except for his cousin… the blond slut flying around in the short skirt her now dead Kryptonian father would never have let her out of the house wearing. BUT… JoBlo is reporting the following:

Is SUPERGIRL getting ready to bust out? According to a tip from ‘Lip’, it could be so — apparently Warner Bros. has already commissioned a script for the younger, blonder and breastier Supercharacter. They’ve supposedly even started contacting managers and agents about possible ladies for the curve-hugging blue bodysock, and we hear BATTLESTAR GALACTICA’s slinky Cylon stunner Tricia Helfer was on the list of possibilites.

Screw it. Supergirl is a GREAT IDEA! YAY! I’ll change my tune for anything that might involve Tricia Helfer (For those of you who may not know, Tricia plays 6 on Battlestar Galactica). ANYTHING. What’s that? A new Star Wars movie that George wants to do that is all just Ewoks making wood products with Jar Jar? That’s a stupid… what? Tricia Helfer is to star in it? WICKED IDEA! This woman gives me nut sweat like very few can. Sign me up! Up Up and away!

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32 Responses to “New Supergirl Movie?”

  1. The Jim Walker says:

    OK… completely not related to Supergirl, BUT related to Tricia… (please dont delete me John! OR put up a BSG finale post!)

    Did anyone see the Battlestar Season Finale??? (I WONT GIVE ANY SPOILERS) I am sure there will be some naysayers, but OH MY GOD! I thought that was one of the best cliffhanger endings EVER in the history of TV. Truly. That said… 2008?!?!? We have to wait 9 MONTHS! I could produce offspring quicker! Oye. Thats the only bad thing… 9 looooong months.

  2. shane razey says:

    WOW!!!! And yes, I saw the finally also, one of the best after a so-so season.

  3. shane razey says:

    Plus I hear only 13 eps next season: “The wait for 2008″

  4. John Campea says:

    Hey Shane,

    They announced early last week that next season was extended to 22 episodes.

  5. dr. theopolis says:

    I love her as Caprica 6 but she’s too old for Supergirl.

    Sorry. But it’s the truth.

  6. fdfdffdfdfd says:

    She’s so freakisly bland stick model and makes whole BSC unwatchable…
    she’s crap… shouldn’t be doing any movie/tv..

  7. darren j seeley says:

    Tricia would be good for anything, but there’s one shocking thing: are we as a Cylon collective, suggesting she keep her dyed blonde locks for other roles? With her natural hair color, she could be Wonder Woman or a new Catwoman.

  8. Nick Paramonte says:

    I’m all for a Supergirl movie, then again I’m afraid like Wonder Woman that it’s going end up as another female superhero movie that flops. If you seen Justice League Unlimited animated series Supergirl is portrayed very well.


    John, the Superman villians that I mentioned on one of Live shows, all them have been used in other media. SUPERMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES FROM THE 90′S, HELLO. Try and beat that, what else do you got. Go ahead and say to me these villians won’t work. Come on, I dare you said again.

    Info about the villians from Wikipedia

    In Superman: The Animated Series, Brainiac (voiced by Corey Burton, in the style of HAL 9000 and Vic Perrin’s opening narration from The Outer Limits) is the supercomputer that ran most of the day-to-day operations on Krypton. He senses the imminent destruction of the planet, but rather than warn others, he chooses to save himself and the collected records of Krypton. In Brainiac’s mind, as long as the records of Krypton existed, the loss of the planet itself and all its living inhabitants is part of the natural order.

    John Corben was an Australian criminal-for-hire who was involved in a plot by Lex Luthor to sell the LEXO-SKEL SUIT 5000 to Kasnian terrorists (Luthor knew that the Pentagon would want him to design something bigger and better to combat the suit the terrorists had “stolen”). Corben was caught by Superman and jailed, but while in jail he contracted a rare and lethal disease. Luthor offered him a chance at new life, as a cyborg, by having his mind transplanted into a robotic body; a Dr. Vale assisted in the procedure. Corben’s new body, made of a revolutionary new metal called Metallo, was powered by a kryptonite “heart”.

    Rudy Jones, janitor at S.T.A.R. Labs, was caught mid-robbery with a crook named Martin Lebeau. They were trying to steal a chemical stored in barrels with unknown properties. When Lebeau and Rudy made their getaway in a pickup truck, Lebeau’s anger at Rudy led him to make Rudy ride in the back with the ill-closed barrels. The barrels soon opened, spilling their contents all over Rudy, transforming him into the Parasite; Rudy soon used his new powers to go after Superman. The Parasite discovered Superman’s true identity a couple of times, but on each occurrence, Superman managed to harm Rudy enough to damage his memory (having him suck the “power” out of some kryptonite.

    Leslie Willis was once Metropolis’ most controversial shock jock. No one was immune to her venomous words, not even Superman. She took great joy in bashing him, and Lex Luthor enjoyed listening to her do it every morning. It was about that time Superman showed up to help the police. Willis’ fans showed support for her by throwing stuff at the Man of Steel, when suddenly, lightning struck the stage, setting it on fire. When Superman pushed Willis to safety, lightning struck both of them, transferring some of Superman’s powers to Willis and changing her appearance. She discovered she could manipulate electricity. Willis then escaped from the hospital by turning herself into an electric current. Confronting Superman, she had rearranged the electrons of the hospital gown she was wearing into a black leotard with a lightning bolt down the front and black boots. She then declared herself to now be Livewire, and took over the telephones, televisions, and billboards-effectively taking over all of media. However, Superman stopped her when he doused her with water.

  9. Nick Paramonte says:

    One more thing even if you never heard of it that does’nt mean the majority of the world doesnt know.

  10. Kristina says:


    I’ve said it every time we have a topic about female superhero movies. They ALL suck. Want to know why? They ALL focus more on how hot the woman looks in her outfit than they do the actual story. If you want to see skimpily-dressed women, you can see that online for free. Every single one, no matter how badass the female is, still has to have the obligatory slo-mo zoom in of the girl’s ass, Kill Bill included. Plus, I really don’t know many guys who are eager to pay money to see a woman going around saving people, as sexist as that is.

  11. Nick Paramonte says:

    the Kill Bill movies rule.

  12. shane razey says:

    Thanks John,
    I didn’t know they extended it.

  13. JonO says:

    We made love once. It was a really frightening experience that more or less ended up with me weeping. Of course this is all a lie. I’m all about supergirl John, no matter how horrible it may sound. Now that Helfer is carrying our love child, seeing her in this role will bring yet another tear to my eye.

  14. Kristina says:

    And Nick, Kill Bill does indeed rule. Thee are exceptions to every rule, but man, are there few of them.

  15. Kaneda979 says:

    HOLY CRAP SHE’S HOT! I’m with you that Supergirl is a stupid character, just her story alone doesn’t make sence. But that still doesn’t mean I don’t want to see 90 mins of her hot ass beating the crap out of people and aliens. And forget the Supergirl suit, she should be in that outfit in the pic above threw the whole movie. :P I so hope she gets the role.

    I just hope the movie doesn’t turn out to be a horrible cheese fest like Catwoman did. But even if it does, I can see myself just renting the film just as a guilty pleasure for Tricia Helfer. ;)

  16. Zac Shipley says:

    Which Supergirl? Linda Danvers? Kara Zor-El? Cir El? Powergirl?

    Theres plenty of room for a spin off here. And Supergirl is awesome, I’ll always be a fan.

  17. gerard says:

    i think they should get tara reid to play supergirl :P

    oooohhh, another “blonde” would have been jessica alba.

  18. chris says:

    no and why? do we really need a crappy, half-assed superhero movie on a character no one cares about? this is gonna be a another t and a crapfest…..and believe me i love the t & a….if they want to do something like this just use miss hot ass no talent….miss alba..


  19. Torch says:

    Heck yes!!

  20. babes says:

    I think Tricia Helfer a bit too old to be a girl… Super girl have to be fresh looking with a wee bit more flesh than Tricia Helfer. This is just some suggestions which I got from other blogs….

    Ali Larter
    Katherine Heigl
    Charlize Theron
    Elisha Cuthbert

    Anyone else?…

  21. Billy says:

    ENTER YOUR COMMENTS HERE. Make sure you fill out the box below this one before submitting your comment..
    Kristen Bell from Veronica Mars As SuperGirl
    Hilari Burton from One Tree Hill as SuperGirl.

    Both are great to see and have a lot of talent and would be a great choice for SuperGirl. But who are we kidding DC Comics has some of the greatest female characters in print today such as BatGirl(B.Gordon)..Huntress..Black Canary..CatWoman and PowerGirl and none of these will ever see a movie deal. And if they do it will be as lame as the first SuperGirl and CatWoman movies.

  22. Andy says:

    Tricia Helfer is NOT right for Supergirl. At thirty six/ thirty seven years old, she’s older than Brandon Routh who played Superman in Superman Returns. Supergirl is supposed to be Superman’s YOUNGER cousin. She’s just too old.

  23. David says:

    How about Evan Rachel Wood? Young enough and gorgeous and a good, solid actress.

  24. joel says:

    Thats cool! supergirl movie!

  25. michael says:

    I think Hayden panettiere from Heroes should play Supergirl.

  26. John Gregory says:

    i would personally love to see a new supergirl movie and there are plenty of people how could do it:
    hayden panettiere (she’d be perfect)
    Charlize Theron
    laura vandervoort (would work very well)

    the possibilities are endless - i was a huge fan of the 1984 film and in today market there is a call for a big female heroine - i would be a challange for anyone though - they’d have to make sure it worked well is could so easy be the next catwoman flop (but i liked it) it needs to be modern, sexy and the girl has to be strong minded and very silmular to the cartoon character in justice league. if anyone know if there is going to be another film of Supergirl please let me know. thanks to al for letting me rant

  27. Raiyhan says:

    i would personally love to see a new supergirl movie and the only girl that could fit in the supergirl movie would be Mischa Barton(The OC) because she`s tall long hair & her face would make her look attractive and lastly her eyes.

  28. Ravforu says:

    I don’t think we need the same old same old Supergirl that we got with the movie with Helen Slater or as we saw the character mature in the comics. I think we need a fresh start. Someone who might be considered sexy, but very much a girl. Remember that when Supergirl landed on Earth she was only 15 years old. So we need someone who can play a young girl who’s maturing into a young woman. A girl who’s a little tom-boyish, but blossoming. That’s why I’ve always thought that Ellen Page (Juno, X-men III, Whip-it) would be the perfect choice. More importantly, she can actually act. She’s proven her acting abilities in several films. The real question, after she’s played Kitty in X-men and is about to play “Boltie” in the comedy “Super”, is whether she’d want to tackle the character of Supergirl. But she does have the acting chops to pull it off. And that’s what you need along with a very very good script.

    • Rodney says:

      A key component of Supergirl would also be that she is pretty.

      Page has proven to be effective in awkward “normal girl” type roles, but she is hardly pretty or sexy.

      • Ravforu says:

        I said a fresh start. Again, you are thinking of the later version of Supergirl, like Helen Slater, with the bazooka boobs, etceteras. You need to go to the Maid of Might webpage or back to the actual ’59 comics and look at who Supergirl was when she was first introduced. She was not a drop dead gorgeous character. Again she is 15 years old when she lands on Earth. Besides, for the role you need someone who can project a bit of attitude so young girls can identify with the character. This is not supposed to be a film only enjoyed by teenaged boys or 35, 40 or 50 year old men trying to relive a dream. I think if you’re going to create a character that girls and young women can aspire to, can look up to, she can’t be Barbie Doll perfect. That’s what it seems like you’re alluding to, not a pretty girl, but some buxom blonde. Remember she’s called Super “girl”. Furthermore, I’ve seen photos of Ellen Page and she is quite pretty and also can be quite plain. But that would just add to the dichotomy which is Linda Lee (or Danvers) and Supergirl.

  29. lupin says:

    i like the taylor swift idea for supergirl!

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