300 Accounts For 92% of Online Ticket Sales

I’m really not sure what this means in the grand scheme of things… but the number was so big I thought I’d post it up here for comment. The major online ticket sales company “Fandango” are reporting that for all online ticket sales for this upcoming weekend… 300 accounts for 92% of the sales. Here is the chart:

300 92%

Wild Hogs 2%

Zodiac 1%

The Ultimate Gift 1%

Bridge to Terabithia 1%

Now, my final guess for 300’s opening weekend was originally 60-70 million. I then changed it down to $50 million because it’s rated R. Did I make a big mistake lowering my guess to $50 million? We’ll see.

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  • 1. Jason replies at 8th March 2007, 5:09 pm :

    $64 million. I called it. You heard it here first.

  • 2. @spence replies at 8th March 2007, 5:18 pm :

    64.5 million……ha

    no i have no idea, im sure it will be more than 50 though….but hey ha never know, well i know for a fact that i will at least get $7.50 outta me…

  • 3. Adam Peterson replies at 8th March 2007, 5:27 pm :

    $45 mil

  • 4. alfie replies at 8th March 2007, 5:27 pm :

    40 million….that R rating is going to hurt it…..

  • 5. Lou_Sytsma(sit sma) replies at 8th March 2007, 5:29 pm :

    No you were too high still John. Most online sales are by geeks. THe 40 - 45 mill range sounds about right.

  • 6. Jason replies at 8th March 2007, 5:31 pm :

    Do not underestimate the power of good word-of-mouth, which this movie has drawn in spades. There have been some R movies, I am sure, that have outperformed industry expectations.

  • 7. shane razey replies at 8th March 2007, 5:36 pm :


  • 8. Jay replies at 8th March 2007, 5:39 pm :

    I say 40 to 45 also.

    I think it looks fantastic and it’s definily getting $16.00 bucks from me but… man, I just dont know if it’s gonna do 50+ in a weekend. I wish it would because that would almost guarantee Zach would get a lot more money for Watchmen.

  • 9. Viddy replies at 8th March 2007, 5:42 pm :

    I’m thinking 38 million. I hope I’m wrong.

  • 10. shane razey replies at 8th March 2007, 6:00 pm :

    Pinky to lower lip:

    One MILLLLLLLLION dollars

    (Evil laugh here.)

  • 11. alfie replies at 8th March 2007, 6:03 pm :

    very hard to gauge what that fandango news meansthough….it doesn’t really have anything opening against it….what else is opening..the ultimate gift?? …it has the weekend all to itself pretty much….and its RT rating has fallen big time….

  • 12. Jonesy replies at 8th March 2007, 6:12 pm :

    If this was PG-13 it wouldnt do as well. Some movies perform better as Rs than they do as PGs. People expect it too be gorey and violent the way the novel was. Miller is famous for his hot babe nudity too. If you dont have those things, then its not true to the source. That would kill it at the box office imo.

    I really get tired of this idea that PG-13 is always an advantage at the box office. It’s a myth.

  • 13. Spazmo replies at 8th March 2007, 6:19 pm :

    The only thing this year to beat 300 in box office sales will be Transformers…

    (hides and waits for Alfie to start throwing things)

  • 14. shane razey replies at 8th March 2007, 6:28 pm :

    I too am ducking the wraith of Alfie throwing arm.
    He is very sandy about Transformers.

  • 15. brian replies at 8th March 2007, 6:30 pm :

    65 mil!!!

    I have the faith :P

    John, when are you going to see this masterpiece?


  • 16. Sean replies at 8th March 2007, 6:56 pm :

    You may be setting yourself up for dissapointment. This has a cool look, but that is not enough to carry a film. Sin City was great because it had great stories and characters to carry it once the novelty of the style wore off. This does not look like it will have that element.

  • 17. scoville replies at 8th March 2007, 7:04 pm :

    Anyone notice how the RottenTomatoes rating just dropped from 100% down to 62%?

  • 18. darren j seeley replies at 8th March 2007, 7:06 pm :

    65 mil and one penny.


  • 19. Jonesy replies at 8th March 2007, 7:14 pm :

    Yeah, the reviews are kinda mixed. I think this could have been HUGE with real good reviews, but that will hurt it. I know I was planning on seeing it, but because of some reviews Ive read, now Im not sure.

  • 20. Jay replies at 8th March 2007, 7:19 pm :


    it’s funny because it’s true… he he…

  • 21. alfie replies at 8th March 2007, 7:20 pm :

    You guys seriously think 300 will be that big??? This does not have a wide appeal as you think…..It will make coin but i just don’t see it having the mass appeal to be a gigantic film…

  • 22. Rory Dunn replies at 8th March 2007, 7:24 pm :

    I think this will be the number one grossing non-summer movie this year, but I don’t think this could do 70 million. That would be the same as ice age 2’s opening weekend from last year. I personally want this movie to do numbers just short of spider-man because of what it would mean for future movies.

  • 23. shane razey replies at 8th March 2007, 7:34 pm :

    So very sandy…..Hard to tinkle with it that bad

  • 24. Jay replies at 8th March 2007, 7:57 pm :

    “Doc. Why does it burn when I urinate?”

    “I dont know. Let me take a look…
    JESUS CHRIST, SON! How’d ya get so much sand in your pee-hole?”

    “…(mumble) …transformers… (mumble)…”

    Remember lads, if you shake it more than twice, you’re playing with it.

  • 25. Prophecy replies at 8th March 2007, 8:02 pm :

    76 million!

  • 26. mike replies at 8th March 2007, 8:03 pm :

    Alfie, if 300 on opening day breaks 60mil, will u fuck a Durian!

  • 27. alfie replies at 8th March 2007, 8:04 pm :

    what this would mean for the future of films???

    jesus…..that terrifies me……

  • 28. Tri-Lam replies at 8th March 2007, 8:10 pm :

    While I cannot wait to see this, I do not believe the film has wide emough appeal to do the kind of numbers we all are thinking. I hope I am wrong, because I’d like to see more films like this. I hope the thing is huge. But I also would not have a heart attack from shock it it wasn’t even #1 by a significant margin. Luckily, there isn’t much else in the theaters this weekend. I predict 36 million and hope I am wrong and the thing does 70.

    Ok, let the bashing begin.

  • 29. Koko replies at 8th March 2007, 8:21 pm :

    I’m gonna be the shocker here. I don’t think it is going to appeal to anyone other than internet/film geeks.

    30-35 Million for the weekend.

    Hope I’m wrong, cos I wanna see it succeed. I just don’t think it will.

  • 30. Koko replies at 8th March 2007, 8:27 pm :

    You can see it coming a mile away.

    Wild Hogs is gonna have another good weekend, coming in a close second to 300.

  • 31. 300 movie props replicas sideshow collectibles replies at 8th March 2007, 11:00 pm :

    55 million. why didn’t they open this on wednesday (march 7)?

  • 32. Chisox replies at 8th March 2007, 11:05 pm :

    40-45 million. The R rating kills it. Plus it’s getting mixed reviews. The fact that it’s college break might help it make 60 mill but I doubt it. Those kids will be wasted all break. I am definitely seeing this though. The marketing really sold it for me.

  • 33. alfie replies at 8th March 2007, 11:26 pm :

    i think koko has nailed it…..thre only place I see major interesrt is the internet…I don’t think it has that wide appeal……it certainly has no appeal to any girls I know…but whoknows..it could wind up kicking allkinds of BO ass and making a ton but I really think 40 mill absolute tops

  • 34. Koko replies at 9th March 2007, 12:36 am :

    When you compare this to a movie like Sin City (which only opened to $29 million). It doesn’t have much going in it’s favour.

    It has had simliar reviews, if not worse than Sin City’s. It is currently sitting on about 60% at rottentomatoes.

    Has no star power at all, whether as Sin City had a list of stars and could only muster up a $30 Mill opening.

    Granted I don’t live in America so I can’t comment on the marketing. From what I hear, it’s been great. So I guess that might the major contributer to it breaking anything close to $40m.

    There’s my 2 cents.

    Just let me say that I hope that I’m wrong, I’m gonna see this on opening night when it opens here in Oz.

    Peace out, have a good weekend.

  • 35. bigsampson replies at 9th March 2007, 2:29 am :



  • 36. will replies at 9th March 2007, 2:49 am :

    just got back from midnight showing. all screenings of the movie were sold out, it was a crazy place to be, and the movie was awesome. i think some people, including myself, are underestimating the hype behind this movie. i’d say a 50 mil opening is definatly possible

  • 37. matt replies at 9th March 2007, 4:40 am :

    I saw it. It was sold out.

    It was fucking awesome!

  • 38. Leeanne replies at 9th March 2007, 7:09 am :

    I’m going to see it on Sunday!! soooo excited!! It looks wild and the marketing has been substancial on this one.

  • 39. @spence replies at 9th March 2007, 8:34 am :

    Spazmo dude, SPIDERMAN 3 will probably beat both of these films combined in the box office, okay maybe not combined but it will beat them both, with out a doubt…..

  • 40. mike replies at 9th March 2007, 10:04 am :

    John, when will u get to see 300???

  • 41. John Campea replies at 9th March 2007, 10:05 am :

    John Already saw it :)

  • 42. mike replies at 9th March 2007, 10:15 am :

    Your review will be up soon??

  • 43. diskjokk replies at 9th March 2007, 10:37 am :

    Yeah John,

    Where’s the review man? :-)

    I can’t wait to see this movie. Sunday, I have a baby-sitter and everything. Can’t freakin wait to see this!

  • 44. diskjokk replies at 9th March 2007, 10:39 am :

    Ah, there it is… nevermind… thanks John.

  • 45. Norddeth replies at 9th March 2007, 10:43 am :

    I say 65 million, and I would put it higher than that but its rated R. Theres nothing new opening this weekend and any idiot who wants to see Wild Hogs has already seen it, which means this weekend is WIDE OPEN.

    65 million!!!


  • 46. Kristina replies at 9th March 2007, 12:32 pm :

    I’m going to hold at 50 million, although if it goes over that I’ll be the first to throw a party and eat my words. If Ghost Rider, Wild Hogs, and fucking NORBIT brought people out, imagine what this thing is gonna do!

  • 47. Prophecy replies at 11th March 2007, 4:05 pm :

    Not to toot my own horn, but I called 76 million and after the final tally is made tonight I think it will be damn close. Anyone want next weeks lotto numbers?

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