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First Simpsons Screening Review

By John Campea - March 28, 2007 - 18:50 America/Montreal

The Simpsons movie has long been something I have wanted to see. It was rumoured years ago that they were planning one, and then it seemed to bob in and out of the news for a long time until real work on it was done and the finally announced some solid plans.

Now unlike the trendy “Simpsons just isnt as funny as it used to be” sentiments going around, I love the Simpsons just as much as I did 5 years ago. To me its still as good. Its been a long ride, and I hope it never ends. I just hope the movie is good too.

Cinematical says:

And now we have our first test screening review. Apparently, The Simpsons Movie recently screened in Portland, Oregon (because series creator Matt Groening either went to college there or is a huge, overly-obsessive Blazers fan … or both) and — whaddya know — one of the people in attendance decided to write in and tell AICN all about it. According to said scooper, the film is far from done — with only about 30% of the animation in tip top shape. Though all the voice acting was complete, the score (provided by Danny, er, Hanz Zimmer???) was not. But is it good? Here’s a juicy quote for ya: “It’s funny, charming, exciting, familiar and is peppered with delightfully loving references to all our favorite events in the Simpsons family history (one in particular will have you whooping with joy in your seat if you’re a Simpsons fan).”

The largest problem this scooper had was that the film was too short, and that a lot of our favorite secondary characters were given very little screen time. He said he felt like he was watching back-to-back-to-back episodes, with the first giving us comedy, the second giving us plot and the third giving us an ending … which he calls “exciting, clever and extremely satisfying.” All in all it seems like a pretty positive review, coming from someone who says they’re a “pretty big” Simpsons fan. Keep in mind, the powers that be still have some time to whip this puppy into shape; The Simpsons Movie doesn’t arrive in theaters until July 27.

Now granted this scooper did see a first draft of the movie, and I am sure some of the reactions and criticisms are going to be considered before polishing this baby up for its midsummer release.

I think the secondary characters do have real value in this show, but I don’t mind that they gloss over some of them. Its likely that they just included a lot of them so they can say they were all in the movie, and I hope they don’t include them just for that purpose. I would sooner see them NOT in the movie than useless cameos.

The review was mostly positive, so I hope we start getting some more buzz around this film.


  1. shane razey says:

    I guess I will watch it when it is brooken into 3 separate episodes on Fox…. sigh.

  2. shane razey says:

    Hey I said “brooken” DOH!

  3. chris says:

    lol….i jusy wanna see my man moe and the homie duffman on the big screen…and lenny and carl….they’re not gay….lol

  4. Phil Gee says:

    This is the problem with pleasing everybody on a Simpsons movie. By now everybody has their favourite supporting character (out of the hundred or so there are) and if it doesn’t get proper screen time then they’ll be dissapointed. It’s like X-Men 3 but times ten.

    In any case, i’m sure they had loads of footage with the supporting cast but just cut it from the movie to streamline it and see how it plays. They’ll probably put some back in now.

  5. Viddy says:

    Sigh……I really loved The Simpsons in it’s early seasons. And I don’t care if it’s trendy, but really, they are not as funny as they were. My main gripe with the show is the complete nonsenical stupid humor. And well, the teaser just did nothing for me.

  6. Kendall says:

    Is it Hanz Zimmer or Danny Elfman scoring the film?

  7. Joey says:

    Hanz Zimmer is scoring it. Danny Elfman only does the theme song

  8. Alic says:

    I saw the same kind of screener, except I have the DVD in my house right now, waiting to be sent back to FOX SEARCHLIGHT INC.

    The Storyline is very simple, add a duff beer and itchy and scratchy and them you have a better show, I mean movie… Anyways… Like the report says, it’s FAR FROM DONE! Needs to be heavily edited and animated better before even being mentioned in the box-office!

    The Screener is partly in story-board mode! WTF!? I never saw this before! Even the Family Guy - Stewie movie was completely done when I got sent the screener! (”Untold Story” was going to be in theaters…)

    Anyways, now that I mention Family Guy, THE SIMPSONS movie is pretty much a wannabe Family Guy rip-off! I mean all Matt Groening did was take Seth McFarlane’s mad ideas and warp them in his brain!

    Well, I sure hope it gets better by the time it comes out into the theaters…

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