Death Race 2000 Remake News

As a rule I hate remakes..hate them. I will admit that some have been good but I find most unnecessary, difficult to watch and when they are bad I feel disgusted that they insulted the original. That being said, against my better judgment I have always been pumped for them to do a remake of Death Race 2000. The story today is that the film will be directed by W.S Anderson. We get the skinny from our friends over at joblo:

Anderson (a noted videogame enthusiast and slightly more gifted filmmaker than Uwe Boll) was attached to adapt a live-action version of the vampire-battling action games, but according to Dread Central he is no longer involved with the project. Instead he’ll apparently be focusing on the remake of DEATH RACE 2000, which has been slowly inching toward the starting line for years.

This news leaves me full of sorrow. With the exception of Soldier (which was enjoyable but not amazing) I have disliked all of Anderson’s films. Mortal Combat is probably one of biggest pieces of shit I have ever had the displeasure of seeing in a theater. I do not think this is good news at all; but I hope with all the hope that is left in my tender chest (which isn’t much) that he proves me wrong.

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  • 1. Jay replies at 28th March 2007, 10:09 am :

    I was actually kind of looking forward to Castlevania… oh well.

    Hopefully the Death Race remake wont suck too hard.
    In my opinion, Death Race 2000 is a movie that could be improved upon. Time will tell if Paul W Anderson is the man that can do the improving, but I am not against the idea of remaking that movie.

    Maybe Stallone will do a cameo.

  • 2. Jay replies at 28th March 2007, 10:11 am :

    “Paul W S Anderson”


  • 3. Pineapplehead replies at 28th March 2007, 10:13 am :

    Isn’t Death Race the one where they get points for running over people and Stallone tears past a hospital looking for nurses? I could be wrong.

  • 4. Liam replies at 28th March 2007, 10:13 am :

    I enjoyed the fight choreography in Mortal Kombat. otherwise you’re right… the acting sucked and the direction was weak.

    Alien v. Predator wasn’t much better either, if I m correct it was also Anderson who directed that Fiasco.

  • 5. Doug Nagy replies at 28th March 2007, 10:16 am :

    I hope that they get Stallone and Carradine again - why not

  • 6. shane razey replies at 28th March 2007, 10:37 am :

    I have this DVD. Me likey.

  • 7. Kaneda979 replies at 28th March 2007, 10:51 am :

    Never seen Death Race. Think I’m gonna see if I can rent it this weekend though.

    Huh, I didn’t know Anderson did Soiler, thats pretty cool. I thought he did great with Event Horizon also. Still one of my fav Sci-Fi horror films. Which is what made me think he was going to be great for Resident Evil. Boy was I wrong.

    But agreed, everything else he’s done pretty much sucks. AvP I felt was ok, but still pretty far off from what it should of been. So glad hes not doing AvP2.

    Kind of glad hes now not doing Castlevania also. I love that series. The newer ones have gotten so much better. I can kind of see him doing that movie, but then again, I’m really not sure.

    As far as if I think he’ll be good for Death Race, don’t know yet, but I will this weekend. >_Never seen Death Race. Think I’m gonna see if I can rent it this weekend though.

    Huh, I didn’t know Anderson did Soiler, thats pretty cool. I thought he did great with Event Horizon also. Still one of my fav Sci-Fi horror films. Which is what made me think he was going to be great for Resident Evil. Boy was I wrong.

    But agreed, everything else he’s done pretty much sucks. AvP I felt was ok, but still pretty far off from what it should of been. So glad hes not doing AvP2.

    Kind of glad hes now not doing Castlevania also. I love that series. The newer ones have gotten so much better. I can kind of see him doing that movie, but then again, I’m really not sure.

    As far as if I think he’ll be good for Death Race, don’t know yet, but I will this weekend. >_< But for the fans of Death Race, I prey that he does do a good job.

  • 8. Gordon Shumway replies at 28th March 2007, 11:07 am :

    Involve Stallone and you will have a film called ‘Machine Gun Joe Viterbo’. Id like to see that actually who cares if the character died. A death race 2000 remake would rock if it had the satirical content of the original but I can imagine an ultraviolent Fast and The Furious is what we will get.

    Mortal Kombat was a cheap Enter the Dragon rippoff but I enjoyed it as a kid and is probably still one of the best video game adaptations sadly.

  • 9. Viddy replies at 28th March 2007, 12:50 pm :

    I want Uwe Boll to direct Halo.

  • 10. shane razey replies at 28th March 2007, 1:01 pm :


    Wash your typing fingers with soap.

  • 11. Geoff replies at 28th March 2007, 2:22 pm :

    You know, I’ve never hated Anderson as much as the next fanboy, but I can’t help but think that this is a truly awful idea. If you’ve seen the original Death Race, you know that at heart this movie is a comedy. How can a film that features a hospital with a “Euthanasia Day” not be funny? Well, if Anderson directs it. Yes, Frankenstein’s car will probably look awesome, but the rest of the film will probably be a dry, uninspired mess.

    Unless he gets a writer from The Office to work on it. I’d settle for that. :)

  • 12. Marina replies at 28th March 2007, 3:17 pm :

    Agreed that Anderson isn’t exactly gold at the movies. HOWEVER, the fact that he jumped ship is the BEST news to come out of the Castlevania movie in months.

    Hope lives!

  • 13. Josh replies at 28th March 2007, 9:34 pm :

    Im not a fan of his directing either. Mortal Kombat wasnt too great. Event Horizon was boring. Soldier sucked. AVP took a giant piss on Alien, Aliens and the Predator films. And Resident Evil was garbage.

  • 14. Ash1138 replies at 30th March 2007, 1:18 am :

    The best thing Paul W. S. Anderson has ever done is star in that American Express commercial which completely rips on him as a director and I honestly think he doesn’t even realize it.

    Anderson sucks. People have already mentioned all the movies he’s screwed up. Fortunately, Death Race 2000 will always be there and I can satisfy my curiosity by watching that again. Meanwhile I can completely ignore this new film just like I did with the Carrie remake and the why-God-why remake of Psycho.

    Like someone else said, at least there is hope for Castlevania now.

    P.S. To Doug: Remakes don’t suck. The people who make them do. In general, remakes are usually of movies that were well done and well received in the past. Soulless corporate studios get the idea that proven hits equal sure fire money makers. To help maximize as much profit as possible they put as few resources as humanly possible into remaking the film. The problem these brainless retards fail to compute is that the reason the original film worked is because it was GOOD. There is nothing wrong with a remake, but there is everything wrong with untalented hacks making shitty ass films. Whenever you think a remake can’t be good just remember John Carpenter’s The Thing.

  • 15. Sodawax replies at 4th May 2007, 7:08 pm :

    Honestly, a director who could really pull this remake off would have to be Mike Judge, director of Idiocracy and Office Space. He would make the movie completely brilliant!

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