Body Double For Sly In Rambo 4?

News this morning from the almighty WEBMASTER at FILMJUNK that Sly Stallone is hiring a body double for the 4th installment of the Rambo franchise.

After some set photos of Sylvester Stallone from the upcoming Rambo 4 (now titled John Rambo) appeared online, it sparked a lot of debate about whether or not he was physically ready to play the part. He successfully bulked up for Rocky Balboa, and although the movie did little to hide his age, it was important for Rocky to look old and past his prime in that film. However, now there are reports that the 60 year old Stallone has decided to hire a 30 year old body double to tackle some of the more physically demanding scenes in John Rambo.

I am glad they are using a body double. Very seldom can you pick them out in the movie, and it is always a pleasure when they interview body doubles on daytime tv and in gossip magazines. I would love to get a list of the most famous go-to body doubles and see if we can get interviews for the site.

Body Doubles are the T & A of the movie industry. Body Double is a T & A movie from 1984.

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  • 1. Gordon Shumway replies at 30th March 2007, 9:55 am : Ive seen the picture and quite frankly I think that he is a stunt double for huge stunts rather than a close up body double. Stallone clearly has a phisique and doubling him with a 30 year old would be laughable and unneccessary. But a 60 year old actor, even one in his twenties, may need a double if the character has to leap off a helicopter or climb up a temple wall or whatever.

  • 2. gerard replies at 30th March 2007, 10:26 am :

    i would have to agree with gordon. i think it’s a stunt double and not a body double. this doesn’t ruin my excitement for my 80’s hero.

  • 3. Kristina replies at 31st March 2007, 11:25 am :

    I want to joke on him so bad about this, but I honestly cried in Rocky Balboa, so he gets a pass. FOR NOW!!!

  • 4. Ian replies at 2nd April 2007, 4:57 am :

    Sly with a body-double, I’m sure it’s what Gerard wrote, a stunt double. Why would he need a body-double, most of the action scenes would be film from a distance and he’s going to be clothed, isn’t he? The only reason they may need a body-double, would be if Sly has developed breasts bigger than my wife’s or he has rolls of fat dripping off his body. I figure, they going to expect Rambo to have aged since, Rambo Three, probably be set 20 years later. That makes sense, doesn’t it?

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