M.Night Shyamalan Scores Mark Wahlberg

It seems the Shamhammer will have Marky Mark in his next film project. The lowdown is delivered via messenger pigeons from Moviehole:

Seemingly knowing that they’re going to have to have another name – besides the now slightly acerbic and unsavoury Shyamalan tag – on the poster and marquee, to sell the movie, FOX have roped in their old “Planet of the Apes” comrade Wahlberg to play the male lead in “The Happening”.

I am not a fan of Shamhammer. Mainly because I find twist endings annoying 90% of the time, and he overdoes them to the point of nausea. With Marky Mark on board hopefully he will come up with something that deviates from his now maligned style.

Sadly it is a movie about a family that is on the run from an apocalyptic threat. I disliked the family element in War of the Worlds and I am not excited to see another “family running from bad stuff” movie. Nothing kills action like a family unit on the run. More apocalypse - less family might be a good idea shamhammer.

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  • 1. Ross replies at 30th March 2007, 3:27 pm :

    I am on the fence when it comes to the “Shamhammer” (but mostly on the side of liking him). I like more than 50% of his movies (The Sixth Sense, Sign, Unbreakable) but I HIGHLY dislike, in fact HATED The Village (and I haven’t seen Lady In The Water). I will end up seeing “The Happening” anyway, purely to see how it turns out. Who knows after a trailer I might get more/less interested.

  • 2. Terry Letourneau replies at 30th March 2007, 4:40 pm :

    Wow, they are actually letting this guy make another movie? I did love the Sixth Sense, but each film after has really declined in quality. Maybe those aliens from Signs are back and this time they got smart and they are wearing rain gear.

  • 3. Marina replies at 30th March 2007, 4:42 pm :

    Agreed! This isn’t one I’m looking forward to, even with Marky Mark attached.

  • 4. Pat replies at 30th March 2007, 4:52 pm :

    EeeeeEh. Guess I’ll be there if the reviews are decent. If this one flops he’s done, right? Maybe it’s for the best if that is the case. I also don’t think the shamhammer nickname will survive another movie after this one, and that’s more or less the only reason he’s worth keeping around after his last two duds.

  • 5. MovieBlog Fan replies at 30th March 2007, 4:57 pm :

    I thought Marky Mark is doing M. Night Shymalyan’s new film ‘Happening’? I read it today.

    Anyway, here’s some stuff on Babel:


  • 6. Daniel replies at 30th March 2007, 8:31 pm :

    He had his brother in the sixth sense, so why not. Let’s just hope Night doesn’t put his complaints about the film industry into the script.

  • 7. Donny Brasco replies at 31st March 2007, 3:05 am :


    check this out:


  • 8. Ash1138 replies at 31st March 2007, 3:30 am :

    I’m one of the few apparently who will admit to liking M. Night Shyamalan. I honestly think he’s one of the best directors working today. I’m sure I’ll get ostracized for saying this, but I find Lady in the Water to be one of the best films of last year. It’s become way too trendy to bash Shyamalan. Even John can’t call him by his name anymore which I find to be funny since he’s practically creaming himself of Michael Bay’s upcoming film.

    Anyway, I’m obviously very much looking forward to The Happening. One thing that should be mentioned about this new film is that it will be Shyamalan’s first ‘R’ rated film. He is actually trying for the rating from what I understand because he wants to make a serious thriller for adult audiences. I’m very excited by this because there is FAR too little talent making these types of films.

  • 9. Kristina replies at 31st March 2007, 11:24 am :

    Unbreakable is one of my favorite movies of the last few years. Other than that, Shammhammer acts like his shit don’t stink. Never forget that Time magazine cover declaring him “the next Spielberg”. BWahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

  • 10. Adi replies at 31st March 2007, 6:36 pm :

    Interesting post.Last night http://aditiworld.blogspot.com/ saw Mark in Shooter.He has done a decent job.I haven’t blogged about it but will do soon. M.Night Shyamalan is a good director.

  • 11. Nord replies at 31st March 2007, 9:28 pm :

    Anyone else want to advertise their blogs? anyone? Bueller?…..Bueller?…..Bueller?



  • 12. Alic replies at 1st April 2007, 2:24 am :

    “The Happening” bites the big one! Especially after his latest disappointment; “Lady in the Water,” I think you will not be happy. I saw the screener two weeks ago! LAME!

    I am in the movie industry, and I receive screeners from all companies that I want… Anyways a long story short, don’t get too exited! Seriously, just to be that more disappointed!

    Also, a word of advice… Don’t get yourselves into arguments over movies… not everyone likes the same thing! I think most of us here can agree that M. Night Shamla-ding-dong is LAME! And he only gained success from Stephen Spielberg’s bi-products.


  • 13. Ash1138 replies at 2nd April 2007, 4:36 am :

    Nice try at an April Fools joke. You didn’t see a screener for a film that hasn’t even started filming.

    Anyway, I’d just like to add that Time making a silly statement doesn’t mean Shyamalan thinks his shit doesn’t stink. I read that article and laughed because anyone that knows film can so easily see Spielberg and Shyamalan are nothing alike as filmmakers. If anything, Shyamalan is more comparable to Hitchcock. Both filmmakers went against the established way of doing things and both were underappreciated during their prime.

  • 14. Letodan replies at 2nd April 2007, 9:17 am :

    Well, I’m also one of those who likes M. Night Shyamalan. I loved Sixth Sense, unbreakable. I loved Sign and liked the Village. As for Lady in the water. I understand what he was trying to do but, I think it was constructed in the wrong way. In todays’ world, I think people just love to bash director for the pleasure of it. Hitchcock probably wouldn’t have the success he had in his time if he would appear today. For those who hate M. Night, go watch Psycho… Not much action there… You’ll probably find it quite boring… But it is still a masterpiece of its time. People just want the same kind of movies again and again. That is sad!

    I’m not saying Shyamalan’s film are perfect, but I think he is trying to be different than most hollywood production and people bash him for that. I will continue to support him tho. Hopefully, he’ll be able to bring us more original stories in the future…

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