New hot Fuzz Clips Online

I actually had the chance to see Hot Fuzz a little over a month ago on my last trip down to Los Angeles (one of the perks of hanging out with the entertainment writer for Time Magazine). I’ve been waiting to put up my review until we get closer to it’s release here in North America… but I will say this…

Don’t get your hopes up too high. I liked it quite a bit, but it’s not “Shaun of the Dead” good and it’s not “Shaun of the Dead” funny either. The film is a bit too long, over uses Shaun techniques (you’ll see what I mean) and just fails to pack the same punch that Shaun did. BUT… if you just go in to watch it as a new comedy movie and forget about the comparisons to Shaun, then I believe you’ll really enjoy it. I did.

I’ll go into it more when it comes time to put up my review. I think I’m screwed either way though. Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg have become the new Kevin Smith in a way. They have a core group of rabid fans (I actually think I’m one of them) who will want to burn your village and rape your women if you say anything critical about them at all (or was that Doug who does the burning and raping thing?)

Anyway, our good friends over at JoBlo have posted up a couple of new Hot Fuzz clips that wet your appetite for the film that you can see over here.

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  • 1. Hosero replies at 30th March 2007, 8:25 am :

    I saw this right after the UK debut ( i Dled a crappy cam cause i couldnt wait months for the US release )and I gotta say it is great. But it is not shaun of the dead good. But its more of a send up of action movies than a comedy i thought. Also i guess the loserish characters in shaun, what with the video gaming and shitty job and pot smoking, I could really identify with. Time will tell how the fans take it. I still say this is a must see.

  • 2. aidan replies at 30th March 2007, 11:41 am :

    man this came ou over a month ago here (ireland). very funny and edgar wright is a stylish bastard, some of the shots and transitions are inspired. i heard people saying its not as good as shaun of the dead but thats expalined away with the fact thats it nothing like shaun o the dead its its own thig and within that i laughed my ass off and went back for seconds

  • 3. Jason replies at 30th March 2007, 4:21 pm :

    I think the problem is…everyone is COMPARING this to Shaun of the Dead. First off. DON’T. This film is HOT FUZZ good and HOT FUZZ funny.

    And I’m hardly a rabid fan, I only just started watching these guy recently and I managed to pick up their show SPACED which is absolutely hilarious.

    I guess its just the sense of humor…the little jokes that make it funnier…I think Shaun of the Dead appeals to a wider audience, Hot Fuzz is very localised. Or maybe I’m just spouting nonsense.

  • 4. alfie replies at 30th March 2007, 4:47 pm :

    I thought this was a huge leap forward from shaun of the dead. I thought it was fucking hilarious

  • 5. aidan replies at 31st March 2007, 5:56 pm :

    oh spaced is solid gold. the second season has an homagometer in the special features so anytime they reference a film they point it out and they keep coming hard and fast they really were so sharp on that show.

  • 6. alfie replies at 1st April 2007, 5:35 am :

    they sure were aidan…it is a great program….I love the empire homage…..

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