John’s Top 10 Best Kurt Russell Performances

BackdraftHey there boys and girls. Well, with all the Kurt Russell talk going on around here over the last couple of days, it’s got me to thinking about some of my favorite Russell movies, so I thought “why not do a post about it”.

So here for your consideration is my personal list of the 10 best Kurt Russell performances (please note… I’m not saying the best Russell movies… but rather his personal best performances). So here they are:

1) Backdraft - God I love this movie… I know a bunch of people don’t, but I think it’s gold… and the main reason for that is the heart Russell brought to it.

2) Tombstone - There has NEVER been a better Wyatt Earp

3) Escape From New York - Probably the first movie that comes to mind when we think of Russell

4) Solider - Not the best movie by any stretchof the imagination… but a role he was BORN to play. Just looking all gruff and pretty much killing people with his pure stare. Gold.

5) Big Trouble in Little China - The guy almost became Bruce Campbell

6) Overboard - who knew he could do comedy so well?

7) The Thing - Oh hell ya

8) Dark Blue - I’m stunned over how many people haven’t seen this movie

9) Stargate - Before MacGiver took over the role

10) 3000 Miles To Graceland - You know, as bad as the movie itself ended up being, I always thought Russell was exceptional in it.

So there you have it folks. My list of the best performances Kurt Russell has blessed us with so far. What do you think? What things don’t belong on that list? What things are missing? Discuss.

39 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Andreas

    I’ve seen Dark BLue and it is a great movie.

    Breakdown was a great performance by Kurt and very good movie.

  2. #007#

    I second Dark Blue…go and grab a rental…great acting.



    The Computer that wore Tennis Shoes isn’t in the top 10?!?!?!

    How can that be!


  4. JOE

    Captain Ron shows us the comedy side of Kurt Russell
    i haven’t seen dark blue but i think i will now

  5. gerard

    whenever i think of kurt russell i think of disney’s The Strongest Man in the World

  6. Marina

    Regarding “5) Big Trouble in Little China - The guy almost became Bruce Campbell” that’s a BIG almost. I liked it, don’t get me wrong but he’s no Bruce Campbell (and you’re right, it can’t be proven but I also agree that Bruce Campbell is God).

    And wow, someone else actually watched 3000 Miles To Graceland. I’m impressed. However we differ in that I actually liked the movie.

  7. pendragon00

    I love the man



    Just those two lines alone will keep him in my heart even if everything else he does from here on out is rubbish

  8. Amish_Bill

    Wait… didn’t Kurt Russell do the movie, “Breakdown”? It’s the one where his wife is abducted for ransom by some backwoods, hillbilly truckers. I thought that was a fabulous movie. That should be in the top ten IMHO.

  9. Chris

    John man, sorry but that’s an embarrassing list… Backdraft at number one??! The Thing behind Overboard??

    The Thing and Escape From New York should be way, way up the list, no doubt.

    You haven’t explained your choices, either…

  10. Derek

    “Tango & Cash”

  11. Amish_Bill

    You also forgot “Executive Decision”. That movie had the balls to kill off Steven Segal in the first 30 minutes. It’s a great movie just because of that. I can’t believe you have Backdraft #1. What a suck-movie.

  12. Jay C.

    Grindhouse is another example of the kind of power Tarantino has when it comes to reviving careers.

    Where was all of this Kurt Russell love a year ago? If there’s anything I will stand up and proudly proclaim, it’s that i’ve been a supporter of Russell since I was a kid. HE is my Bruce Campbell. Jack Burton was my Ash. I don’t know how many people have laughed off my suggestions of Kurt Russell being underrated as both an action star and dramatic performer. Although this sudden love of Russell is frustrating, it’s also nice to see.

    Now I can sit back and watch as people start to think twice about the amazing stuff he’s done in films like Big Trouble In Little China and The Thing and give him credit where credit is due. If only people would realize that Escape From LA is alot better then they think…maybe if it were surrounded by fake trailers?

  13. tedward

    His performance in Backdraft was very good, but it’s a shame the film was horrible.

    I can’t believe you didn’t put Breakdown on the list! That was a great friggin’ film, and he put in a great performance.

    Dark Blue was also a great film, with a great performance.

    3000 Miles to Graceland was much better than I thought it would be, though also more disturbing as well.

  14. Rafael

    The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes was my fav as a kid.

  15. Charley

    What? No mention of The Fox and the Hound?

  16. Hey Chris,

    Learn how to read. This wasn’t a list of the best MOVIES… it was my personal list of his best performances.


    Yes… Escape from LA was that bad. :P

  17. Nord

    Excellent list for the most part, disappointing not to see Tango & Cash, my top 3 is

    Big Trouble in Little China
    The Thing
    Tango & Cash



  18. Scott Cederlund

    I love all of those Russell films but one of my favorite performances of his is as the doctor in Cameron Crowe’s Vanilla Sky. I enjoy how he goes from being somewhat in control to realizing that he’s just part of someone else’s dream.

  19. Jayowen

    I can’t believe you left out that great boy scout movie “Follow Me Boys”

  20. darren j seeley

    His best in my order:
    Escape From New York
    The Mean Season
    The Thing
    Used Cars (yes!! How could you forget Used Cars!)
    Dark Blue (yes, Gio-and at the theatres!)

  21. alfie

    no jay c..escape from l.a. is every bit as bad as everybody thinks. its awful.

    My list would be…..

    Escape From New York
    Used Cars
    Big Trouble In Little China
    The Thing
    Tango and Cash
    The Mean Season
    Dark Blue

  22. wolf

    The Thing and Big Trouble In Little China were a big let down for me. Backdraft ruled.

  23. Jay

    Mine would go like this…

    1: Escape From New York
    2: Big Trouble In Little China
    3: The Thing
    4: Tango and Cash
    5: Tombstone
    6: Backdraft
    7: Stargate
    8: Backdraft
    9: Tequila Sunrise
    10: Breakdown

    and honourable mention goes to Overboard, because I truly do love that movie.

    Escape From LA and 3000 Miles To Graceland would be on my list of the top 30 worst movies of all time. 2 of the absolute worst movies ever made.

  24. Jay C.

    Sorry Alfie, but you’re wrong.

    Escape From LA is a Grindhouse style action/exploitation film that somehow is treated as serious material. Are the effects bad? Yes. But it’s a hell of alot of fun and succeeds in carrying on the tradition of similar films that came before it.

    Throw some fake film grain/scratches, surf music, and ‘Quentin Tarantino Presents’ at the front of it, and I think people would be a little open minded.

    But that’s just my opinion.

  25. bigsampson



  26. paulm

    The Thing is number seven? Really?

  27. walters

    if your comparing his comic roles you can’t compare Overboard to Used Cars. Used Cars is a classic!

  28. The Other James Taylor

    Hell Yeah Big Trouble In Little China.

    1.Big Trouble In Little China
    2.Vanilla Sky
    3.Dark Blue
    4.3000 Miles To Graceland
    5.Unlawful Entry
    10.The Thing

  29. Kaneda979

    I loved Breakdown. Had me on the edge of my seat all the way to the end. Freakin’ awsome movie and Kurt was amazing in it. Would for sure be on my list.

    The Thing, Big Trouble in Little China, and Overboard, one of my fav old school comedies, would of been much higher on my list aswell.

    Not only are they all uniq films and fun as hell to watch, they REALLY showed off Kurt’s wide acting range. They weren’t just completely diffrent acting roles, but it shows you that he can play well just about any role you throw at him.

    But number 1 to me would be Tombstone. First Western movie I fell in love with. Like you said John, “There has NEVER been a better Wyatt Earp”, and I don’t know if they’re ever will be. His preformance really made that film. He made you care about the character and everyone he cared about in the film. And he made you think, “God damn he’s badass!”

  30. alfie

    sorry jay c but it was sad and desperate attempt by a past it director to rekindle his movie making “mojo” and it failed miserably…
    that freedom fighter terrorist whatever he was was no duke a number one.

    even bruse campbell was wasted in it…..

    the effects are not just bad they are embarrassing….

    but russells performance is perfect…there is no denying that…it was carpenters total loss of skill that ruined it…..

  31. Wormwood

    In the same vein, being a list of performances rather than movies, I’d have to put the elusive “Winter People” on that list.

  32. Jesse Rosenberg

    Swing shift anybody
    jesus christ that is the best movie of his and one of his best performances

  33. Jay C.

    Sorry Alfie, but I think you missed the point of the entire film.

    I’m not going to get into it now seeing as i’m currently writing an article dedicated to the defense of Escape From LA. But until then, just know that you’re absolutely wrong.

  34. Paul D

    I like this list, John…then again, I like any list that doesn’t include Poseidon!

  35. josh

    I’d say kurt russell is above bruce campbell, sorry but you have to admit that. I’m a huge fan of both, huuuggggee, but kurt just has a longer list of better movies, you can’t even get all of his best work on a top 10 list, wheres with bruce you can barely make a top 10 list. Anyways I’d say it goes

    1. Big Trouble in little china
    2. The thing
    3. Escape from New York
    4. Dark Blue
    5. Escape from LA

    and i just lost the will to finish this.

  36. RazorHawk

    My Top 10:

    1 Backdraft
    2 Big Trouble In Little China
    3 Tombstone
    4 Breakdown
    5 Overboard
    6 Executive Decision
    7 Unlawful Entry
    8 Tango and Cash
    9 Sky High
    10 Dreamer

  37. Justin Levine

    There must be something wrong with my browser - I’m reading a post that is supposedly about the best Kurt Russell performances with several commenters, and not once, NOT ONCE does anyone mention “Miracle”. Not even a passing mention of his best performace ever?? Helllooooo????

  38. Ash1138

    Thank you Justin. I was so ready to write up a post wondering how “supposed” Kurt Russell fans could leave off Miracle. C’mon John, I know your Canadian and all and so probably dismiss any Hockey movies made by Americans, but sheesh! :P

    1. Miracle (Oscar worthy IMO)
    2. Backdraft (good call John)
    3. Tombstone
    4. The Thing
    5. Big Trouble in Little China (I named myself after Ash and I still agree with the Bruce Campbell comment)
    6. Dark Blue (He carries this film)
    7. Escape from New York
    8. Overboard
    9. Stargate
    10. Soldier (Just because John’s reasoning sold me. I almost want to see the film again now just for his performance)

    I’m honestly surprised to see people mentioning Executive Decision; an utterly forgettable performance. Then there is Tango & Cash which makes me cringe in embarrassment for Kurt.

    P.S. On the subject of Miracle, if you have not seen it I highly, highly recommend you see the documentary film “Do You Believe in Miracles?” which is the story of the 1980 U.S. Hockey Team (I believe it’s currently on HBO if you have that service). No it doesn’t have Kurt Russell in it (it has the real Herb Brooks) and besides being much better than the film Miracle, it’s also one of the absolute best documentaries I’ve ever seen. It’ll also give all you Kurt Russell fans who snubbed his performance in Miracle a better appreciation for what he did.

  39. CinemaNotizie

    John ha indicato sul Podio Fuoco Assassino (Backdraft), Tombstone e Fuga da New York (Escape From New York), seguiti poi da Soldier, Grosso Guaio a Chinatown (The Big Trouble in Little China), Una Coppia alla deriva (Overboard), La Cosa (The Thing), Indagini sporche (Dark blue), Stargate e La Rapina (3000 Miles To Graceland).

    Ed essendo io, tra l’altro, un fan di Kurt Russell… Ecco la mia classifica personale:


    1) Grosso Guaio a Chinatown - The Big Trouble in Little China
    2) Fuga da New York - Escape From New York
    3) Stargate
    4) La Cosa - The Thing
    5) Fuga da Los Angeles - Escape from L.A.
    6) Fuoco Assassino - Backdraft
    7) Tombstone
    8) Tango & Cash
    9) Abuso di Potere - Unlawful Entry
    10) Decisione critica - Executive Decision

    Un salutone a John “Giovanni” Campea!

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