I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry Trailer

The new I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry trailer has hit the web. All I can say is this… with no disrespect intended… if I was gay… Jessica Biel would turn me straight in a heartbeat. Holy shit I need some alone time… excuse me…

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  • 1. Kristina replies at 29th March 2007, 5:23 pm :

    Damn, there’s gonna be worldwide whackathons to Biel when this flick comes out(hehe gay joke).

  • 2. krazie835 replies at 29th March 2007, 5:33 pm :

    This movie looks stupid like most of Sandlers comedic films. It also makes me wonder if he will actually make an attempt to stop doing films like this for a while and concentrate at becomming a serious actor.

  • 3. wolf replies at 29th March 2007, 5:41 pm :

    Movie looks shit but Biel looks smoking…WOW!

  • 4. Nick Paramonte replies at 29th March 2007, 5:42 pm :

    It looks humorous, if you haven’t seen Kevin James’ stand up on Comedy Central, it’s hilarious. Love the way Kevin James says “you’re a monster” at the end is pretty funny.

  • 5. Jay replies at 29th March 2007, 6:04 pm :

    I think it looks pretty funny. Cute and forgettable, but funny.
    I know I’m gonna see it.

    Jessica Biel is the hottest woman alive.
    I can sit through Stealth just to see her blue bikini scene.

  • 6. Jay replies at 29th March 2007, 6:06 pm :

    Kevin James IS hilarious.

    He was the only good thing about Hitch.

  • 7. chris replies at 29th March 2007, 6:52 pm :

    i’m a gay man and i really don’t know what to think of this movie. i was kind of offended by it. it may turn out to be a good film but it tries to be funny and turns out to be very mean spirited. i will wait to see the final product before i give my final opinion.

  • 8. Prophecy replies at 29th March 2007, 7:56 pm :

    When I get asked who’s on my celeb hotty list I start with the 3 Jessica’s - Alba, Simpson and Biel…I expand out from there.

  • 9. Kristina replies at 29th March 2007, 7:57 pm :

    Gay bashing really is the last acceptable form of discrimination, no doubt ’bout it, Chris.

  • 10. CapnTightpants replies at 29th March 2007, 8:53 pm :

    I call remake!!!
    It’s a remake of an Australian film called Strange Bedfellows with Paul “Crocodile Dundee” Hogan, and Micheal Caton. And it was released less than three years old!

  • 11. JeffGrey replies at 29th March 2007, 9:02 pm :

    Those are uh, those are yucky.

  • 12. Chris N replies at 29th March 2007, 9:37 pm :

    Remake is fine.

    Looks funny to me.

    Biel is smoking hot!

    Christian-bashing is acceptable in our world today as well.

  • 13. Chisox replies at 29th March 2007, 9:43 pm :

    Shit or not Adam Sandler comedies = $$$$$$$$$$$$

  • 14. Chisox replies at 29th March 2007, 9:47 pm :

    “Kevin James was the only good thing in Hitch”

    Jay COME ON! I think you just said that to invoke a reaction. The film

    has a hot piece of ass in Eva Mendes. Don’t you like women? Are you

    gay? Plus what about the lead actor. James was good but really…..

  • 15. Chisox replies at 29th March 2007, 9:50 pm :

    I just saw this girl in THE ILLUSIONIST. She is really hot in a down to earth way. If you haven’t seen THE ILLUSIONIST you must rent it. It’s probably the best film of 2006.

  • 16. Jay replies at 29th March 2007, 10:15 pm :


    Mendez was hot, but all in all I was a little let down by Hitch… and I normally really like Will Smith. I just thought that Kevin James stole every scene he was in.

    As to my sexuality…
    You’ll have to ask my wife and son for confirmation, but aside from that, didnt you notice my comment about Biel being the hottest woman alive in the post right above it?

  • 17. chris replies at 29th March 2007, 10:40 pm :

    “yea we’re totally fruits” lol looks funny….yes indeed jessica biel is the hottest white woman alive!!! straight FIRE!!

  • 18. Seymour Birthfield replies at 29th March 2007, 10:54 pm :

    The hottest white woman title in my opinion belongs to Mariah Carey.

    Hmmmmmmmmmmm yummy.

  • 19. chris replies at 29th March 2007, 11:19 pm :

    meh….biel is the total package and she’s fit….mariah aint that bad tho

  • 20. Kaneda979 replies at 30th March 2007, 5:08 am :

    Looks funny, but forgettable. I like Sandler and Kevin James. Although Sandler is sadly loosing his comical charm. But Biel in that trailer made my jaw drop.

    I love comedies where a girl thinks the dude shes hanging out with or becomes friends with is gay, so she’ll let him see her naked or near naked and do other things. It’s comedy and good eye candy for us guys to boot.

    I’m def checking this movie out, mostly for that smoking miss Biel. Woot! ;p

  • 21. Marco Shimomoto replies at 30th March 2007, 5:56 am :

    The idea of firefighters pretending to be gay is gold. I’m really looking forward to see this one.

  • 22. alfie replies at 31st March 2007, 1:09 am :

    too bad biel cannot act to save herself…..she can single handedly take down any film….she stinks up the illusionist far worse than holmes does batman yet she gets a pass purely because people want to fuck her..she is awful…..

    plus she is not even that hot..she has serious man face going on….

  • 23. John Campea replies at 31st March 2007, 7:04 am :

    Hey Alfie,

    I think you’re confussing being in bad movies with being a bad actor/actress. Jessica has always been 2 notches above servicable (not fantastic, but solid).

    And good grief, The Illusionist had 1004 problems. That was a horible ass suck of a movie period. Biel had very little to do with the giant shit lay that was that movie.

    As far as your personal preference for Biel’s looks go… ummmm… ooookkkkaaayyyyyyy…

  • 24. Jay replies at 31st March 2007, 4:11 pm :

    “not even that hot”

    You are dead to me…

    How on earth can you say that?!?
    Man face…?!? W T F!!!!!

    You are insane.
    It’s your opinion and you’re entitled to it, I guess, but that’s just nuts.

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